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Is President Mahama Taking The Mickey Out of Ghanaians?

Fri, 8 Aug 2014 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Let me cry for my beloved country, Ghana. Let me weep for my compatriot Ghanaians. Let me mourn the death and the drastic sufferings of Ghanaians taking place under the very watch of President Mahama, alias “President Ede bii keke”.

The inexpressible sufferings Ghanaians are going through have come about for a number of reasons. Firstly, the President and his NDC government are incompetent. They are unable to promulgate polices on the misuse of public funds. They cannot come out with policies relevant to the economic emancipation of Ghana, by way of encouraging the fullest exploitation of our local resources, thus, inward generation of resources to meet our local needs to some reasonable extent. The President with his government is simply too myopic to have been accorded the mandate, amid dubiety of course, to govern Ghana.

Secondly, President Mahama, his government, and his NDC party gurus with some NDC sympathisers inclusive, are simply corrupt to the brim or to the core. They have devised, and continue to devise, means, to embezzle public funds. They have used fraudulent “judgment debt payments” to enrich themselves and their party. They colluded with the Ghanaian swindler of the 21st Century, Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome, to dupe Ghana of Ghc51.2 million. The Attorney General’s dilly dallying to not successfully and speedily prosecute Woyome, amid offering flimsy excuses for adjournments of the hearing of the case, tells it all.

Woyome in his own interview granted on air to news anchor-man, Chairman Kwami Sefa Kayi of Peace FM radio station, acknowledged that he had not signed any contract with the government to merit the payment of the GHc51.2 Million to him. Why has the Attorney General department until today not been successfully able to prosecute Woyome, secured his conviction, and retrieved the money with interest and damages-payment from him? It is all because Woyome was used as a frontman by NDC to swindle Ghana.

Are almost all the Municipal Chief Executives (MCEs) and the District Chief Executives (DCEs) not bloating the cost of contracts that they award? They do so in order to be paid kickbacks by those to whom they award the contracts.

Did then Deputy Information Minister Okudzeto Ablakwah, not come out boisterously, boldly, defending African Automobile Ltd in their vicious claim for some judgment debt payment? Ablakwah was all over the airwaves vociferously siding with, and defending, the African Automobile Ltd, in their suit brought against the state as filed on 31 January 2008. They filed a suit for a whopping US$1.6 billion from Ghana government (the State) in respect of some 87 Galloper II vehicles they claimed to have entered into contractual agreement with the government on 27 January 1997 to supply to the State, but which contract, was allegedly breached or denied in later years.

Ablakwah, not very much aware of the details of the contract or its existence or authenticity, went on air to vow that he would support the company any day any time to compel the government to cough out that money to the car company (African Automobile Ltd). The company’s claim failed in the end.

Why was Okudzeto Ablakwah fighting the corner of the company instead of the State? Had he a plan to get a kickback from the company if they had succeeded in swindling Ghana? This is how the NDC government since the late President Atta Mill’s days until today, have dubiously been fleecing Ghana hence the financial mess Ghana finds herself in today.

Thirdly, the institutional quest by the NDC since their formation, to kill businesses belonging to Akans, especially the Ashantis, for parochial interests only best known to them, has immensely contributed to the economic woes confronting Ghana today. This, coupled with the NDC- supervised practice of selective justice slantingly against some tribes, especially the Ashantis, has brought Ghana this far onto her knees, and into this frightening economic abyss.

With the glaringly displayed incompetence, corruption, mismanagement of the socio-political affairs of Ghana by President Mahama, as clueless as he is, his band of callous supporters still hope they can win 2016 elections on a silver platter. Instead of finding proper solutions to the problems confronting Ghana, they are seriously involved in criminal acts initiated by Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, to win election 2016.

Had it not been for the timely intervention of the Supreme Court, Afari Gyan would have registered newly qualified voters simply on production of NHIS card as proof of their national identity. Haba!

With the acceptance of the NHIS cards, the Electoral Commission would have aided many foreigners assisted by the NDC for various dubious reasons, to have procured Ghana voter’s card and would eventually have become Ghanaian nationals. Is that how cheap Ghanaian nationality is obtained; all for the sake of NDC fraudulently winning elections in the face of all these ongoing gargantuan financial mess Ghana finds herself in?

The IMF is a killer, yet a necessary resort, by President Mahama to address the economic problems facing Ghana today. Who caused the mess in the first place? It was caused by President Mahama himself, his Ministers and the NDC party. Their incompetence, thievery, and mismanagement, have plunged Ghana back into the DARK AGES.

President Mahama with his bunch of unrefined NDC supporters is taking a mickey out of Ghanaians, if they hope to win Election 2016 on a silver platter upon all the economic mess they have embedded Ghana in.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson