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Kufuor’s Ignominious Last Days!

Fri, 7 Nov 2008 Source: Biakoye, Nana

If John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor was thinking that he could use the name of the Lord in vain and get away with it, he must be waking up to the realization that “Thou shall not use the name of the Lord in vain”.

John Agyekum Kufuor flew to power on the wings of being a God fearing man and a man with a vision; Kufuor succeeded in painting a very pious picture of himself and hoodwinked lots of Ghanaians into believing that he was God sent.

“We need a man to save Mother Ghana, an honest man like J.A. Kufuor, a God fearing man and a man with a vision, to save our Motherland from oppression and suppression; to make Ghana, a happy home. Kufuor, J.A. Kufuor, Ghana ntsebo eee …”.

These were the lyrics of the saintly song that innocent young children sang in 2000, to paint a holy picture of John Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Agyekum Kufuor.

That was the extent to which Kufuor succeeded in using the name of the Lord in vain.

Indeed, it was the “saintly” picture of Kufuor, that made the likes of Mensah Otabil, Aboagye Mensah, Frimpong Manso, Palmer Buckle, and virtually the Christian Council of Ghana, jump onto the back of the elephant.

8 years down the line, it has become abundantly clear that Kufuor is the devil reincarnate and a very ravenous wolf in sheepskin.

Very early in his evil and wicked Nebuchadnezzar-like reign, Kufuor did not hide the fact that he believes in occultism and indeed, dabbles in it.

Tying his evil spiritual life to that of Eyadema, Kufuor has been consulting all kinds of mediums, dark powers, and evil spirits.

Indeed, it was Kufuor’s inordinate desire to become president, that led him to all the evil spirits and dark powers he has been consulting.

For a fact, sometime in 2004, a clip was shown of Kufuor and his spiritual master, Eyadema, slaughtering sheep and fowls in Togo; the blood of the innocent animals used to perform some rituals; and Kufuor and his master Eyadema, walking in the blood.

Indeed, when the 126 innocent Ghanaians lost their precious lives, a delegation from Togo rushed to Ghana to supposedly empathize with Ghana, when the real motive was to use the blood of the innocent Ghanaians for ritual purposes.

Indeed, there is ample evidence that points to the fact that Kufuor and his NPP were behind the murder of the over 40 women in the run up to the 2000 election.

Well, time has gone full cycle, and Kufuor’s hiding behind God to do evil, is now catching up with him.

All the misfortune that is befalling Kufuor and his moribund NPP government, is a result of God’s anger that is being unleashed on them.

Yes, it is God’s anger that is exposing all the evil deeds of Kufuor and his NPP government.

In recent times, it was the startling revelation that Kufuor has been hauled before the International Court of Arbitration for illegally getting himself involved in a business deal that has gone bust.

Kufuor was recently in the Hague for a supposed state visit but there is a school of thought that has it that the real reason for visiting the Hague, was to sort out his personal illegal business problems.

Before the Kuwaiti Oil deal could leave the scene, another scandalous story broke relating to Kufuor selling the only greenbelt in the capital, the Achimota Forest, to some cronies of his to build a shopping mall.

Listening to Asamoah Boateng, in a very brain dead manner, say that Kufuor is not selling the forest but is selling the wood lot, speaks volumes about a bunch of thieves and nation wreckers who have spun themselves out of control.

For goodness sake, what is the difference between a forest and wood lot?

Now, Kufuor is contending with the astonishing revelations falling from the lips of Nana Frema Busia.

Nana Frema Busia, daughter of Kofi Abrefa Busia, has made it public that Kufuor is not only corrupt, but is a thief who is an integral part of the cocaine trade in Ghana.

Indeed, Frema Busia has asked that Kufuor resign and for him to be stripped off all immunity.

What it means is that, Frema is asking that Kufuor be reduced to the level of Charles Taylor, for him to be tried, found guilty and jailed.

That is the extent to which Kufuor has brought shame and disgrace upon himself, the presidency, and Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana.

The likes of Kwesi Prat, long predicted that the last days of Kufuor and the NPP will be ignominious and that prediction is coming to pass.

John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor has brought shame and indignity upon himself and the nation and with NPP insiders like Frema Busia now giving us very salacious details about the, thieving, evil and corrupt ways of Kufuor, it is clear as daylight that Kufuor is going to end up as the most disgraceful Ghana has ever had, and will ever have.

Thank God December 7th is not far away so that Ghanaians will go to the polls and vote massively for Professor John Evans Mills to become President and for him to not only build a Better Ghana but more importantly, restore pride and dignity to the presidency and once again fly high the flag of Ghana.

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana