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Moving CPP Forward – Pragmatisim or Idealism?

Tue, 27 Sep 2011 Source: Gyamerah, Michael

As I begin to highlight on these salient issues, I thank God for giving me courage to do so, as many people have run away from them for far too long. Now you, the reader of this article, should make a careful study of it and digest it very well. I have witnessed the unsightly nature of political leanings in Convention People’s Party; I have analyzed the comparative attitude of members of the party; what I know for certain is that many things ought to be put right.

Though the present as we see may look dark but it doesn’t also give force to the fact that tomorrow cannot be bright if things are properly handled in the party. We have heard on several levels from different quarters that the CPP today is a weak political force that cannot make any outright incursion in the political spheres of this nation. But I sincerely opt to take the position that the Convention People’s Party is the most probable political party that is likely to win the general election come 2012, considering its recent display of robustness on the Ghanaian political podium and the other genuine outlook which suggest that the current NDC government and the erstwhile NPP administration have done or did very little to bring economic relief to the masses of the people. That notwithstanding, there are other ‘relevant’ complex predicaments which I personally call ‘KOKODILOS’ that need to be tackled squarely to ensure its elimination or augmentation. This ‘Kokodilos’ subject is what we are going to dissect utterly on this platform.

One of the ‘kokodilos’ things which is gradually succeeding in hampering the sure progress on the seemingly smooth path of the Convention People’s Party is, the deliberate attempt by some few individuals to derail the progress of the party with their backward thinking. In fact, these individuals by nature are not interested in CPP winning power. Theirs is to maintain the status quo of dormancy and abate, just to satisfy their parochial whims and caprices. Primarily, the CPP today has in its set-up very dominant forces; prominent amongst them are two unparallel elements, one that is positive and the other being negative. I will not dwell much on the positives but rather, shift my attention to the negatives, since it forms part of my reason for putting up this short note.

The very quandary contributing to the current inertia status of the party stems from the fact some party folks who constitute the minority are peculiarly characterized by tendencies to use their antiquated theories to disrupt the guaranteed progress of the party. These people are by nature TALKERTIVES and thus, maintain their act of using the media and other platforms to pass their cheap talks, hoping that their talking will organize for them in the various constituencies. The fact is, they believe in theoretical, as opposed to functionalism. In modesty, these individuals are particularly fond of chanting all sorts of slogans and ideals which do not necessarily translate into votes. Most often, you hear them chant Nkrumaism, Sarcasm, Imperialism and all sorts of ‘SMS’, thinking that, that is going to resurrect the ghost of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to come and salvage the dwindling fortunes of the party.

We must stop talking and organize.

Organisation decides everything as Dr. Nkrumah said, but these people have deliberately refused to pay heed to that aspect and rather shifted the focus to idealism. These people apart from talking, have done very very little in their own backyard. They are nothing but people who do not practically work in the interest of the party. Their contributions to the statutory progress of the party have been very negligible, not even ideas. The acumen that best fits their description is a bunch of insignificant party members, whose actions and inactions tend to SUBTRACT and not to ADD. For me, I call them MINUSES. I will try to name and explain further in my subsequent write – up.

Again, looming over our heads as a party, is the attitude of persons who continuously parade themselves as CPP members, yet do nothing for the party. Such are the people who see everything wrong with the CPP, but never raise a finger or make any consequential proposition to support the party. The absurdity in the attitude of these individuals which will risible anyone is that they don’t even belong to any constituency, neither do they have party cards, pay dues nor make any significant contribution to help in the creation of a healthy political climate for the Conventiona People’s Party. Now, the question I ask is, so where at all do they get the voice and the moral right to question the actions and behavior of those who have been toiling to hold the party up? I’m in awe.

Another Canker: In my view, there is nothing more vicious and outrageous than monarchical syndrome of natural tenure, where some people consider themselves more important and more Nkrumaist than others, just by the mere fact that they were part of Nkrumah’s Young Pioneer, OR trace the historical association of their families with the CPP, OR have developed some wild ideas as a result of the little knowledge they have acquired from reading Nkrumah’s books. They determine who is more Nkrumaist or Socialist than the other, based on how wealthy one is. The unfortunate thing is, they consider the supposed ‘RICH’ people as ANTI-NKRUMAIST, yet, they themselves don’t want to be Poor. Funny - how paradoxical this may seem.

It is by this extension that they consider themselves prima donnas of the party. The only safe ‘success’ stories that can be attributed to these ‘KOKODILOUS’ people, has been and still remains the fact that they are good at fabricating injurious tactics that seeks to always subvert the progress of the party, as long as they are not the ones in charge or remain outside the leading frontiers. These people are used to the act of complaining. But they forget that if a person tends to complain rather than solve problems or resolve issues, they soon become an unattractive. We tend to avoid or reject such people. We are waiting to see what they do this time around too, now that……….

Another mishap which is gradually creeping into the ranks of the CPP is the situation where by some few people whose political persuasions are unclear, sit somewhere in a foreign land and make it appear as if they are more intelligent than those of us here. It is hard to figure out what exactly their interest is, but one thing that is becoming glaring is the fact that they supposedly want to use blurred schemes to direct the path of the party for their interest. These classes of people appear not to be prepared to make gross sacrifices to bring about change and differentiation in the old and the new CPP. They remain in their dogmatic outlays and want the majority of the party folks to play according their rhythm. That shan’t happen. We need to act collectively in the interest of the party and stop the agenda of our preconceived notions.

I prefer to leave it hear and continue later in my next article with the exact description, elaboration and emphasis.

The chronicle has just begun! Aluta Continua!!

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*Worried CPP Man*

*[email protected]* **


Columnist: Gyamerah, Michael