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Martin Amidu places Woyome in a Headlock

Sat, 23 Feb 2013 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Hon. Martin Amidu places Alfred Agbesi Woyome in a Headlock in the Supreme Court - "I Told you so", Woyome

To start with, I say, congratulations to Hon. Martin Amidu. He is not only a dedicated Ghanaian fighting official corruption but also, a hero and an adorable vigilante in the eyes of many Ghanaians. He shares the same intentions and objectives as in pursuant by Hon. Kennedy Agyapong and Rockson Adofo, that fearless "No nonsense" son of Kumawu/Asiampa in the Ashanti Region.

I have lately become infuriated at the deliberate dismal attitude by the State prosecutors intended to let Woyome off the hook. This is the reason for my recent copious writings to seeking help to tackle him. It is no wonder therefore that I am overjoyed to read and hear that Hon. Martin Amidu has given him a headlock in the Supreme Court. He cannot escape with the stolen money as I have been telling him all along. Now is the moment of reckoning. He has to give a fullest account of how he came to access that GHC51.2 million, who his accomplices were and how he disbursed the money among themselves.

He was recently bragging about the court vindicating him in the end. He asserted with certainty about him emerging victorious from the criminal suit as if he was legally entitled to the money he so fraudulent obtained from the State on pretence. As less intelligent as he is, and has always been, he could not see that his self-confessed claim of not having personally or otherwise signed a contract with the government was more than enough proof to find him guilty if and only if, the prosecutors would honestly prosecute him.

I am extremely happy that the conniving rogues selected to prosecute Woyome will soon bury their heads in their palms awash in shame. They thought all Ghanaians were as intellectually deficient as they are. They thought to be capable of fooling all Ghanaians by their unending flimsy excuses leading to the unnecessarily incessant adjournments of the case. By that methodical delay tactics, they had expected the presiding judge (Justice Ajet-Nassam) sitting on the case to eventually throw the case out for lack of evidence. This will have made Woyome win the case on technical grounds hence his recently found ego, raising his shoulders, sauntering around the streets and the corridors of power claiming he will soon be vindicated.

As I had said, only private prosecution as now instituted by Hon. Martin Amidu can remove the smiles from the face of Woyome, the Ghanaian swindler of the century. He is now in hot waters, wallowing and paddling his legs like a mermaid in search of an escape route from imminent danger. I told you so, Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

More grease to the elbows of Rt. Hon. Martin Amidu. I hope we shall all rally financial, moral, and spiritual support for him to prevail over Woyome and his Ghanaian version of the "Arabian Ali Baba and his forty thieves". We shall soon see all those NDC bigwigs that were behind the fraudulent deal that earned them GHC51.2 million through the crook going by the name, Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson