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Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo for President

Wed, 25 Jun 2008 Source: Gyabaa-Mensah, Felix

Almost eight years ago, Ghana was saved from a relentless oppression, intimidation and subjugation by a wolf turned sheep government. The New Patriotic Party victory in 2000 saved the country from the P/NDC’s arrogant and blatant attack on our constitution, our rights and liberties. The New Patriotic Party inherited a broken national economy and a people very much depressed. But through diligence and hard work, the NPP government, of which Nana Akufo Addo has been a great team player, have lighted the darkness and created hope. The hard work to reform our economy and rebuild democratic structures has paid off and now Ghana is very well respected in the comity of Nations.

In Africa , we have blazed the path for economic reform and good governance. Our currency, eight years ago that was near worthlessness, is now the most expensive currency in Africa and the 12th most expensive currency in world, surpassed only by the pound sterling, the European Euro and the currencies of the oil rich Arab countries.

At home, sound economic management has produced low inflation and a robust economy. The NHIS has replaced the atrocious cash and carry system of the P/NDC. We have the school feeding program, the capitation grant, the NYEP, massive rehabilitation of our nations road network, freedom of speech, of expression, of assembly, and most important of all, regained our dignity as Ghanaians.

Ghana is now at the crossroads. In a few months, Ghana will go to the pools to elect a successor to continue with the good works started by this administration. The NPP, with Nana as the flag bearer is heavily favored to win. But there should be no room for complacency. Every vote should be fought for. In Cincinnati , I have directed my chapter members that anytime they call home or write home, to encourage their family and friends for each to identify at least three people who are not traditional NPP sympathizers, get them to register and encourage them to vote for the NPP in December.

There should be a very well coordinated effort to fight for and win all the orphan constituencies. Here, we can borrow a page from the US Democratic Party’s fifty state strategy.

The contrast between Nana and Atta Mills is a pretty good one. “Nana, yenim wo fri tete”. We have known Nana for so many years. In the early days of military oppression, he joined ranks with General Afrifa to oppose UNIGOV. In the P/NDC era, when the junta was “demolishing” any sensible person who stood in their way, he bravely sacrificed his life to free Ghana . Nana has proved himself as a solid, reliable person to defend the truth and fight for the lowly oppressed. We have known Nana as someone who delivers, someone whom Ghanaians can look up to and trust.

Apart from Nana Akufo Addo’s selfless devotion to glorious Ghana , he is very eloquent, a product of his knowledge and experience. He will assertively use the powers of his office judiciously, without fear or favor. His vision for Ghana can inspire all of us to reach new heights. Emotionally, he is very intelligent, free from any distractive emotional perturbations. Unlike Rawlings/ Atta Mills, who have defective impulse controls and mood swings of clinical proportions, Nana Akufo Addo is very stable. Nana Akufo Addo is a born leader. He has developed skills and abilities over the years through his upbringing, education and work experiences. He has performed creditably well as a lawyer and businessman, and at the ministries of Justice and Foreign affairs that he headed. His character is exemplary, that is why any attempts by his idiotic detractors with empty brains to vilify him will not hold water.

Nana Akufo Addo exudes confidence, the mark of a good leader. He has always been his own man and because of that, the people with small brains have accused him of being arrogant. Whatever he does, he does so with passion. So therefore, I urge all well meaning Ghanaians to give him the nod come December 7, 2008 . He is well prepared to carry the torch of leadership. He is fully prepared for the crises of the Presidency, and his leadership will be one of principle, not expediency for all Ghanaians.

His major opponent in the December elections is very desperate. He has lost three Presidential bids and failure has been wired into his soul. Another stark failure stares him in the face and that is why he is calling for mayhem should the expected happens.

Come January next year, let us make sure Nana Akufo Addo is sworn in as President. We need a country rooted in development, democracy, tolerance and tribal convergence. We encourage him to pay particular attention to fix our broken school system, health care delivery, root out corruption, boost our national security, especially the illegal drug menace and the rampant armed robbery. We pray that Nana will keep the flame of democracy burning, good governance, and transparency in government, equitable sharing of the National cake, bringing government closer to the people, and most importantly, bridge tribal divides.

Nana, thank you very much. We look forward to a peaceful campaign; issues based devoid of insults and cheap shots. Lift yourself high above the others. May God grant you wisdom, fortitude and forbearance to lead Ghana to new heights. Nanao, “ yenim wo fri tete, oko gyee man”.

By Felix Gyabaa-Mensah. E-mail writer at [email protected]

Chairman, Cincinnati Chapter of NPP-USA, Inc.

Columnist: Gyabaa-Mensah, Felix