









NPP teeters: Can we really break the eight?

NPP.png Akufo-Addo has become a liability for the NPP

Mon, 24 Oct 2022 Source: Yaw Amoateng

All the adults in the NPP room appear to have bolted in the face of the meltdown of our President. I agree that the truth hurts, yet speaking truth to power in the party has become a moral imperative now for any member of the party who cares about its fortunes.

No Ghanaian who has been following events in the country in the last few months will fail to conclude that our president has become an embarrassment and the sooner the party rein him in the better it will be for the fortunes of the party in the 2024 election cycle.

I repeat, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, the President of the Republic, has become a liability for the NPP and yet the Council of Elders and the National Executive of the party have become sitting ducks.

Within a space of two months, the man who exuded so much confidence and convinced the entire nation to put their trust in him to follow him to the “New Jerusalem” is now an object of scorn and derision because Ghanaians have discovered that the Emperor has no clothes.

Who, in their right mind could have predicted that Ghana would be bleeding under Akufo Addo and that a sitting President from the NPP would be booed at in Kumasi, the birthplace of the party? And at “Akyem” Akroso, his backyard, to boot?

How can a president who won power on the wave of a popular political party look at the party in the face and say he couldn’t care less if people refused to vote for the party in 2024 and every party elder is quiet about such an utterance? Do Akufo Addo and his pirates own the NPP?

Mr. President, in case you do not know, political parties exist to win political power so if winning power for the party is not your cup of tea, please kindly step down and go and enjoy your booty.

As an experienced politician, why can you not see the jeers and boos as a form of political participation by people who can neither read nor write to you to express their opinions about your poor leadership?

Worse still, in their efforts to shield the President, the explanations proffered by his apologists even fail to explain. While the Director of Communications says the President was “quoted out of context”, the ubiquitous Kwaku Baako blames the President’s handlers for these misspeaks.

I blame the Council of Elders and the present Executive for this unfortunate state of affairs prevailing in the country now!

Akufo Addo must resign to save the party!!

Columnist: Yaw Amoateng