









Montie FM and its verbal terrorists

S Alifu Alistair Tairo Nelson, Godwin Ako Gunn and Salifu Maase

Wed, 13 Jul 2016 Source: Dailyguideafrica

I decided to ignore the display of absurdity of this boy called Salifu Maase of Muntie FM but it seems the time is up for me to put him into the pit where he belongs.

Indeed, his infantile antics and histrionics have gone too far and as such treating him with contempt will be very dangerous because he could plunge the nation into chaos and thereafter run away to enjoy his booty. All well meaning Ghanaians should rise up and tell this half-baked journalist that enough is enough.

The guy is crying for recognition in the Ghanaian media landscape but sadly he is rather becoming notorious instead of doing the right thing to become popular.

I have been writing this column for the past seventeen years and surely I have enough recognition and visibility in relevant quarters and yet I do not blow my horns.

We need to call his bluff and if he uses any ‘patapaa’ language (obstreperous bully) and tactics we have to repose in the same manner. If this nonentity thinks he can have his way because he has the support of his paymasters who are in power, somebody must tell him to tarry small because he has bitten more than what he can chew.

I, your irrepressible Earth Angel Gabriel will go down the gutter with him and deal with him and with my mission accomplished, I will rise up and fly into the firmament, where angels dwell. In fact, when I am down there in the gutter with him, I will administer appropriate verbal punishment and teach this reckless guy that even though everybody has red saliva in his or her mouth we decide to spit out only the white one just because of peace.

I know some legalistic purists may interpret this proposal or strategy as a threat. If indeed it is, so be it. His masters should tell him to seek propriety, decency, protocol and decorum else we will also turn our guns on them (his paymasters) and when that starts to come I can bet with my last Kufour Cedi that they will regret planting such a crook on air to tarnish the good reputation of people who matter in this country.

This obviously mediocre opportunist and undisciplined upstart thinks he is the only person who has been awarded the license to insult and take people to the cleaners and nobody seems to call him to order.

The use of the most offensive language by such a nit-wit threatens to question his motives. People from the North are noted for their politeness and discipline but not this particular Salifu. The guy is simply uncultured and crude in his speech and manners. He continues to refer to Nana Akufo-Addo as a wee smoker and nobody does anything to him so he thinks the sky is his limit. That is wishful thinking. There are men in town if he doesn’t know.

As for Harry Zakour, I pity him a lot. How can you set up a private radio station with the sole objective of running down the standard flagbearer of the biggest opposition party and treat him like dirt. If the owner of this radio station thinks what he has asked the greenhorn to do is winning souls for John Mahama, he has hit a rock and surely boulders will be released and he will be crushed.

If Maase doesn’t know, somebody should tell him that what he is doing is making people have sympathy with Nana Addo Dankwa. Is Maase aware that more than five million Ghanaians voted for Nana during the last election? People are asking: What has Nana done to this boy? Has Salifu Maase ever seen the four beautiful daughters of Nana Akuffo Addo and their level of education?

Can he compare his father to Nana Addo? Are his parents aware of the tomfoolery their son is playing and the disgrace he is bringing to the whole family?

This boy sat before the console and on air told Ghanaians that Nana Akufo Addo will die in June. June has come and gone and Nana is still alive and kicking. If I were the one who wrote that John Mahama will die in June, by now I would have been in the BNI cells. That is why people are saying Salifu has the backing of the NDC and for that matter the president.

In the beginning, when this boy started his madness, I thought what he was doing was just a mere irritation of nuisance value but he has crossed the line and as such he must be whipped into line before he brings the country down. Anyway, has Salifu been listening to other presenters on other radio stations? Is he aware he is rather fooling himself into thinking that he is doing something good and that he too matters in the media landscape?

As a columnist, if a piece that I write becomes naturally receptive to society, I become happy because there is sweetness in good writings which amuses, as it hurts.

Sometimes I ruthlessly take on erring institutions and individuals because I believe curative medicines are often bitter. Mine is a critical harangue but surely not a verbal showmanship. In fact, there are times when those I chastise write to thank me for correcting them and even court for my friendship.

Those who try to take me on, do so based on my un-reprieved, acerbic observation and scrutiny of government policies and the conduct of public officials. If a verbal terrorist like Salifu Maase is not stopped by his paymasters, I will stop him in his tracks. And I am capable of doing so because the pen is mightier than the sword.

The madness in the stomach of Alistair Nelson

“Those judges who are trying to stoke the fire, I know where all of them live. I know where the judges live in Accra. I know their quarters. I mean the Supreme Court Judges” – Alistair Nelson

Listening to this ignoramus making the above mentioned statement, I wondered whether he knew what he was talking about and the implication for that matter. The modus operandi he is planning is similar to what Amedeka and Amartey Quaye used.

A day before the abduction and murder of the three High Court Judges and the retired military officer, Amartey Quaye, a Member of the PNDC and his cohorts went around Accra to locate the houses of their victims. On the D-Day, they were issued with a pass since Rawlings had issued a curfew order and people went to bed early. To disguise themselves, they decided to wear Northern smocks for the operation.

Because they had already located the houses of the poor judges and the retired military officer, they picked them one after the other, literally loaded them at the back of a jeep campaniola and drove them to the Bundase forest. Because it was a planned thing, they went along with a gallon of petrol.

Their victims were made to sit on blocks and they were shot at their backs mercilessly. After the criminal act, they poured the petrol on them and set their bodies on fire. Very unfortunately for them, a heavy rain fell that night and so the bodies could not burn into ashes as they intended in order to hide their act.

If today, Alistair is telling Ghanaians that he knows where the Supreme Court Judges live in Accra, it is his first step in the operation he intends to undertake. And listen to how the BNI defended the panelists who threatened the judges: “The BNI has said their investigation have shown that the two radio panelists who threatened the lives of the judges in the country are actually harmless”.

The statement from the BNI said the two do not have the capacity of unleashing mayhem on the judges, and that they made the claim “in a show of needless bravado.” Good Lord, are these BNI operatives well trained like their counterparts in the MOSSAD, FBI, KGB, MI6 etc? I don’t believe so and I know you, my cherish readers do not believe so either. After all, they are the same party boys serving their masters. I am looking forward to a new regime that will remake the BNI to suit international standard.

At forty years, Alistair Nelson was barely six years old when the judges were murdered and so he was born too late to experience the mood of the nation when the three High Court Judges and the retired military officer were brutally murdered at the Bundase forest.

The memory of that despicable murder is still fresh in our minds and Ghanaians have sworn never to allow that to happen again. The daughter of Justice Cecilia Koranteng Addo, one of the murdered judges is a grown up woman and I wonder what she may be feeling when Alistair made that barbaric statement.

This is a girl who was barely three months old when Amartey Quaye and his other murderers whisked her away from the lap of her mother and took away the mother to be killed in a forest.

I don’t know what Kwabena Agyapong, the suspended NPP General Secretary is feeling. His father Justice Agyapong was one of the murdered judges and as a result of hardship after the death of his father who was their bread winner, Kwabena had to sell doughnuts to survive.

If such a person is reminded of the sordid past the way Alistair did, I believe he will not have a good day. Alistair has scratched wounds and he will pay dearly for it.

The problem we have in this country is that the influx of hard drugs into this country has put the whole citizenry in a very dangerous situation. No sane person will say what this man has said knowing very well that even armed robbers could seize the opportunity to kill these Supreme Court judges and put the blame on him.

And did I hear the Deputy Minister of Interior, James Agalga assuring the judges that the government will provide them with adequate security? Habba! Where security means what? Has Mr. Agalga so soon forgotten the statement made by the former National Chairman of the NDC, Dr. Kwabena Adjei on judges?

If somebody tells you “there are many ways of killing a cat” providing security is not the answer. What if Alistair hire the maid or cook of the Supreme Court judges to poison their foods? And what if workers at the Supreme Court are bribed to insert poisonous needles in the seats of the judges at the court? We were in this country when a pick-up car crossed the way of the former Vice President of Ghana Mr. Ekow Nkensen Arkaah killing him in the process. Where is that pick-up and who was the driver of that pick-up?

If a police escort is sitting in the front seat of a Supreme Court Judge and a tipper truck, loaded with sand rams into the car, killing the judge, his driver and the policeman, where is the security? And did I hear that Asamoah Gyan the Ghana Black Stars captain has sued Maase Salifu? The Americans will say “You ain’t seen anything yet!!!”

Columnist: Dailyguideafrica