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Is It A White Man’s World?

Sun, 10 Oct 2010 Source: The Emperor

I have always wondered how the White race came to be so dominant. According to some African historians, there was a time, when White people were living in cages. Civilization, as we now know it, was something unfamiliar and unknown to them. The Europeans, these historians say, were barbarians, who were living in primitive conditions. In order to fully support their claim, the land of Egypt is quoted as the birth place of civilization. Some western historians, in return, have come out to condemn this claim as false. According to them, a conducted research has indicated that civilization had its inception in ancient Babylon. Further, they argue that upon the arrival of the Europeans on the shores of Africa, we Africans were living in primitive conditions. Our ancestors, they say, were roaming ‘bout butt-naked with no sense of direction whatsoever.

Moreover, the civilization, which these Black historians claim emerged in Africa, was nowhere to be found. To me, personally, where civilization started is utterly irrelevant. For all I care, it could’ve started from the moon. Therefore, I wouldn’t put myself in the position to judge who got it right or wrong. What interests me the very most is this; how did the White race come to exercise such dominion over the dark race? Were they genetically engineered to be so or what? You see, I am a proud Ghanaian brother, who is very much in touch with his African roots. However, I cannot help but notice how Black people relate to White people. It seems that White people have such power over Black people. For instance; we are so under their influence that we follow them wherever they go.

Our country has all that we need to survive and more. Still, most of us trade its warmth and wealth for a life of existence in the White-man’s cold country. Sadly, to be met with discrimination at times. It’s also a fact that when it comes to manufactured commodities from the White-man’s country, we Ghanaians cannot help ourselves. We buy them in abundance to make the White-man and his economy strong to the detriment of our own. To most of us, anything made by the White-man is synonymous to quality, albeit untrue. When a White-man offers a Black-man a job to do, the Black-man would do it over and above the call of duty. However, when a Black-man offers another Black-man a job to do, the job would never get done in time or smoothly. Folks, it could be true that White people used to live in cages. It could also be true that civilization began in Egypt. The question is; when did we sell our civilization to the cage men to become what we have become today?

Today, in many of our Ghanaian households, a White-man is still worshiped as god. In some of our villages, they even crown them kings, when they come on a visit. Mind you, you would never see a White-man crown a Black-man in his country--not ever. In Ghana, a person who speaks and writes the English language well is called educated, even if he/she is an illiterate in his/her Ghanaian dialect. Also, how prevalent the White-man’s handiwork here in our Black country. The transport roads are packed with cars imported from the White-man’s country. Our houses are built using materials manufactured by the White-man. Folks, as Black people, what do we have to show to the world? Better yet, is it a White-man’s world in which we Black folks have no say? If so, then, what’s the purpose of us being here on Earth? If not so, then, who could explain the servitude and sad condition of our race? Please, let your voices be heard!

Welcome 2 the Dawn!


The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor