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More Grace To Rev. Eastwood Anaba And Familyâ??

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 Source: Kanyam, Daniel Akwasi

“My brethren (Rev Eastwood Anaba & Family) count it all joy when ye fall into divers’ temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience” James 1:2: 3.

This calamity and disturbing incidence comes as a shock to most people especially to the body of Christ. It is heartbreaking and worrying to the body of Christ because, Rev Eastwood Anaba is popularly noted for his tremendous contributions to the body of Christ. He is a man who has revived many souls, impacted destines, transformed lives and brought hope to the hopeless. Rev Anaba is really admired because he is one of the few men of God who have genuinely stayed in their calling.

There are times that, no matter the level of your faith and the strength of your trust for God your foundation can be shaken to the core by certain challenges and misfortunes. This incidence is one of such. Not only has Eastwood lost his precious and lovely daughters but also very dear people to his heart. To the extent that these other people were travelling with the Children tells how dear they are to him.

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose”. Romans 8; 28 “Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it?” Lamentation 3:37.

I know by now, some people are asking questions and trying to find reasons to this incidence. The truth is that as Christians and believers we have to understand that whether this incidence was orchestrated by the devil with the “permissible will of God” or is in line with God’s divine plan it is His council that shall ultimately stand. We must understand that God knows best.He knows the end of life from the beginning. While our daily judgments and future predictions are based on our present situation and past experiences with uncertaintities, God’s mind of the future is certain and accurate with no iota of deviation. Because we are limited by the knowledge of tomorrow we are always worried about God's immediate actions. God's immediate actions may seem threatening and worrying now but the end will justify the action and will truly speak for itself.

"As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God." - 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.

Papa, a new chapter of your life has been opened but new chapters call for renewed grace and strength. May the Good Lord give you the Grace and strength to endure this pain and triumph over all other challenges ahead.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends. We send our prayers to the love ones whose hearts are broken.


Daniel Akwasi Kanyam & Friends

Ohio University [email protected]

Columnist: Kanyam, Daniel Akwasi