









Losing Party In Power

Tue, 17 Apr 2012 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.

By: Stephen A. Quaye.

Talk about party politics in Ghana now and one thing will be certain. Mention the name of the political party in power now which is the National Democratic Congress [NDC] and you will be surprised with a kind of response people will give you.

People you will mention the party’s name to and the claims by the leaders that it has been performing far better than it expected will give you only one surprise which will be a chuckle.

That strange noise coming from the act of sucking the teeth is a clear indication that they do not agree that the party in power has been doing well as the NDC hawks have been spreading about. Or better still it will be telling you they have regretted ever voting for it to come to power and disappointing them. Oh yes if that is not the case then why do people make that noise and turn their back on you when talking about the party in power? There is no need to entertain fear for saying that really the government has performed abysmally in office thereby creating more hardships for the people therefore the need to change it for the better than create more catastrophes by retaining it for another four years.

It has become a common knowledge that many of the party’s die hard supporters who went deep into the so called no go areas to campaign and brought the party to power have given up on the tax professors bid to retain power for another four years.

Reports has it that some party supporters have even buried their party paraphernalia in the ground for the simple reason that they are angry they were not awarded for their near death campaign activities they undertook some years back. Others neither responds to party slogans or terms shouted to them pretending they were newly immigrants in the country who do not know anything about the country’s party politics. The rest, plain and simple but with much confidence deny ever voting for the party whiles it is known that they were firebrands of the party during the last campaign season. “Ei medie manto aba no ama womu o” to wit, sorry I never voted for that party. So the question here is who voted for that party to emerge the winner to serve almost all these four years in office?

Do not just say it is not happening. The rousing welcome given to the NPP presidential candidate, the testimonies given to him by residents in the constituencies all goes to confirm that it is really happening.

Market women, taxi drivers, farmers, chiefs, students, teachers, doctors, nurses and palm wine tappers have all been singing the same chorus everywhere the NPP presidential candidate goes,” Nana we did not vote for the NDC”. It is not just saying we did not vote for the NDC that will change things for the better. Rather putting it into action come December elections will really change things for the better.

How can a party in power be a winning party where its founder has been kicked out for voicing out wrong deeds going on and sending the party to ditch? How can a party in party be a winning party where national executives upon expressing their opinions about certain issues get a kick in their ass only for them to drag the party to court?

You say a party in power is a winning party where presidential staffers lead party goons holding cutlasses, craw bars , chisels, NKONTIBAA, chasing qualified voters from registration centre’s to deny them their mandate to cast their votes come December elections?

Maybe you are right for saying it is a winning party in power because when its hawks slaps women of dignity in other political parties other gangs own up to justify such assaults on women and the old man in castle never mind as he campaign in another region for women to vote for him.

But as for me, there is nothing to convince me that the party in power is a winning party therefore all must rise up and support it to retain power for the next four years; no I will give you that strange noise by sucking my teeth eh?

Nsteeee which party is winning party? It is a losing party in power simple. End.

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.