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Nana Akufo Addo – The Man with a Plan for Ghana

Tue, 19 Nov 2013 Source: Adofo, Rockson

? Nana Akufo Addo, the Presidential candidate for NPP during Election 2012 is a man with farsighted bold plans that are able to uplift Ghana from her current beggar-State status to near-industrialized level. He is a man with a gigantic enviable but achievable plan for Ghana, our Motherland. ? ? This man, now known in some circles in London as David, clearly defeated John Mahama in Election 2012. However, he was twice robbed of the winning verdict by both Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, Chairman of the Electoral Commission, and Supreme Court Justice Atuguba and his now cursed eight other colleagues. Any intelligent person that followed the live telecast of the Court proceedings on Election 2012 would bear me out on this bold assertion that Nana Akufo Addo clearly emerged the winner. The lies by Kwadwo Afari Gyan and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah coupled with the conniving lies by Atuguba and his disgraceful verdict declarations tell it all. ? ? As French President Charles de Gaulle declared, "La France a perdu la bataille mais elle n’a pas perdu la guerre" (France has lost the battle but she has not lost the war) during the World War II when France capitulated to Adolf Hitler, so do I say on behalf of David. Adolf and Germany were in the end defeated and remained under the domination of the victor countries. ? ? The enemies of progress, but friends of corruption, defeated Nana Akufo Addo by rigging the election in favour of John Dramani Mahama of the infamous "Ede bii keke" policy. Nonetheless, he stands to be defeated by God. He is gradually capitulating under the immense requirements of the presidency that are miles apart from his hollow non achievable "Ede bii keke" socio-economic policies. While corruption by government officials have engulfed the nation depriving her of the needed money to carry out essential developments, Mahama keeps fumbling for superficial solutions. ? ? When the big mind, Nana Akufo Addo, promised free Senior High School to Ghanaian children, the little mind, John Mahama, sent out his equally hollow-minded NDC Communication Team members to deny the possibility of such policy. They mounted all sort negative advertisement on the airwaves to rubbish that golden policy. As unintelligent and disingenuous as they are, they asked, "where will he get the money to finance such a huge national project?" ? ? They had completely forgotten that the petrol money they were stealing for their selfish ends, the judgment debt payments they had colluded with people like Alfred Agbesi Woyome to avail themselves of could all be redirected to finance the free SHS education. ? ? Nana believes in the joy of incorruptibility and the respect that one earns staying incorruptible. He has never been corrupt and he shall never be. As the NDC with Mahama inclusive, cannot slur Nana on his incorruptible character, they rather choose to attack his physique. Do we achieve success governing a country by ones handsome or beautiful looks? No! What about by one’s youthful age? No! However, by one’s honesty, incorruptibility, farsightedness, dynamism and dedication to duty? YES!!! ? ? Nana has the strongest belief that a country can flourish socially, economically and politically when its human resources are highly developed. Such a development is only possible when the people are well educated in various disciplines all of which when put together, can help the nation advance to the expectation of the citizens. ? ? He also believes in the industrialisation of Ghana rather than always staying as raw materials producer. We need to add value to our primary raw materials to make more money for Ghana. ? ? I shall discuss Nana from today forward. He is the chosen One of God. No matter how people team up to bring him down, it shall never work and in the end, those people shall be exposed and punished as happened to Adolf Hitler and Germany. Who has ever gone to war on God and won? Nobody! Then John Mahama, Atuguba, Kwadwo Afari Gyan and their agents and assigns had better take notice. ? Heavenly Father God, please let all humanity see your glory shine upon Nana Akufo Addo according as you have purposed. Many are those from the NDC camp that make mockery of his election defeat knowing very well themselves that they colluded with others to rob him of the winning crown. Father, you are a patient God who does not take joy in the plight of sinners but their repentance. Nonetheless, You will not allow Mahama and his people prove You a liar to the world unless You are not the one who revealed things about Nana Akufo Addo to Kofi Basoah and many other people including certain men of God. ? THE BATTLE IS STILL THE LORD’S. ? Rockson Adofo

? Nana Akufo Addo, the Presidential candidate for NPP during Election 2012 is a man with farsighted bold plans that are able to uplift Ghana from her current beggar-State status to near-industrialized level. He is a man with a gigantic enviable but achievable plan for Ghana, our Motherland. ? ? This man, now known in some circles in London as David, clearly defeated John Mahama in Election 2012. However, he was twice robbed of the winning verdict by both Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, Chairman of the Electoral Commission, and Supreme Court Justice Atuguba and his now cursed eight other colleagues. Any intelligent person that followed the live telecast of the Court proceedings on Election 2012 would bear me out on this bold assertion that Nana Akufo Addo clearly emerged the winner. The lies by Kwadwo Afari Gyan and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah coupled with the conniving lies by Atuguba and his disgraceful verdict declarations tell it all. ? ? As French President Charles de Gaulle declared, "La France a perdu la bataille mais elle n’a pas perdu la guerre" (France has lost the battle but she has not lost the war) during the World War II when France capitulated to Adolf Hitler, so do I say on behalf of David. Adolf and Germany were in the end defeated and remained under the domination of the victor countries. ? ? The enemies of progress, but friends of corruption, defeated Nana Akufo Addo by rigging the election in favour of John Dramani Mahama of the infamous "Ede bii keke" policy. Nonetheless, he stands to be defeated by God. He is gradually capitulating under the immense requirements of the presidency that are miles apart from his hollow non achievable "Ede bii keke" socio-economic policies. While corruption by government officials have engulfed the nation depriving her of the needed money to carry out essential developments, Mahama keeps fumbling for superficial solutions. ? ? When the big mind, Nana Akufo Addo, promised free Senior High School to Ghanaian children, the little mind, John Mahama, sent out his equally hollow-minded NDC Communication Team members to deny the possibility of such policy. They mounted all sort negative advertisement on the airwaves to rubbish that golden policy. As unintelligent and disingenuous as they are, they asked, "where will he get the money to finance such a huge national project?" ? ? They had completely forgotten that the petrol money they were stealing for their selfish ends, the judgment debt payments they had colluded with people like Alfred Agbesi Woyome to avail themselves of could all be redirected to finance the free SHS education. ? ? Nana believes in the joy of incorruptibility and the respect that one earns staying incorruptible. He has never been corrupt and he shall never be. As the NDC with Mahama inclusive, cannot slur Nana on his incorruptible character, they rather choose to attack his physique. Do we achieve success governing a country by ones handsome or beautiful looks? No! What about by one’s youthful age? No! However, by one’s honesty, incorruptibility, farsightedness, dynamism and dedication to duty? YES!!! ? ? Nana has the strongest belief that a country can flourish socially, economically and politically when its human resources are highly developed. Such a development is only possible when the people are well educated in various disciplines all of which when put together, can help the nation advance to the expectation of the citizens. ? ? He also believes in the industrialisation of Ghana rather than always staying as raw materials producer. We need to add value to our primary raw materials to make more money for Ghana. ? ? I shall discuss Nana from today forward. He is the chosen One of God. No matter how people team up to bring him down, it shall never work and in the end, those people shall be exposed and punished as happened to Adolf Hitler and Germany. Who has ever gone to war on God and won? Nobody! Then John Mahama, Atuguba, Kwadwo Afari Gyan and their agents and assigns had better take notice. ? Heavenly Father God, please let all humanity see your glory shine upon Nana Akufo Addo according as you have purposed. Many are those from the NDC camp that make mockery of his election defeat knowing very well themselves that they colluded with others to rob him of the winning crown. Father, you are a patient God who does not take joy in the plight of sinners but their repentance. Nonetheless, You will not allow Mahama and his people prove You a liar to the world unless You are not the one who revealed things about Nana Akufo Addo to Kofi Basoah and many other people including certain men of God. ? THE BATTLE IS STILL THE LORD’S. ? Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson