









Minority should spare us the ugly noises!

7th PARLIAMENT  24 Parliament of Ghana

Sun, 25 Jun 2017 Source: dailyguideafrica.com

Ever thought deeply about the words ‘noise’ and ‘sound’? The two words are taken to be synonymous, but there are important differences in meaning between the two, albeit subtly.

If you are singing, you may like the sound of your voice even if you have a discordant voice or sing out of tune. To you, the discordant tune could pass for the most harmonious tune in the world. You bask in that delusion until you attend a musical talent show like ‘Mentor’ where the judges point to you that the sound of your voice could not be any better than the croaking of a frog. Only there and then will you realize that you have all along been deluding yourself.

Noise is mostly used to mean unwelcome or unpleasant sounds. Noise is very relative. What sounds as noise to one, may sound very pleasant to another. But one thing is clear; the deaf cannot distinguish between the two. Whether pleasant sound or otherwise, the value is the same to the deaf.

Abusuapanin, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Minority is yet to adjust to the reality that their party is no longer in power. The various actions of the individual members and the group itself point to the fact that the group is indeed very desperate. Simply put, they are only making noise.

Yes, I do agree that one of the duties of the Minority is to keep the government on its toes. But, certainly, that does not include voicing out meaningless criticisms anytime the President or any member of his government coughs. Again, that does not mean the Minority should go shouting wolf where there is none.

The ugly noise from the Minority started during the vetting. I’m sure you remember the bribery prank they played on us during the vetting, don’t you? They planned to paint Boakye Agyarko and the Nana Addo government black but ended up exchanging verbal blows among themselves.

As I write, the only tune on the lips of the Minority is “$2.25 billion bond”. Indeed, our ears have been inundated with all manner of criticisms about the so-called negativity related to the issuance of the bond. Their strongest argument is the likelihood of a conflict of interest. But they become deaf and dumb when asked to show the conflict of interest in the transaction.

On the issue of the forty-three cars ordered by the Ogwanfunu government few days before leaving office, Clement Apaak and the other Minority members want us to believe the Kwaku Ananse story they are telling us. They say the cars were ordered at the behest of the incoming government. But two weeks and counting and they are yet to produce the evidence they promised us. Another case of cacophony of noises, isn’t it?

The manner Major Adam Mahama lost his life has no doubt irked many of my compatriots. The desperadoes that they are, the opposition Zu-za ignored the sensibilities of the deceased and politicized the soldier’s death. Shameless, isn’t it?

Talking about Mahama’s death brings to mind the so-called peaceful nature of the Ghanaian. Time and again, I hear my compatriots say we are a peace-loving people. That is true to an extent. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t have tolerated the likes of General Ntontom and the human bull.

But we are overplaying that card. Are my compatriots saying the Kenyans, the Ivorians and the others are not peace-loving? I don’t think so. Their countries were once as peaceful as ours. It only took the foolhardiness of some of their compatriots to plunge their countries into the abyss. That is why we should be wary of the noise-makers parading as legislators.

By now I’m sure you are aware that the much anticipated visit to the country by Floyd Mayweather has been called off. Could you believe that too has been politicized? One loud-mouthed MP from the Minority side was heard screaming that the trip was cancelled because the American Embassy in Ghana had advised that the security situation in the country was calamitous.

Well, the American Embassy has come out to clear the air. The Embassy said they gave no such advice to Mayweather. In other words, the so-called insecurity in the country is nothing but the imagination of the loud-mouthed legislator. To put it bluntly, the legislator had concocted a lie and was trumpeting the ugly noise to please his party folks.

Just as Yesu Kristo prayed on the cross for those who persecuted him, so I urge my compatriots to pray for the Minority because they have serious hearing impairment and cannot differentiate between pleasant sound and ugly noise. They are just a bunch of confused legislators who think making a lot of noise would amount to common sense. How I weep for the country that pays such noise-makers!

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!

Columnist: dailyguideafrica.com