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J.A. Kufuor Needs To See A Doctor

Sat, 18 Oct 2008 Source: True Democrat

A cross-section of Ghanaians the True Democrat spoke to on Monday are of the firm belief that the President, J.A. Kufuor needs a psychiatric examination. This followed personal attacks on the NDC flag bearer, Prof. J.E.A. Mills at an NPP rally held at Madina last Sunday, 12 October, 2008. The respondents believe that Mr. Kufuor has a mental problem hence the need for his head to be examined by a certified psychiatrist.

According to those interviewed by our scouts, they were shocked at the President’s pronouncements claiming that the NDC leader is unfit to be President of the country. An aggregation of the views of those sampled indicated that President Kufuor is totally inhuman, primitive and uncultured in his pronouncement. As noted by Priscilla Amoabeng, a Marketing Executive “This is the man who claims to believe in reconciliation. This is the man who wants Ghanaians to believe that he is God-fearing but takes pride in defaming others?”

Priscilla told the scouts that President Kufuor has so divided this country to the extent that he could descend into the gutter to launch personal attacks on his political opponents. She expressed disgust at the silence of the so-called religious leaders who have been preaching the usage of decent language on political platforms. “They are quiet because it suits their agenda. Kufuor and his NPP are human while those outside the NPP are lifeless objects and deserve to be treated with scorn.”

Commenting on Kufuor’s attacks on Atta Mills, Ekow Rockson, a beer bar operator in Ashaiman said Kufuor is suffering from his evil deeds hence his problems with his speech and mental state of mind. According to Ekow, for a man who had over-indulged in occultism, sleeping with girls old enough to be his grandchildren what should people expect from him? He said Kufuor is mentally sick and no wonder he used the tax-payers money to buy gold medals for his own edification.

For Gustav Eshun, a hydrologist engineer, Kufuor is nothing more than a messenger of the devil. He has not only divided this country but institutionalized corruption. “This is a man who could not afford to buy petrol for his campaign vehicle in 2000 and whose son has become suddenly rich to afford a hotel worth millions of dollars. I strongly believe that it is the ill-gotten wealth which has dulled his senses and driving him mentally unstable.”

Gustav maintained that whether Kufuor and his NPP like it or not, Atta Mills will become the President of this country. He quoted 1 Peter 1:6-7 to buttress the sneer and jeer at the NDC leader and reminded us of the Biblical injunction: "You greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Gustav argued that what Atta Mills is going through is part of the cross he has to carry on his way to save Ghanaians from the vampires and rapacious and meless crooks, drug addicts, cocaine peddlers, heron inhalers and criminals. God, he revealed makes us to suffer all kinds of abuse and personal attacks and tribulations as is being done by Kufuor and his NPP to Atta Mills because through suffering the Great One above validates our faith.

Gustav deepened his assertion with a further quote from the Bible when drew the attention of the scouts to James 1:2-4:"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

As noted by our scouts, Gustav’s wife, Mercy Eshun would not be undone in their knowledge of the ‘Great Book’. Mrs Eshun quoted Matthew 10:21-24: “Our Lord warned, "Brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved. . . . A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master." A disciple is like his teacher and a slave like his master. Since Jesus suffered, all His disciples can expect to suffer also (cf. John 13:16).

From the views gathered from respondents, it is clear to our scouts that those who trust in the Good Lord expects Atta Mills to commit his adversaries and enemies to God for deliverance and not destruction. They contended that God is with him and that no matter the devilish intentions to see him dead, he is growing stronger and maturing like wine to assume the leadership of this country.

For those who called for the psychiatric examination of the head of the President, they insisted that Kufuor’s incoherence of thought, speech and endorsement of corrupt and immoral practices can only be critically evaluated after the psychiatric examination. According to them, Kufuor is suffering from his over-indulgence in occultism and that these evil practices are afflicting his mental balance.

The scouts also mentioned other respondents calling on our clergy, civil society organizations and all those who view certain pronouncements of former President Jerry Rawlings as being overboard to speak out. They also condemned Akufo Addo, the NPP flag bearer for endorsing these attacks on his main opponent while turning a blind eye. They referred to how Atta Mills’ directed his office to react to the statement that he (Akufo Addo) is not a lawyer. On the contrary, they noted the stone silence of Akufo Addo when his party executives attacked the persona of Atta Mills when the invidious character called Kufuor wanted to give him a state award.

Meanwhile, some stout defenders of Atta Mills have dropped hints of going for the jugular. They have served notice that they will spatter mud everywhere in a tit for tat game to respond to the personal attacks on their idol. They have threatened to reveal the names of girls and women the J.A. Kufuor has been sleeping with. They have hinted of revealing the name of the woman who was impregnated by the President, sent to the United States and the pregnancy aborted. They have vowed to mention the names of those involved in trying to issue a diplomatic passport to the woman. Stay tuned!

Columnist: True Democrat