









Inspector “Koti”, Will Sunyani Be Peaceful?

Tue, 28 Jun 2011 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.

From: Stephen A.Quaye, Toronto-Canada.

Hello IGP Mr. Paul Tawiah Quaye,

Are you staying out from trouble? Are you sure you are working to stay out from trouble as the make or break delegates congress of the National Democratic Congress [NDC] come of at Sunyani in less than two weeks time.

No but we have to ask because he has remained quiet for some time now since the chieftaincy dispute erupted in the Ga state where forceful installation of chiefs took place.

You have remained quiet because that act has gone a long way to disgrace you as a son of the land and from the tribe where this act of disrespect to the law took place therefore has to remain quiet and stay out from any trouble.

Oh nice I can see you raising your commanding staff as well as banging your feet to indicate your readiness to ensure that the regional capital where the delegate congress would be held see peace before, during and after the event.

As the July 8-10 NDC congress approaches, many people have predicted doom or have been foreseeing that there would be confusion no matter who carry the day.

Osahene Boakye Djan has also come out to predict doom over the congress and therefore the need to tighten security no matter who win the presidential slot.

According to Osahene Boakye Djan, the Rawlingses could use brutal force to see to it that their candidate Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings defeats the incumbent president and lead her supporters to dance Kumbaya at Sunyani.

Whether this is true or false, no one can tell but we need not to downplay the intelligence of such a military strategist in matters of such nature and work the security strategies to ensure that all becomes peaceful before during and after the congress.

Even at a point where the event has not taken place, complaints coming from certain camps indicate that there are give and take attacks going on. Whiles Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings followers are claiming they are being attacked by followers of President Atta Mills, the incumbent president and also a contestant whose followers are complaining of being attacked.

As if I knew it, rumour doing the rounds has it that there is a hit list of suppose persons to be attacked as anti NDC especially from the media who will have the stuff in their stomachs shaken for them on that day when they turn up at the congress grounds.

All these are creating fear and panic as to what will seriously happen in Sunyani during the congress therefore making it rife for some of us to ask whether it will be safe to go to Sunyani for the congress come July 8-10.

Will it be safe to go to Sunyani? You have to tell us now because the total security of the country at any time lie solidly in your hands where no one can arrest riotous persons, charge them and put them before court for prosecution except the police.

Again will it be safe to go to Sunyani because last week you made it clear to a group of people who wanted to demonstrate in Accra that the officers and men were not many to ensure their total security so will they be many to provide total security in Sunyani this time?

Please do not be angry why we are asking you this questions because we need to know whether the tear gas your officers and men used on the teachers and the fisher men in Accra have finished and therefore need to be refilled for you to do your work at Sunyani should any riotous group emerge.

What about the bullet proof vests? Do you have enough? We will not ask about the batons because we know you are not going to use it on our women as it is said in a popular song,” Inspector Koti woaba no wodi bo dien? Enbaa no koaa”.

Inspector Koti, we have less than 14 days to go to Sunyani, we need to hear from you what plans you have to ensure that the event becomes successful and peaceful as envisaged so tell us something.

We need to know how many officers and men you will be dispatching to provide security at Sunyani, security strategy to ensure that all ends up successfully and peacefully, how much it will cost you to achieve this, any word of caution to would be riotous guys out there or something like that.

Osahene Boakye Djan has come out to predict doom for the NDC congress. Some persons have also come out to say that there is possible confusion which may break out at the congress. But in all these predictions how are the officers and men who see to our protection planning for such event? We need to know Sir.

Inspector KOTI, will Sunyani be peaceful?


Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.