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Letter to Jesus about our politicians

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Wed, 5 Oct 2016 Source: Wisdom Bonuedi

Dear Lord Jesus,

I greet you in the highest name and the Heavenly name above the Earth. You are Lord of Lords. I thank you for the troubles in the land and those we are yet to experience. Thank you Lord Jesus. Your name is Lord. Your reign is endless. I thank you. I thank you for this inhabitable land- Ghana.

Today, I write to you again and seek your face and favour in the problems in our land.

I am writing to you today about our politicians. Our Politicians come and go. They drive around towns canvassing for our votes. They talk to us with the outmost kowtow, seeking for our thumb prints. They feed us with the fictitious truths. Their uncomfortable truths are forced down our throats. We listen and cheer them along. We take slaps when we speak our minds. They throw money at us and tickle our skins and laugh. We dance to their tunes and wear their emblems. Later, we walk on our dusty, muddy roads back to our tarpaulin and thatched roofed rooms as they drive or fly back to their houses. Yet we dance to their tunes. We look around for what to eat as they fetch theirs.

Our children are scattered in the community Schools as theirs are in the Schools across the ocean. They have instituted Headmasters in our Schools and feed them what to do with our children. Manners and etiquettes among children have become very expensive in our Schools. They are collapsing our Schools. Yes, they are…….

Lord Jesus, I know you see through, please carry over.

We dance to their tunes although we live in discomfort. Our bills are higher than the sky yet we dance. I wish we can all stop dancing and wearing their emblems and chanting their names.

It is that time of the season again and virtue is cheaply bargained for vice. Thugs and muscled men beat us when we disagree with their opinions. The rains and the sun whip us when we are cheering them at open places. We go home soaked as they drive away warm, but we hope they will turn things around. We hope they will tar our roads. We hope they will build our Schools. We hope they will check up themselves in our failing Hospitals. We have always hoped they will tell us the truth. But fortunately unfortunately, they don’t. The truth is very expensive. Our politicians have massaged the truths to suit their desire.

The quadrennial ritual that makes us queue under the scorching sun or rain is nearing and fast approaching. The beating has started. Innocent people have been murdered in their offices and homes. Others have committed suicides. Death threats have hit people’s inboxes and doorsteps. Yet we dance for them.

They promise us heaven but they will not allow us live in our hell, welled and bore-holed roads and rooms. Yet we dance.

Now they have targeted the Churches, Pastors and its inhabitants. They now use our Pastors against us. They pay our Pastors to use the pulpit to speak in their favour or against their opponents.

Lord Jesus, your reign is uncontestable. You reign forever. You are the installer of kings. You are the king of the land. I seek your face.

Our youth are stuck home looking for where the next meal is coming from. Our mothers cry and wail. Children are not left out of the discomfort. Yet we dance for them. They sing and we clap. We are cajoled to vote for them for better conditions. The situations have catapulted our rising generation to cut corners and get rich overnight.

We are plunge in the state where survivals has become for the fittest. The faster you are, the nearer you will be. The richer you are, the richer your generations will be. The poor has no voice here anymore. But they promise us they will change our lives for better. We anticipate witnessing their fulfilled promises but that materialize only when they expect our thumbprint. The discomfort they cause us is overwhelming.

Today, I write to you and plead with your high office to find us a leader who will build our Schools and Hospitals, a leader who will create the jobs our uprising youth have yearned for, that leader who will respect the less privileged and the destitute. We want you to help us with that leader who thinks of humanity than personal gains. We want a leader who will stand up for the truth even if it hurts. We seek your interventions, we seek you.

These and many other things we expect from you as we seek you in this election.

Wisdom Bonuedi

Email; [email protected]


Twitter; @WBonuedi

Columnist: Wisdom Bonuedi