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Is Martin Amidu still seeking to be relevant in Ghanaian politics?

Martin Amidu?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1 Former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 Source: Rockson Adofo

Honestly, the elders were right when they said, “an empty vessel makes most noise.” I wonder why Martin Amidu aka Citizen Vigilante, after failing in his post as the Special Prosecutor, is still talking as though, he served Ghana in an unqualified and unique manner worthy of praise.

He could not even prosecute a fly let alone, successfully prosecuting one corrupt government official. However, he is able to run his mouth, point accusing finger at the president as being corrupt, rigging election of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to the board of the Special Prosecution. What a case of the pot calling the kettle you are black!

Martin Amidu having disgraced himself by failure to live up to the expectation of his duties, and inability to realise his hidden agenda, had to shamefully resign from the post he accepted with much fanfare. He resigned in the heat of election 2020 campaign, amid making preposterous and malicious allegations against the president and the proposed Agyapa Gold Royalties Investment.

He sought to accuse the president and certain members on the board of Agyapa of corruption. He made it appear to the public as if money had already changed hands, thus, some people had stolen millions of Cedis or dollars from the Agyapa deal.

He had only prepared a risk assessment on the Agyapa deal which would have gone to parliament for deliberation and if accepted, for approval. However, he made the Ghanaian public understand that gargantuan corruption of the sort of embezzlement of public fund had taken place. Subsequently, he resigned, accusing the president of supporting corrupt practices.

Martin Amidu should forever bow down his head in shame for behaving so irresponsibly, uttering falsehoods against the president in attempts to mask his incompetence and mischievousness at his post.

What is a RISK ASSESSMENT? “Broadly speaking, a risk assessment is the combined effort of: identifying and analysing potential events that may negatively impact individuals, assets, and/or the environment; and making judgments "on the tolerability of the risk on the basis of a risk analysis" while considering influencing factors” – Wikipedia. Or, “A risk assessment is a systematic method of looking at work activities, considering what could go wrong, and deciding on suitable control measures. These control measures are designed to eliminate, reduce or minimize the risks of loss, damage or injury in the workplace”

The five steps to risk assessment are:

Step 1: Identify hazards, i.e. anything that may cause harm.

Step 2: Decide who may be harmed, and how.

Step 3: Assess the risks and take action.

Step 4: Make a record of the findings.

Step 5: Review the risk assessment.

I have quoted the above to prove to the Ghanaian public that risk assessment is carried out prior to the commencement of a project. This is exactly what Martin Amidu did before the Agyapa transaction could take off the ground.

Again, the transaction had not started since it would have been laid before parliament for deliberation and approval. Therefore, why did Martin Amidu make it appear to the public that corruption had already taken place with the country losing huge sums of money, as per the understanding of the majority of Ghanaians as explained to them by the partisan and malicious NDC hierarchy?

As said in my previous publications, I am privileged to read risk assessments very often and know when and how they are done. Without presenting risk assessments, a work permit will not be issued to you to start any work on an intended project.

Martin Amidu deliberately and maliciously made a mountain out of a molehill to deceive Ghanaians in justifying his calculated but ill-timed resignation. He had planned to inflict a major political blow on the president and the NPP which he did actually achieve to some extent.

This man has still the shameless audacity to talk, pointing accusing fingers at people who may be more honourable than himself.

The less said about this charlatan, much the better.

I once supported him and even campaigned for his appointment to the Office of the Special Prosecutor, not knowing he was like a whitewashed tomb, clean outside but full of rotten bones inside.

I will never ever take Martin Amidu seriously anymore. He does not walk his talk. He is not as honest as he deceptively made the Ghanaian public understand. He is harbouring a secret personal agenda but for his deception, he will never realise that agenda.

Who is Martin Amidu to continue to dictate to the president from his dungeon? He thinks he is so valuable, a typical NDC person as he is, to control the NPP and the president at all times?

Unfortunately, it is only in Ghana that criminals and saboteurs are allowed to direct the affairs of state with impunity.

Can this happen in President Paul Kagame’s Rwanda? Never!

Columnist: Rockson Adofo
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