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Meet Sis Mercy the beautiful Catholic nun taking on Bono tourism sites

SR Afia Catholic nun, Sis Mercy

Wed, 17 Nov 2021 Source: Charles Yeboah

It's always said that there's a silver lining in every hovering clouds. And necessity gives birth to invention.

These above timeless aphorisms will come to reality in Bonoman contemporary times as all humans are eased from restrictions occasioned by the Coronavirus.

Now, vaccines are approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to inoculate people against the lethal virus, land, sea and air borders are opened for entry and exits.

Nana Afia, a Bono native in the diaspora, serving as a Catholic nun and a Midwife in Indonesia flew back to her native home, Techiman Nsuta not long ago.

What she missed most whiles outside the shores of Ghana were the many tourist sites that were therapeutic in nature to all attendants.

Nana Afia called for the Tourism Brochure which enlisted all the many must-visit Bono sites on it.

She was to choose one place at a time and trek to, but that became a nightmare and a daunting task.

First, Nana Afia wanted to trace back the path of history, and Hani Archeological Site that for centuries past was an entrepĂ´t of the Bonoland, frequented by all Africans before the emergence of the white traders, will be her first point of call.

From there (Hani), she will pilgrim to the prophetess Maame Sarah prayer camp at Goka and immerse herself in the God's spirit for the journey ahead.

The next step will be to the Abanpredease Palace to pay homage to the Chiefs and people of Bonoman, and for their blessing.

Exhausted by such many travels, Nana Afia or Sister Mercy Ameyaa of Sisters of Jesus Mary Joseph (SJMJ) order will direct her course to Buoyem, where there's a twin fountain of waterfalls.

In its clean pool she'll swim and wash clean so she can meet the Krontihene of Buoyem, Nana Ampomah Frimpong II, so she'll be fete by the forest sacred bats, a rite of delicacy.

This was to have been the itinerary of the veiled holy sister for the day, at least on paper.

But as she planned and kept on adding the lists, planning to encapsulate other sites such as: Bui Dam, Duasidan Monkey Sanctuary, Asuo Goka Sacred Fishes, Asuokor Adwoa River God, Bonomanso Slave Market, Kintampo Waterfalls, and the whole lists, night fell, and she was stuck in her seat. No move.

It'd become a fantasy thus.

Sleep came over her, and in her sleep, she had a dream that answered her tourism nightmares.

In the dream, the nun Nana Afia saw herself employed by the Facebook owner Mark Zuckerburg. The young American billionaire assigning her to design and graphically present all the Bono Tourist Sites on a new platform the social media giant mogul is creating, called, Metaverse.

When perfectly done, Nana Afia will add Bonoman tourist sites to the virtual global market.

With that, any person who find himself or herself in the same dilemma as hers wouldn't toil anymore. Just in one's comfort room, behind a computer or a smart mobile phone, there's more possibilities to access the Bono tourist sites with ease and details.

Sweet dreams they say don't last all night. Nana Afia got a rude awakening when her phone buzzed by a friendly caller.

It was her technologically savvy bosom friend, Kwasi Nimade, who as in the case of "great minds think alike", thought of a same plan.

The two shared their dreams of joining the virtual world on Meta (Facebook).

And as first in all things, Bonoman tourist sites will become the first Ghanaian ethnic group to have a representation on the new digital world upon completion.

Within hours of its launching, the virtual Bono tourism sites will be jammed with traffic and one will need sophisticated gadgets to be ahead surfing.

More traffic means more revenues. And the monies accrued would be ploughed back into developing the Bono tourist sites to the adoration of the world.

Seeing the hidden beautiful sites of the Bonoland revealed, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) stands adopting all the Bono tourism sites as a protected heritage from any future endangering.

This is the beautiful dream held by the saintly Sr. Mercy Ameyaa (SJMJ) affectionately called Nana Afia for her Bonoland.

To be of use towards realising this big dream for Bonoman, reach out to the writer and leave a lasting footprint in the sands of Bono history.

Long live Bonoman !!!

Columnist: Charles Yeboah