









NDC phobia for Ghanacard

Ghana Card3 President Akufo-Addo holding out his National Identification card

Mon, 18 Jun 2018 Source: dailyguideafrica.com

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) appreciates the potency of the Ghanacard in stemming rigging in future polls in the country. Indeed, as the most effective rigging bulwark in elections in the country, it has put asunder the plans of the NDC to continue what they are best at doing. As masters of the craft of electoral thievery, their plans did not factor a 2020 general election with a Ghanacard, providing a database for major national civic assignments such as election management and many others. They simply did not give the NPP government a dog’s chance of rolling out this smart stuff before the 2020 polls.

Their game-plan has been scuttled and the next thing is to engage in inferior tactics of the communist type. It is a gamble; the last resort, which unfortunately would not save them because the socio-economic benefits of a successful national identification project would be savoured by all Ghanaians in the short and long run.

The situation of the NDC as regards the Ghanacard can be likened to that suffered by students who are totally dependent upon leaked papers in examinations. When the sources of such leaked papers are plugged, their hopes are dashed giving way to depression occasioned by frustration.

Their cacophonous hue and cry originates from their apprehension that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) would do what they would have done were they in power – manipulating the Ghanacard to rig – a thought which exposes their somewhat silliness. Unlike the opaque ballot system many years ago, such an advanced smart data system cannot simply be manipulated. It is not just possible and so the earlier they disabused their minds of it, the better it would be for them.

Last week, the Ashaiman Chairman of the NDC, who could not hold back the frustration of the party based on what he had obviously heard from his bosses at their headquarters, openly said that personnel of the National Identification Authority (NIA) would be assaulted by the party if they landed at Ashaiman.

We are lost for words in describing such open show of imbecility by a man or party which does not seem to understand the import of assaulting agents of the state on national assignments.

We are yet to read a disclaimer from the NDC headquarters regarding the nonsense spewed by the party’s chairman for the Ashaiman constituency. In the absence of such a disclaimer, we can only conclude that his threats reflect the position of his bosses at the party’s headquarters.

Instead of taking cover after the massive tongue-lashing he received from some Ghanaians, the constituency chairman has continued to issue such threats because after all his bosses have not reprimanded him. Perhaps they have rather applauded him for exhibiting typical NDC traits.

By this threat, the law enforcement agents have been sufficiently warned to be prepared for NDC hooliganism when the NIA team lands at Ashaiman.

Columnist: dailyguideafrica.com
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