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NDC: Dubious Oil Dealings Exposed II

Thu, 14 Jan 2010 Source: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Right now Jerry John Rawlings the NDC founder and his hard- core faction members seem to have only one guiding principle. Everything that Attah Mills and his radical cronies do in the eyes of Jerry Rawlings and his faction members within the NDC is wrong. Even if the masses regard their policies as legitimate, they have not done anything especial but to steal the nation’s money through dubious Kosmos deals.

However, Rawlings should also realize that reactionary obstructionism isn’t a political vision, but it is rather myopic PR tactics. This will eventually have a negative impart on his NDC party in the 2012 general elections. The opposition members will have great weapons to fight back if Rawlings decides to deceive Ghanaians that his NDC needs a second term. By the same token Rawlings has no choice but to just come out and speak to his factions within the NDC, many of whom continue to believe that Attah Mills and his team B members are all criminals.

The NDC founder has also made it loud and clear to the entire nation that 2009 is an object lesson to Ghanaians on how Attah Mills and His Team B NDC administration managed our country was disastrous. Rawlings believes that instead of Mills and his cronies funding fruitful means to search for innovative ways to drive the nation’s economy, they are using the nation natural resources to enrich themselves at the expense of Ghanaians. The NDC members including their Attorney General are all criminals; they are irritating to cover up their $40 million dollar sale of the American oil company Kosmos deals with the Chinese state oil company. John Even Attah Mills is afraid of the NDC founder Jerry John Rawlings due to their dubious connections they have made in regard of this 40 million dollar oil deal from Kosmos with his criminal cronies Ato Ahwoi, Kwamena Ahwoi, Totobi Kwakye Arthur Amissah, from bank of Ghana, Don, and ambassador, Akyeanu. As the Bible says when Jesus spoke to His disciples in Mark 10:25 “ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” To compare and contrast in the eyes of Rawlings and his faction within the NDC now, it is easier for Attah Mills and his radical cronies to keep on stealing the nation’s money with their dubious Ghana oil fund deals than Attah Mills to be nominated as NDC presidential candidate for the 2012 NDC congress. The political infighting between Attah Mills and his Boss Jerry John Rawlings remains maddeningly complex. The situation is not healthy for the nation’s development. The question is why? Attah Mills is a very confused man. He doesn’t understand the essence of being a president; his first year anniversary press conference was disastrous.

Ghanaians are aware that it was fashionable during John Agyekum Kufuor administration for the NDC founder to be critical of the president but not his own party. If Jerry Rawlings can stage a coup today I promise you he will do so. Although Rawlings is furious at Mills, he does not disagree too much with his policies He is very upset about these Criminals Ato Ahwio, Kamena Ahwoi, Totobi Kwakye and Arthur Amissah currently at the bank of Ghana Don, at Attah Mills’s office, ambassador Akyean whom Rawlings is attacking. Now they think they know too much but according to Rawlings they haven’t accomplished anything being too visible to show for their efforts.

The NDC is divided into two factions; the Rawlings faction and the Attah Mills and his radical’s faction. Based on credible information the Rawlings faction currently controls the Volta, Greater Accra, and to many people surprise the Ashanti region. Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, Spio Garbrah and Betty Mould-Iddrisu orchestrated the Ashanti region, NDC election to elect their favorites who is the regional chairman due to the huge electrical college numbers in the region. This is big deal for Rawlings faction and some path of Brong Ahafo, two out of the three northern regions and half of the Eastern Regions. Attah Mills and his criminal radical cromies, whom Jerry Rawlings is now calling “Greedy bastards” including Attah Mills’s main man Ofosu Ampofo who now controls the western region, Central and some part of eastern region, and one region in the northern part of the country. The question is why all this analysis? At he Next NDC national delegates conference elections Jerry Rawlings is now posed to take over the party he founded from the hands of these criminals of Attah Mills for their dubious practices, which has made jerry Rawlings become a second Class citizen in his own party he founded. I thus call to the attention of the energy committee in parliament to convene emergency meetings on these NDC cabinet members criminal activities on the Kosmos dubious transaction deals in which they have pocketed forty million dollars ($40.000,000) Stay turned for the continuation of these criminal activities with these senior NDC members.

From: Nana Kofi Amankwah (New YorK)

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi