









Is Kwadwo Safo kantanka the star of Africa, the solution to post-harvest losses in Ghana?

ApostleKwadwoSafoKantanka Founder of Kristo Asafo Misssions, Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka

Wed, 30 Dec 2020 Source: kwaku Boateng Agyenim

In-depth research into God’s word indicates that: He (God) uses humans as vessels to redeem His nations who are in distress. God used Moses as a human vessel to redeem His nation, Israel from the tyrannic hands of the Pharaohs in Egypt. Likewise, David was also used to redeem them from the hands of the Philistines.

Today, the same God of old wants to use the Founder of Kristo Asafo Mission of Ghana (KAMOG), Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka to liberate and redeem Ghana and Africa through his technological inventions.

Successive government in this country pretend not to have seen the vision of this GREAT MAN OF GOD. Through his research to boost agriculture in the country, he has been able to manufacture two (2) products: “Herbal weedicide and pesticide.” The herbal weedicide has no adverse effect on the land when applied but boost the fertility of the land.

At the same time, it kills the weeds to make the clearing of the land easier for farming. Again, the herbal weedicide is not harmful to the farmer even when he mistakenly drinks some in the course of applying it, unlike the chemical weedicide that is harmful to the farmer.

The herbal pesticide assists the farmer to kill or eliminate various harmful pests and insects that destroy the crops. It also protect all harmless pests and insects and that can increase productivity. In this regard, I am asking, who is this man?

This industrious and GREAT MAN whom God has gifted to the nation is not perturbed that various governments have not come to his aid to collaborate with his research work to contribute to the development of this country, even though, they have witnessed his capability to change the fortunes of Ghana at his annual technological exhibition.

He also came out with another herbal medicine that can eliminate armyworms that destroyed maize farms across many African countries.

Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka is a widely known philanthropist, scientist, technologist, agriculturalist, industrialist and the same time a clergy, indeed, has made another scientific breakthrough again.

His research has found the antidote to post-harvest losses that make the Ghanaian farmer poorer when they harvest abundant food items grown during a good season. When food items like plantain, yam, cassava are in abundance, most of them are left to rot because of proper storage facilities.

Messrs Kwaku Adu and Akwasi Atwere, spoke persons for Apostle at his Agricultural Research Centre (Kàñtanka organic food] made this revelation on Kantanka Television (KTV) that: Plantain, yam and cocoyam would not go waste again because, it can be processed. (Cassava can be processed into gari).

Demonstrating the many food varieties that can be derived from plantain, yam and cocoyam, they indicated Apostle’s vision and assurance to Ghanaian farmers that all is not lost. This research would also add value to the said food items because the farmer would get more revenue from them.

Post-harvest losses and food waste are making it difficult to secure adequate food for the growing population of Ghanaians during the lean season. The high post-harvest losses and food waste are a major obstacle in achieving sustainable food supply chains. Insecurity is not about insufficient food production but post-harvest losses our governments have not been able to tackle.

In Ghana, high food losses are due to poor processing facilities and inaccessible roads to transport food to urban centres. This can be attributed to poor roads infrastructure couple with unavailability of financial markets. Technologies aimed at reducing harvest and post harvest losses exist, but they are not sufficient enough to boost the interest of the youth to venture into agriculture.

Therefore, Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka should be commended for his untiring efforts to reduce or eliminate post-harvest losses in Ghana through his research. In this regard, I am appealing to the Ministries of Agriculture, Trade and Industry, Ghana Export Promotion Council and all stakeholders who have the country at heart to collaborate with Apostle and give him the necessary assistance for the sake of mother Ghana.

Through this collaboration, the government can woo investors to assist his flagship policy of one district one factory (1D1F). The establishment of two or three factories to process and add value to our foodstuffs would indeed boost the country’s economy.

This is my humble prayer that the Government of Ghana will lead the crusade to cooperate and work in collaboration with Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka who has many things to give to Ghanaians and Africans as a whole. May the Almighty God bless and give him long life so that Ghana will be a great nation in Africa and the world as a whole. Bravo, Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka.

Columnist: kwaku Boateng Agyenim