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May the good Lord deliver Ken Agyapong!

Kennedy Agyapong Fresh Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong

Sat, 8 Jul 2017 Source: Alhassan Bawah

A medical report is not required to confirm the unstable mental state of the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central in the Central Region of Ghana, thus, a certain Ken Agyepong.

Reasonable Ghanaians are yet to hear one single policy he championed for his constituents in particular and Ghanaians at large, since his entry into Parliament in 2004.

We don’t just enter politics to use the media attention directed at politicians to tell the world how rich we are. Reasonable people enter politics to use their God given capabilities and wealth to further the cause of the poor and vulnerable in society.

It is only people who need mental help, who will go about telling the whole world the value of their private cars, jets, beds, etc. Has the world ever heard of the type of cars Bill Gates drives, or the value of the bed he sleeps on? Not a single soul will ever hear this, and yet, Bill Gates’ donations to charity in a single year, far surpasses the entire wealth of this Ken Agyepong.

Talk of Jeff Bezos, worth US$75.6b; Warren Buffett, worth US$74.9b; Amancio Ortega, worth US$74.2b; Mark Zuckerberg, worth US$61.4b; Carlos Slim, worth US$58.1b; etc. The above are among the top 10 richest in the world, but other than donations to charitable causes, one will never hear of them.

When a real rich man gives a valuable thing to someone with the right hand, the left hand is not made aware. They finance the major political parties as well in their respective countries, but they see it as a duty/service, and not an investment like Ken Agyepong, who expects all state contracts to be awarded him after claiming to have financed a political party to win elections.

This is the difference between the rich, and the so-called rich! It is good that Ken Agyepong has made it clear that he hasn’t won a single contract since the NPP came to power on 7th January 2017. This goes to buttress President Nana Akuffo-Addo’s stand that, contracts will only be awarded based on the provisions of the relevant laws governing that area, and not dependent on one’s political affiliation.

Kudos, Mr. President!! Contracts are advertised, and bids are submitted. If a bidder meets all the requirements as stipulated in the advert and other legal criteria, be they NDC, Nigerians, Europeans, Asians, and what have you, they win the contract in question.

It is clear that, Ken Agyepong has failed to meet the requirements of a single contract advertised, since 7th January 2017. If Ken Agyepong honestly believes that he won some contracts per the provisions of the relevant laws, but was overlooked because of his noise on his radio stations, then what stops him from going to court to enforce the law?

It ought to be pointed out again that, it is not only funding that wins a political party, power. If this was the situation, then Mahama with his looted state funds, should have won the 7th December, 2016 polls, hands down! A good message should accompany the funding.

What good message has ever come from Ken Agyepong regarding proposing solutions geared towards solving the mirage of problems facing Ghana? Absolutely none!! I stand to be corrected. His attendance in Parliament is one of the worst in the entire history of the 4th Republic, if not since the 1st Republic.

If Ken Agyepong doesn’t know, then let it be made clear to him that, the real financiers of political parties, are the deprived people in the villages, who sacrifice one Ghana cedi a week or a month through deductions via their mobile number accounts.

These are people who probably have never held GHS 1,000 in their entire lives, and may never own GHS 1,000 till they leave this world, but despite this abject poverty, they sacrifice their one, one Ghana cedis for a cause, and to put a final nail to the no sense ranting of Ken Agyepong, they expect absolutely nothing in return when the political party they support wins power.

These are the real financiers! They are just happy to see their presidential candidate, now President, running the country. They are neither greedy nor selfish!

The NPP should in the future refuse to accept any contribution from characters like Ken Agyepong. He is akin to an individual who sleeps with the opposite sex, and comes out in public to talk about the performance of the partner in bed.

I sleep on a ‘zana mat’; use a log of wood as my pillow; I don’t even own a bicycle; am lucky to eat twice a day; and go to the bush to ease myself. Despite all these, I don’t see myself to be poor in anyway, because the so-called rich men do not feed me and my family.

Sleeping on a million dollar bed, driving around in a Rolls Royce, and those extravagant type of sinful lifestyle, will not take one to heaven! Which of the Prophets (barring King Solomon) that graced this world, even owned the flock of sheep they shepherd? Riches is not everything my brethren!! The pink sheets are there for anyone who cares to know about how the NPP won the 7th December 2016 polls that brought Nana Akuffo-Addo to power.

Ghanaians don’t need unsubstantiated sermons from anybody in this respect. I expected someone to have poisoned themselves and died by now, if they had any self-dignity left in them, because Ibrahim Mahama is still not jailed, not even an on-going criminal case against him, or a criminal charge against him being contemplated. I have some DDT to give you freely, Ken Agyepong, so what are you waiting for? I hope Ken Agyepong has eyes and ears!

Columnist: Alhassan Bawah