









NPP has been a liability to Obuasi residents since 1992

NPP Flag7 NPP flag. File photo.

Sat, 19 Nov 2016 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

By Clement Sangaparee

Since Ghana returned to constitutional rule in 1992, it is now 24 good years when both the NPP and the NDC were formed as political parties. However, Obuasi has never been a stronghold of the United Party (UP) which the NPP represent today 2016.

It was a CPP stronghold since 1957 to 1966. Times have changed and today, Obuasi has become the so-called stronghold of the violent prone NPP whose parliamentary candidates and their political party in opposition and in government have been amassing wealth left, right, front and back for themselves, their families and friends without ever thinking of developing the Obuasi town as well as Fomena, the seat of the Adansi traditional council let alone developing Akrofuom- all so- called NPP strongholds in the Adansi traditional area, the NDC built the Obuasi government hospital, the huge municipal assembly in Obuasi, the Licensing office in Obuasi, the JHS Complex at Awurade basa- all the stores at Gausu, Mangoase, Obuasi Central, Wawasi, Tutuka, Boete and Brahabebome-all suburbs of Obuasi.

The NDC under J.J. Rawlings constructed an asphalt road in Obuasi up to Boete before leaving office in 2001 – Ex – prez. Kufuor took over the government and refused to continue with that asphalt road and rather lied to Ghanaians that Rawlings did practical nothing for the 19 years that he has been in power and members of the NPP and their media friends fully supported Kufuor and were rather attacking the NDC in opposition instead of keeping the violent prone NPP government on its toes from 2001 to 2008.

The NDC again constructed a magistrate’s court, a circuit court and a fully computerized high court in Obuasi – while the NPP did nothing in 24 years as a political party. The NPP can send its lies and deceit somewhere but not to Obuasi. Having said this, I urge all Obuasi residents, to vote massively for prez. Mahama and his two parliamentary candidates on 7th December, 2016.

Ex- prez Kufuor fooled about, messed up the country and heavily divided the country along tribal lines while he was praised to the high heavens by the media in Ghana because he bought and paid for them like bags of maize between 2001-2009 when the NDC booted them out of office.

Let the NPP and its two non-performing members of parliament in Obuasi deny what I have written –they are all talking shops always throwing dust into the eyes of Obuasi residents since 1992 to date 2016, they must bow their thick heads in shame. It is only the NDC that has the welfare of Ghanaians at heart as I speak, Christ the King Catholic Senior High School has been turned into a boarding house for both girls and boys.

The NDC government has constructed huge dormitories at that school. Obuasi Sec. Tech. has also got its fair share of NDC projects, Mampamhwe has got a new clinic, Kwabenakwa has got a community day modern school, and Diawoso has also got a new clinic all built by the great NDC and yet the violent prone NPP and its Mps always throw their weights about by saying that Obuasi in their stronghold- what do they do with their Common Funds of two billion old Ghana cedis each every year?

Answer: They make huge donations at funerals on week ends and use the remaining cash to buy few tables and chairs for some few schools and this is very shameful. We are fed up with the deceit and lies poured out by the NPP because the collapse of the giant AGA mine must be put on the door steps of Mr. Sam Jonah. J.A. Kufuor both NPP members who sold it in 2004 at a time Mr. John Mahama was an opposition NDC member of parliament for Bole/Bamboi.

The galamsey workers use pick axes, hammers, cutlasses and shovels to dig their pits to extract little particles of gold bearing rock, to earn their living. Can these tools destroy the giant AGA mine? I beg to ask.

Something is wrong some where and their problems must be solved once and for all. To the violent prone NPP, I say what is coming, is coming and what will happen, will happen damn the consequences. I dare the NPP to deny all what I have written and I will send them crushing further into the bush.

The Aga saga

Under john Jerry Rawlings the Ghana government had 20% golden share with the company before leaving office in 2001. Ex- prez. Kufour took over as president of Ghana and sold that 20% golden share completely to AngloGold Ashanti and now, Ghana government has no control of AGA. at all. Mr. Sam Jonah and Ex- Prez. Kufuor sold out AGC to AngloGold Ashanti in the name of a so called Positive Charge slogan in 2004 with impunity.

AngloGold took over in 2004 with a promise to sink deep shafts or ramps to 70 levels and it would have been completed by now, but what did AGA do? They themselves became formal galamsey operators instead of professional miners in Obuasi. So what is the NPP talking about?

It will be called that between 8:30am to 9:00 am on the 11th of November 2016, Hon. Kwarteng, the noise making NPP/mp for Obuasi west was on air telling Obuasi residents that Prez. John Mahama and his NDC government collapsed the AGA mine, and that the NPP will bring back the AGA to life when it is voted to power again. Where was Prez. Mahama in 2004?

Answer: he was then a member of parliament for Bole/Bamboi in the northern region of Ghana but Hon. Kwarteng wants Obuasi residents to believe the lies that he was selling for votes through the radio station because he has been trained by Ex-Prez Kufour and Nana Akuffo Addo in the art of deceit, lies, dishonesty and confusion and spreading lies out of his foul mouth to Obuasi residents on 11th November 2016. The NPP collapsed AGA under Prez. J.A Kuffuor .

It was the NPP under ex-president Kufuor who collapsed the AGA in Obuasi. Instead of the old AGC management then headed by Mr. Sam Jonah paying severance awards to the former AGC workers, he collaborated with ex-president Kufuor and told the workers that it was a merger between AngloGold and AGC or a merger between AngloGold and the Ghana government- which ever way it went, only God knows.

Former AGC workers were invited to the huge Len Clay sports stadium and given. A BOTTLE OF CLUB BEER EACH AS THEIR SEVERANCE AWARDS under heavy security presence as the Ghana police brought their hot water tankers there and surrounded the park as well as armed soldiers and police.

Let me remind the violent prone NPP and its two lazy and noisy mp’s that Lies put up as propaganda remain Lies no matter the political persuasion of the liar. Yes AGA merged with AGC and yet all board meetings are held in South Africa. God help Ghana and that is Sam Jonah and J.A. Kufuor for you.

The Obuasi small scale miners borrowed billions of cedis from the banks and invested the money in their pits but the AGA Mis-unformed the government by saying that the galamseyers were rather destroying the mine which is false. Will you keep quite if you borrowed such huge money from the bank and invest in your business only for it to be destroyed?

Yes, we said the white men were bad, and we drove them away in 1957 when Ghana gained independence and now the Black white men took over, but they are worse. What do we do? These two black white men Sam Jonah and J.A. Kufuor sold out AGC without blinking their eyes. Hundreds of miners died and still counting because they were laid off unprepared.

For destroying the giant Obuasi mine, Sam Jonah was knighted by the queen of Britain for a Job well done. He is now called Sir. Sam Jonah, KBE- which means Knight of the British Empire. But no one awarded Ex- prez. Kufuor, so he awarded himself with the highest state award together with his personal driver and that is how cheap state awards became under J.A. Kufour.

As if that was not enough, ex-Prez. Kufuor, again sold out Ghana Telkom by bribing NPP/MP’s with $5,000.00 dollars each to approve the sale to Vodafone – a British company. So what is the NPP member of parliament for Obuasi west talking about?

As we continue with our house to house campaign, the people always hurl unprintable insults on us, so, I have to descend heavily on Ex-Prez. Kufour and his comrade in crime, Sir. Sam Jonah who destroyed the giant AGA mine messed up the Obuasi Municipality. I am done.

OBUASI DESERVES BETTER - WAATI ANAA? You keep your fingers crossed, I shall return. From Obuasi, this has been Clement Sangaparee giving the punks in the NPP – a perpetual heartbeat.


Writer's e-mail: [email protected]

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement
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