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Ken Agyapong is a Pathetic fellow

Tue, 9 Oct 2012 Source: Agyemang, Chris

,trying to seek attention.

Truthfulness has never been counted among the political virtues,and lies have always been regarded as justifiable tools in political dealings.” --- Arendt Hannah,1906-1975

The story dubbed, “President Mahama is not Intelligent”, posted on October 5th, 2012 on the web, attributed to the most notorious politician in Ghana today, Kennedy Agyapong, MP for Assin North Constituency is very strange and amounts to calling a spade a spoon,not a spade. It is only one with mental derailment,would describe His Excellency President Mahama “…not intelligent, mediocre or useless”,why should you stoop that low,due to political expediency, burying your head like an ostrich,refusing to give credit where it deserves?

If we are to compare track record's,Ken Agyapong can never be likened to President Mahama.

In his desperate quest to attract attention to himself,he strategically picks on respectable men serving in the arms of government,crafts something and then speaks,without giving it a thought.

In return he gains attention.One can attest to the fact that,If Ken Agyapong's name Reflects on a news paper headline,its for one useless thing or the other.Unlike other members of the opposition,who's names maybe attached to playing key roles in their party or addressing important issues in relation to their party's agenda. Not forgetting his boastful attitude,which i find very childish,there are great men of our beloved country Ghana,who have never been involved in

active politics,who own an uncountable number of very expensive,luxurious properties,both home and abroad.And yet not for once would you find them being boastful over one thing or the other. Empty barrels they say make the most noise,Ken buys a cat,toothbrush,shoes,suit,the public must know how much he bought it.

Its laughable for an MP,given a mandate to speak,deliberate and liaise with Government,on behalf of his constituency,handles himself in the manner in which he does.

I believe his constituency for which he represents may have heard him talk about buying this and buying that,at expensive prices and when next they decide to vote,the choice is theirs.

I am sure until now,there maybe challenge's their facing as a constituency.

Chris Agyemang

Columnist: Agyemang, Chris