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NDC Genl Sec - Asiedu Nketiah Disqualifies Kumawu DCE

Fri, 24 Aug 2012 Source: Adofo, Rockson

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of formerly Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District, Honourable Asiamah, has incurred the wrath of Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the highly emaciated human mosquito. Mr. Asiamah has lately been behaving irresponsibly. He is behaving far worse than a prostitute does simply with the intention to amass wealth and power through unethical means.

My readers will recall that one Mr. Alex Adomako-Mensah, a London-based Kumawu born citizen, proceeded home recently. He had the intention to contest the Kumawu parliamentary seat on the ticket of the NDC in the upcoming December 7, 2012 elections. He decided to file a nomination form with the NDC to contest any would-be NPP candidate for the seat provided he would not have to contend with any formidable opponent from his NDC camp. Honourable Asiamah, the only second credible candidate from the NDC in the area reassured Alex that he would not vie with him for the NDC slot.

Barely had Alex purchased a nomination form, gone halfway through the nomination processes when Honourable Asiamah decided to contest him for the NDC slot. Alex, a financially handicapped "London Burger" was no match for Honourable Asiamah, who was taking 10% kickback from contracts he awarded on top of his monthly salary. Alex's friends strongly prevailed upon him to pull out of the race, as it had become a drain on his meagre financial means. He was strapped for funds. He listened to wise admonition coming from the grey-haired friends. Although grey hair is not a repository of wisdom, the counsel from his aged friends finally worked the awaited miracle.

Hon. Asiamah went unopposed pending the real battle between him and one Hon. Basoah, a former Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District DCE. Mr Basoah had won the NPP primaries to contest the Kumawu Constituency parliamentary seat. Hardly did anyone perceive that the NDC were working on a secret agenda, conniving with Dr. Afari-Gyan, the Electoral Commissioner, to create additional forty-five Constituencies.

Prior to this, the late President Mills' NDC government created more districts in Ghana all in an attempt to enhance their electoral chances at the December 7, 2012 elections.

When the NDC government carved out a new district out of the existing Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains District, Hon. Asiamah, a damn opportunist, behaved ignobly. He immediately awarded all possible contracts if any, to enable him take his 10% graft in anticipation of clinching the DCE post of the newly created district. He had the intention to proceed to the new district, award all possible contracts there and take 10% again. He dreamed of becoming rich within the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, for him, the late President Mills from his infinite wisdom did not appoint DCEs for the new districts. He foresaw many rushing to grab the post only to dubiously enrich themselves before the December 7, 2012 elections where the NDC are expected to lose woefully.? ? Little did he know that Dr. Afari-Gyan had decided to create forty-five new Constituencies? One of the Constituencies was to be carved out of the Kumawu Constituency. The newly carved out Constituency comprises Bremu where Hon. Asiamah is a native, Drobonso and many other farming settlements in the Afram Plains. No sooner had he learnt about the creation of that new Constituency than he decided to go for it. He had hoped to win that seat with relative ease based on two assumptions. Firstly, the settlers there are predominantly northerners who always vote NDC in their majority. Secondly, he hails from that area and has that nativity advantage.

In a nutshell, he has paid dearly for being selfishly greedy. For hoping to be a human butterfly jumping from flower to flower sucking the flowers' nectar, he ended up getting entangled in his own mischief. What a jump from the sizzling frying pan into the fire itself, Hon Asiamah has suffered. When it came to the crunch period of electing the NDC's parliamentary candidate for the newly created Constituency - Afram North or South Constituency as Dr Afari Gyan plans to name it, the unexpected happened. The filthy-word effusive and highly emaciated General Mosquito Asiedu Nketiah dealt him a secretly pre-planned blow.

Hon. Asiamah could not believe his eyes and ears when prior to the congregated NDC delegates casting their votes, Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, announced to the astonishment of all that Hon. Asiamah is disqualified. "I have disqualified you", he said. In my records, you are still the NDC candidate contesting the Kumawu Constituency. You cannot be one and be at two places simultaneously. As we used to laugh about when we were growing up, saying, "I cannot divisible myself into two" so Asiamah could not stand for both Constituencies at the same time. The Constitution and natural law do not permit him to divide himself into two for one-half to contest the elections in one Constituency and the other half in another.

"Wani te bebrebe a wo ma aponkye akye"

Stay tuned to Sources radio UK FM 96.3. You will hear me discuss stories that are more hilarious about the NDC with Johnson Asiedu Nketiah as the cynosure of all eyes.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson