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Kufour: A Life Full Of Lies And Deceit

9.12.06 Kufuor

Wed, 23 Dec 2009 Source: The Royal Enoch

Former president Kufour would probably go down in history as a leader, who wanted to put our dear country back on the world stage again. The constructive efforts, which he undertook to repair Ghana's tarnished image cannot be overlooked. Moreover, the economic prosperity, which was realized during his tenure needs to be acknowledged. Indeed, Kufour's presidency would be considered by some as a great success. Especially by those, who profited enormously under his watch. Of course, there are those amongst us, who feel that his presidency was an absolute failure. According to the latter, the policies-which Kufour implemented were more corporate centered than human centered. Meaning, his government failed to strike the right balance between socialism and capitalism. Then again; who said that the NPP party was a socialist party?

As we all know or at least have been told-former president Kufour had his advanced education in England. Kufour is said to be an Oxford University BA degree holder in economics, philosophy and politics, who was subsequently confirmed in accordance with the Oxford traditions with a masters degree by the university in 1964. Kufour's political career aside, what interests me the very most is that; how did Kufour wind up a lawyer in Kumasi after his studies in Oxford University? I have conducted a thorough research, which indicates that former president Kufour was indeed a Private law practitioner in Kumasi between the period of 1965-69. As we all do know, before an individual could practice law-that particular individual would have to be a certified lawyer.

A certified lawyer simply means that first; one has successfully completed an education in a specific area of law with the right degree to back it up. Secondly, one has been called to the Lawyers Board and has been accepted likewise. Now, in the case of former president Kufour-there is not a single shred of evidence whatsoever, which indicates that he holds a degree in law, let alone be allowed to practice law. What I gathered from my research was that Busia introduced Kufour to his former supervisor at Oxford University, who assured him of a place to read law if he passed his bar exam. Kufour complied and successfully passed his bar exam in 1961. However, after a year of reading law, Kufuor decided his true interest lay in politics. He therefore switched to read philosophy, politics and economics, in which he graduated in a record two years.

What remains indisputably obvious is that former president Kufour was indeed practicing his law profession in Kumasi illegally. What has yet to come to light is; if whether or not the former president was using fraudulent academic titles to practice this law profession. If so- then we ought to conclude that Kufour was nothing more or less than an imposter. Better yet, an academic charlatan-a fraudster. Mind you, a person cannot hold a masters degree in economics, philosophy, politics and wind up practicing law without a degree. It just don't work like that. The question-which is now begging for an answer is; how did he get into that position of practicing law without being suspected of foul play? Did he lie or didn't he lie to acquire this position? Indeed, if he did lie-then what else could be considered true about former president Kufour? Also, why did the NPP party's hierarchy, who knew full well of Kufour's fraudulent past allow him to contest the presidential election of 2000 and 2004?

Columnist: The Royal Enoch