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NPP must not rely solely on favourable prophesies

NPP Flag7 NPP Flag. File photo.

Fri, 11 Nov 2016 Source: Adofo, Rockson

... but Hard Work and on God to Win Election 2016– Advises “Mahama Must Go” Movement

I, Rockson Adofo, now a leading member of the “Mahama Must Go” (MMG) Movement, a voluntary family grouping campaigning for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to win the upcoming 7 December 2016 general election, have always warned the leadership of NPP and their activists and sympathisers against being complacent in their efforts to wrestling power from President Mahama and the NDC. I have always said that until Nana Akufo and NPP are crowned with victory, we should not rest on our oars same believing on some positive prophetic revelations and public euphoria to have won the election already. No!

Winning elections is not by total or lackadaisical reliance on positive prophetic disclosures only, but by a combination of both thoughtfully-devised and practically-implemented campaign strategies with the possible backing of God, of course. This is why I have for years now, been constantly bemoaning and warning NPP against certain of their laid-back attitudes that I find completely at tangent with strategies of winning general elections. They oftentimes become complacent, measuring their winning chances in terms of the unfolding public support as seen at their rallies in the urban areas to conclude that the victory for them is already a done deal. No, that is not how it goes.

We should work tirelessly harder until the win becomes a reality despite any advance prophetic revelations in our favour. Prophesies can turn out to be either true or false depending on who it is coming from. When the person prophesying is from God, their prophetic revelations will be true but when they are from the Evil One, such prophesies can turn out to be false. Again, when the prophesy is from God, the beneficiary of any such prophetic revelation has still the duty to work harder, same believing on God for the prophetic revelation to materialise.

The bible says in James 2:21-24, “21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”[d] And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only”.

The above goes to tell that faith without works is dead. By this, I mean to tell the leadership of NPP and all NPP activists and sympathisers with myself inclusive, that even if a favourable prophesy is revealed to us that Nana Akufo Addo and NPP will win the impending Election 2016, we still have to show our belief in that prophesy by working harder for it to materialise, thus, come to pass.

What do I mean by working harder? It means we have to hit the campaign ground with our messages. We need to devise truthful messages that can convince the electorates to honestly flock to our camp to vote for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to actually win the election. We should not sit down resigned to the hope that it is a done deal for us because of the prophetic revelation to that effect.

I do agree with Prophet Owusu Bempah in his prophesy as made evident in the underlying video recording as posted on YouTube that when a prophesy is made to you, you have to work harder for it to come to fruition even though God has the power to let such good tidings coming your way happen at the crack of his fingers or by the command of his word, however, He does not often do things that way. You first have to accept the prophesy in faith and then work harder for it to happen practically.


On the other hand, some prophesies can be false. Some of the so-called prophets, e.g. Prophet T. B. Joshua from Nigeria can make a prophetic revelation that is coming from no source of God but himself, based on unfolding physical conditions like opinion polls, public euphoria etc. which can at times turn out not to be as revealed or predicted. Nonetheless, he will make it appear that his revelation is from God. Such are the false prophets whom if we rely on, we shall live to be disappointed.

Predicting (to state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge) is different from prophesying (to reveal by divine inspiration or to reveal the will or message of God).

Some of these prophets instead of predicting rather come out to claim to be prophesying. What happens when their prophesies given with 100% assurance go the opposite way, thus, never happen as might have been revealed or made known by them?

Check the underlying web link on Prophet T.B. Joshua declaring Mrs Hillary Clinton the winner of the then impending US Presidential election 2016 but in the end, today, Wednesday 9 November 2016, Mr Donald Trump, an inexperienced and unknown person in the political arena, has rather won the US election resoundingly, although to the astonishment of many a person.


It is for NPP not falling into any false trap; ensnared by their usual acts of complacency, where they may fully trust in the public euphoria to conclude to have won the election already hence not working harder enough, that my family and I with friends have formed the “Mahama Must Go” movement to encourage people go out to do serious campaigning to get Nana Akufo Addo and NPP elected to form the next government following the 7 December 2016 election.

There are many impediments purposefully littered in the path of Nana Akufo Addo and NPP by the Chairlady of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, to prevent them from winning Election 2016. No matter what she does, supported by President Mahama and NDC, victory shall be Nana Akufo Addo and NPP’s, but we need to work harder for it, that is my message to the entire leadership, activists and sympathisers of the NPP with all the suffering Ghanaian masses inclusive.

We should not sit down for NDC and President Mahama to continue to play on our intelligence, always taking us for big time fools. Their lies have been exposed. It is about time we voted NDC and President Mahama out of power.

Watch the video below on “NDC lies and propaganda exposed!” as found on YouTube


I encourage you to share this publication. I encourage you to go out and do effective campaigning for Nana Akufo Addo/Dr Alhaji Bawumia and NPP to win the upcoming 2016 election to come to alleviate Ghanaians of their socio-economic problems brought to bear upon them by President Mahama and NDC through official corruption and their various acts of lawlessness.

Anyone is welcome to engage in active canvassing for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP by voluntarily joining the “Mahama Must Go” Movement by printing and wearing clothes bearing that imprint and going out with truthful campaign messages from NPP and Nana Akufo Addo.

Mac Manu, Nana Akomea, Sammy Awuku, Sir John, Nana Darkwah etc., please let me see you all hit the campaign ground. Go your separate ways to campaign to garner more votes for Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP.

Watch out for more strategies from me and the MMG.

Agya and Mama Ruby of Canning Town in London, could you please help us with a few T-shirts with “Mahama Must Go” imprints in them? Get them to people in Ghana who share the dream of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo winning Election 2016. Every little helps so please help us win the election to save Ghanaians from further economic hardships and lawlessness under President Mahama and NDC government.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson
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