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National cathedral or God’s cathedral was masterminded by the NPP to rob individuals and the nations

National Cathedral Prototype.png File photo

Wed, 25 Jan 2023 Source: Emmanuel Graham Nyameke

Why can’t the cathedral wait?

It is ironic to hear of a highly corrupt country thinking of building a place or a temple (as they may want to call it) for their God. As at when Nana Addo, the president dreamt of having such a vision is known to Reverend Owusu Bempah and those overseeing the construction of the Cathedral.

Is not as if people are against their intentions, but the question that has not been put to those wanting a cathedral is, “whether God in the first place has an interest in their worries.” Let’s say god or God (whatever!) is angry with the corrupt nature of this country and would not want to reside in a temple, then whose temple are they building? Or maybe God is in favour of the corrupt acts of his people and that the building of the cathedral will be a form of indulgence for their corrupt acts.

Imagine God is taking the cathedral as a form of penance for the sins of those in charge, then God is helping people perpetuate evil. How will a loving God who cares for the people he has created turn around and take a new position? Will the loving God go ahead and build a cathedral despite the gnashing of teeth? Wouldn’t this Loving God hear the cry of his people from the mountains and wished to come down and save them?

If God is to all those good attributes, then where from the God that Nana Addo, Dag Heward-Mills, Duncan Williams, Palmer-Buckel, Eastwood Anaba and co are building the cathedral for? Why is their God so wicked? Does he/she still want a cathedral despite the country begging IMF for money? But it is the God we all know from infancy with all those good attributes, then He/She will not accept this big shame you guys want to bring on him/her.

Or maybe, Nana Addo and his group are playing on the religiosity of the many Ghanaians to loot the nation’s money? (I don’t say you all fear God ooo, you people just go to church). And here is the Peace Council satisfied and so do not hear the cry of Ghanaians.

Indeed, the NPP government knows how to keep this group quiet but the NDC party will never learn to do same when they are in office. The peace council only acts when the NDC government is in office.

WHY CAN THE CATHEDRAL WAIT? I Emmanuel Graham Nyameke put to you this question.

Columnist: Emmanuel Graham Nyameke