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Mill Misplaces his campaign manisfesto.

Thu, 20 Jan 2011 Source: Acheamfour, Baah



BY: Baah Acheamfour.

It is announced to the general public that the President

John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills aka Enko yie has unfortunately misplaced his

campaign manifesto booklet which has resulted into a complete forgetfulness of

all the promises given to Ghanaians during his bid to becoming the president of

our dear nation, Ghana.

I therefore appeal to the public that anyone who knows the

where about of the said booklet should report to the office of the National

Department of Complaint (NDC) Headquarters, Accra for the following rewards;

Hampers, Khebab, Pampers, Cat and Corruption.

Ghanaians would bare me witness that if the President had

not lost this booklet, he might have done extremely different from what he

seems to have been doing. I said this because what ever the President does is

contrary to what he promised in 2008 during his campaign tour nationwide.

One stands the chance to ask how the President should

misplace such an important document and the possibility attached to it.

If it is not true as stated, rather the President has

intentionally deny faithful Ghanaians the prospect of having all that he

promised, then the prophetic statement that I made some time back in my

previous article has come to pass.

Readers would recall that in one of my articles entitled;

From a Better Ghana to a Bitter Ghana, I made some two categorical points which

most sympathizer of NDC antagonized me in that respect. Ironically, the

President has in his deeds provided enough evidence to substantiate that.

The first point was that the President always does the

opposite of what he says and that Ghanaians should not take him serious.

To cite a typical example was when he assured Ghanaians to

reduce fuel prices drastically when he assumes office as the President, in his

normal opposite style he increased the prices abnormally. As if that was not

enough to kill Ghanaians, he further increased taxes to make the case worse.

There are some other taxes that he criticized in 2008. In

his regime he thought it wise to take those taxes off from the petroleum products

and introduced it on other products. In conclusion, what has he achieved?

Robbing Peter to pay Paul?

In 2010 when the President paid a cutesy in

the three northern regions, before his tour he made this quoted statement “I am

not going there because I want to change Ministers, MCEs and DCEs in those

regions.” Again President Mills made it clear that he would not go by the

agitation of supporters to dismiss DCEs. Less than 48 hours after his return, he

announced the dismissal of a Regional Minister, an MCE and one DCE which is a

contrary to what said to the press.

With this, don’t you still believe that the President Prof.

Mills does the opposite of whatever he says?

I hate insults because is not my style, but is it intensely

clear that NDC as a party is full of irresponsible idlers. One stands the

chance to ague but the truth always remains the truth no matter how long it is

hidden, it will yield its prosperous fruit with no hindrance at an appropriate


I call them irresponsible base on the fact that they never

want to accept their mistakes. Imagine the President telling NPP to apologize

to Ghanaians because he Atta Mills has increased fuel prices. This is a clear

level of irresponsibility shown by the President. That takes me back to what Prof.

Far ones said that any man who refuses to takes responsibility of what he does

whether good or bad will never progress in life.

Instead of the President and his Ministers not forgetting

his Vice John Dramani Mahama (The only vice President with 15 children and 3

wives) to work harder and improve the economy they themselves have put into

shambles, they find it prudent to complain how poor the economy was under the

governance of NPP. Have they recently forgotten that John Mills and John Mahama

were brought to fix the broken economy as they deceived Ghanaian to believe in

2008? It is clear that now things have fallen apart for NDC.

The President termed this year as an action year. Ghanaians

thought the action would improve their dried pocket, reduce road tolls and fuel

prices and bring out some visible implementation as well as infrastructure as

they witnessed during the era of NPP. Their thought was far from target because,

the said action was meant to be sacking Ministers, MCEs and DCEs. That is all

there is to it.

If Ghanaians truthfully want to understand what that action

meant, they should read the opposite meaning of it.

I hold my fire for now and ask faithful Ghanaians to judge.

Columnist: Acheamfour, Baah