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Johnson Asiedu Nketiah's Diabolical Intentions, Fears & Worries Exposed

Sat, 6 Apr 2013 Source: Adofo, Rockson

I call on all Ghanaians, irrespective of which side of the political divide you are, to be wary of the General Secretary of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, aka General Mosquito. As skeletal and sorry to say, ugly as he appears, he has a mouth many times larger than his body. He knows how to run his diarrheic mouth without ceasing.

Before I proceed any further, I must state without mincing words that it is about time we tamed the wild beast (Asiedu Nketiah) currently on the loose, roaring in the streets and the airwaves of Ghana seeking someone to devour. Ghanaians have needlessly allowed him unrestricted space, more than enough time, and near absolute power, to hold us in suspense. He has now in effect become the Lion King of the jungle called Ghana.

When he roars, every Ghanaian cowers. For how long shall we cringe in the face of his perpetual threatening behaviour? I think it is about time we exposed him revealing the foundations of his diabolical intentions. The fearless one from Kumawu/Asiampa will confront him to expose what a coward he is although, he has invariably big slimy mouth to insulate himself against any attack, be the missiles nuclear or conventional.

Not long ago, Mr. Asiedu Nketiah challenged the NPP to swear Nana Akufo Addo in as the President of Ghana if they felt he won election 2012 if indeed, they have hard balls dangling in-between their two legs. About two or three days ago, he has said, "No Court decision can remove President Mahama from office regardless..." It is upon this note, threatening as it sounds, that I have decided to place this write-up in the public domain.

Asiedu Nketiah is on record to have illegally acquired immense wealth since becoming the General Secretary of the NDC and especially, since the NDC came to power on 7 December 2008. His obvious circumstances of conflict of interest, sitting on Bui Dam Project as a Board member and at the same time producing cement blocks to sell to the project contractors at twice the ongoing price pales to nothing when compared to his other corrupt activities. He has a fleet of nearly two hundred tipper trucks, mansions and other dubious ways of increasing his wealth. Is there any wonder therefore that he wants to do everything to maintain his party in power even when the NDC rigs elections? He feels very vulnerable to have Nana Akufo Addo as President hence, the intensification of his threats and attacks on the NPP.

He is not only wishing to increase his wealth with John Mahama in power but also, he is scared of losing his wealth, being arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated for stealing; availing himself of the corrupt practices, the hallmark of the NDC, to acquire unprecedented wealth. For fear of falling from grace to grass with the eventual advent of Nana Akufo Addo to power, which will surely happen, he has intensified his resolve to go on the offensive.

I shall from today forward not sit down watching while Asiedu Nketia, alias "Koo Nkasee", hold noble Ghanaians to ransom. I shall have to deal with him as others including Brother Martin Amidu, Kennedy Agyapong and Rockson have dealt with Alfred Agbesi Woyome, compelling him do the runner.

I will advise as following:

1. No any sensible Ghanaian individual unless you are a "nutter" and belong in the NDC as a fanatic without brains, should support Johnson Asiedu Nketiah. The ulterior motive behind all that he is doing is to protect his ill-gotten wealth, selfish interest and insatiable quest for wealth acquired dubiously.

2. How do you personally or collectively benefit from Asiedu Nketiah's ill-gotten wealth, a question to all diehard supporters of the NDC?

3. Discerning Ghanaians will never countenance any irresponsible acts by Asiedu Nketiah and his ilk of depraved NDC sympathisers when the Supreme Court does in the end judge the case in favour of Nana Akufo Addo consequent upon submitted, and to-submit, evidences.

4. The serious and discerning Ghanaians will not sit down with arms folded around the chest while Asiedu Nketiah as bigoted as he is, shouts his voice hoarse, threatening the Supreme Court even before the hearing of the case and also daring the NPP to act in contrast to the wishes of the NDC if they were men

5. Anyone who feels what is good for the goose is not good for the gander as against the proverb or saying, "What is good for the goose is also good for the gander", can continue to mockingly put us to test . Whosoever does that will regret will curse the day he or she was born and the womb that conceived him or her?

6. Does Asiedu Nketiah think he is wiser than everyone else in Ghana? Do the rampant strikes by workers, public demonstrations, people being highly annoyed at the petroleum and utility price hikes and the current economic stagnation and political stalemate indicate anything to him?

7. Asiedu Nketiah must come back again. His loud mouth will not save him when the D-Day comes.

I shall volunteer to deal with Asiedu Nketiah as I have from time to time dealt wicked blows to Alfred Agbesi Woyome over his robbery of GHC51.2 Million from Ghana.

I am sorry I have to go as my eyes are too heavy with sleep. I can hardly open them. I may not make any sense should I continue to write about Asiedu Nketiah tonight and time that sleep is overtaking my senses. The little said about him if well disseminated, will yield fruits worthy of consumption and action worthy of emulation by all men and women of integrity.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson