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My advice to President Mahama on homosexuality

Mon, 21 Mar 2016 Source: Banda, Saeed Mohammed

Purpose minded and deep thinking president....................... I agree with president Mahama 100% on this one because Ghanaians as a whole have a "CULTURAL RIGHT" which is also part of the international human right just as the gay right. So when two international rights conflict with each other, the president as the leader and presentative of the people cannot make a decision that affects the general population which he (the president) has sworn to protect and defend, as well as the constitution of the Republic in all circumstances.

If the international community are really advocates of democracy as they claim, then I suggest they should rather advise Heads of States to conduct a referendum in their various countries on whether to accept or not to accept homosexuality in their societies.

Because real democracy is when the people themselves decide on an issue. But forcing presidents to impose something on their people which is against the will and wishes of the people who made them leaders is totally barbaric, undemocratic and hypocrisy. A win-win approach to accept or not to accept homosexuality is "REFERENDUM" AND NOT FORCING PRESIDENTS TO USE VETO POWER.'

thank you.


Saeed Mohammed Banda.

Master student

Cultural, social and public policy

University of Jyväskylä


Columnist: Banda, Saeed Mohammed