









Men Of God In Handcuffs?

Sun, 4 Sep 2011 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.

From: Stephen A.Quaye,Toronto-Canada.

In this contemporary world where disasters are happening every day it will not be out of place to say that they are serving as a wake up call on everybody to seek the Holy Spirit which is our savior.

Seeking the Holy Spirit which is the savior, many people have been rushing to so many places described as the only place where one can encounter the real spirit but in the end meet nothing but either got abused by so called men of God or duped by these self acclaimed ministers of God.

But the true story is this, whiles some self acclaimed ministers of God with big titles conferred on themselves keep falling from grace to grass as their evil deeds are exposed every now and then, the true ministers of God who do not make noise of what God has blessed them with continue to pray for the country Ghana, counsel and lead members to live a pure Christian life and seek the good of all.

In recent times, not a single day passes without a newspaper report exposing wrong doings involving a pastor, reverend minister, apostle, father, bishop, archbishop, founder and overseer of a church caught in all sort of criminal acts and put before the law court to answer charges as some of them go to jail.

This trend is a big disgrace to the Christian fraternity which needs to be tackled before every Ghanaian in Ghana is branded as a criminal. How can any body just wake up and pick a cloak and put it on to tell every one that he is a minister of God with a big adopted title against his name and no one can question his background?

Do we have titles and accreditation board in Ghana? I do not think so because if we do this kind of nonsense where everybody wakes up and pick a title for himself and bandy around claiming to be having solutions to all sorts of problems people are facing only to be found out later that they were false will not have gone to this extent in a first place.

It is funny to observe the emergence of certain people in the country where no one knows where they got their training from are now describing themselves as prophets, seer, archbishops who are cre ating a lot of confusion in the country by giving false prophesies to people.

Can you imagine, a crook minister of God who does not have any medical training school background telling a patient, the sickness she was suffering from was HIV/AIDS whiles the medical term on his folder had nothing of that sort as the cause of her sickness?

Could you imagine the trouble he might have caused this innocent woman and her family?

Can you imagine this same crook minister of God who goes on air claiming to be performing wonders in attempt to prevent the broadcasting of his bonking tape storm a radio station with dangerous tools to kill and destroy properties?

The assault on the fine journalist based in Tema who in discharge of his duties visited this bishop’s branch not giving credence to the fact that the so called bishop have so many things hiding that he feared would be exposed? But do you put all the blame on these unscrupulous ministers of God? No as over seventy percent of the blame must be laid at the foot of the people who rush to these guys in seeking solution to their problems.

Everyone these days want to see miracles in his life, especially in his marriage, education, work place, business, get visa to U.S.A, CANADA, EUROPE and many other places therefore have to rush to these guys to work it for them.

Here they get the upper hand to make unnecessary requests for one to satisfy such as accepting a spiritual bath, spiritual affair with the so called prophet or seer as we have been hearing about these days causing a whole lot of crap in the Christian fraternity.

The media also is partly to be blamed because of the way they allow all these unscrupulous people to capture their airwaves every night to proclaim falsehood to the listening public in attempt to draw them to their side where solving their problems turned out to be duping them or worsening their problems.

It is unfortunate to observe the destruction these prophets, archbishops, bishops, pastors, seers; founders and so on have been doing in our Ghanaian system without anybody being so courageous enough to stop them.

They cause unnecessary noise in the environment with their earth moving speakers, destroying sound marriages by bonking married women, causing doom for people instead of delivering them, extort money from people instead of encouraging them to work for it and summon evil spirits onto people instead of delivering them.

I look at these so called bishops and archbishops and laugh in my head as such cheats can never deceive me in anyway at all because I am a bishop on my own who knows how to pray for the holy spirit to answer my request therefore will never go to any of them to dupe me.

Look at the luxurious cars they drive, the expensive suits and shoes they wear, the expensive jewelry around their necks, wrists and the gold rings on their fingers with hundreds of stout body guides who follow them everywhere they go.

What do they do to live such a luxurious life without feeling for the poor? Of course, that fake Obinim, has made us aware through one of his transcript of a chat he had with the woman he bonked recorded on tape,” that is the business I do for a living”.

Ladies and gentlemen, Jesus Christ whom every Christian professed to be his follower never went round telling people whom he was. Rather he asked his disciples,” what do people say I am? And Simon Peter answered saying the Messiah.

Jesus then answered him saying,” this was not just an answer from you but the holy spirit because if the Holy Spirit is not with you could not have known this. Jesus asked this question because the disciples were following him but did not at that point still know who he was.

He was healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, preaching the word and saving sinners thereby drawing huge crowd to himself wherever he went. He never went telling people whom he was and for that matter they should come and follow him.

Rather his message of repentance and healing spread fast like a wild fire which made others to even asked, “Who is this man that even the devil, dead, deaf and dumb obeys him?

Is that what we are seeing about these prophets with big titles against their names? Does their preaching’s and deeds merit what Jesus set up as a pace for all to follow? Are we asking these self acclaimed ministers of God who have big ornamental cross hook to long shining chains around their neck what do people say about them or are their statements and deeds telling people whether they are truly God ordained ministers?

Fellow readers, the end time signs have not stopped appearing and even more worse than ever ones are yet to appear which means we have to seek the savior before that time comes.

But are you rushing to these wayside prophets to save you?

Follow the strict rules outlined in the bible, pray without ceasing and be committed to the service of the lord for the Holy Spirit to also dwell in you?

This is a one million question you have to answer but easy to do so now before it is not too late. Please wake up, go on your knees and pray for forgiveness of your sins, God’s direction in finding a holy spirit filled church to be part of now because time is fast thickening away and it will not wait for any man.

God bless you today, Amen.


Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.