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My Brother Kwabena Agyapong, It'sTime To Go

Tue, 8 Sep 2015 Source: Appiah, Papa

There comes a time in the life of a man when he has to stand up, bow gracefully and tell the world, that while he has had nothing but good intentions, circumstances have made it impossible for him to do the job assigned to him and with a heavy heart, quit honorably. I'm afraid such a time has come for my brother Kwabena Agyapong. For he has found himself, through circumstances, perhaps beyond his control, deep in a war he cannot win.

Of course we know, that he was duly appointed to be the General Secretary of the NPP in Tamale, but I presume, that it was with the understanding that he would be working together with a leader who, to be fair, was voted into power by over ninety percent of delegates of the NPP. Within the NPP, therefore, Nana Addo's immense power is undeniable and anyone who find themselves incapable of working with him, however good the reasons they may have, has to simply walk away.

Kwabena Agyapong appears to be consumed by what may become of his "political future" but it is time to let him realize, that with everything going on in the party, his "political future" is as good as dead. And being a man of honor and principle, he should be the last to hang around in a job he cannot do to the highest standards he desires due to circumstances beyond his control.

There are two, and only two things that may happen if he continues to stubbornly hang on to his position. The NPP may brave the storm and win power in 2016, when they would sing songs of praise to the mighty Lord and offer libation to the gods for giving them the courage and wisdom to sideline the likes of Kwabena Agyapong who were bent on "sabotaging" Nana's campaign. He would be completely shunned and humiliated and life would never be the same for him again.

On the other hand, and as is more likely considering the current state of the party, Nana Addo may lose the 2016 election, when despite the fact that he's been sidelined, party faithful will waste no time in blaming the likes of him for working against Nana Addo, and hold them responsible for the defeat. Whichever way, Kwabena Agyapong would be the loser.

The only way to save that " political future" he so much craves, is for him to summon the courage, thank his party for the opportunity offered him and quietly walk away. Time is the best healer. A few tears down the line, in their moments of sober reflection, some party members will look back and realize they had been unfair to an innocent man, and as others have shown in the past, he could yet come back and win another election in some other capacity in the party in the future.

So if I were Kwabena Agyapong, I would call a press conference tomorrow and say;

"My fellow Ghanaians, I have been a member of the NPP for the greater part of my adult life. I walked the corridors when Prof Adu Boahen was the leader, I was around when Kuffuor became leader and served him to the best of my ability.

"I have known and worked for Nana Akuffo Addo for several years and always served in good heart and to the very best of my ability. My overriding desire, above all, has been to see the end of the suffering visited unto my people by an incompetent government, and to help Nana, who I see as the one man capable of saving my people, come into power.

"I deny any knowledge of or involvement in any agenda designed to scupper the chances of Nana in the 2016 elections. I have tried, with all the strength and energy I can summon, to help build a new NPP which is accountable and efficiently run and devoid of "powerful" internal factions. Because I see that as the only way to launch an effective campaign that can reach out to Ghanaians beyond the core party and to remove a badly failing government.

"Upon reflection, however, I realize my actions have been largely misunderstood and sometimes, deliberately misinterpreted to the point where the working relationship between myself and the rest of the party has so deteriorated, it is no longer possible for me to achieve the high personal objectives I set for myself.

"Under the circumstances, it is with a heavy heart that I offer my resignation as General Secretary of the NPP. And if my resignation should help the party take a single step towards uniting in a bid to unseat the incumbent, my sacrifice would not have been in vain.

"I bear no grudges to anyone and indeed promise, that should the party require my services in any capacity in the future, that I will be ready to assist in whatever way I can.

"God bless you all and I wish the NPP and Nana Akuffo Addo all the best in the coming elections"

......and just walk away, Kwabena.

Papa Appiah

[email protected]

Columnist: Appiah, Papa