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Once upon a time on June 4, 2020; A conversation every youth must have

Rawlings   Smiles Jerry John Rawlings, Former President of Ghana

Sat, 5 Jun 2021 Source: Reindolf Amankwa

There was the annual beautiful commemoration of the infamous June 4 revolution by the unforgettable junior Jesus Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings of blessed memory amidst a strange wind of confusion rocking the globe, which has gained notorious popularity as a COVID-19 pandemic. Then was there reason for each man to assess himself for a character reformation?

On that faithful Thursday, June 4, 2020, it struck me to undertake a self-discovery expedition. One that was to ascertain critical information on the known and unknown. Both close and distant persons were contacted and required to;

1. Highlight anything they feel or know me to be competent at doing.

2. State without fear or favour any bad character traits they have identified that demands attention and transformation.

In this piece, I would like to share as much of the feedbacks as my pen can write. I would also for the reason of validity attach names and positions (if any) of the respondents.

"My first meeting with you was at NUGS Congress 2018. Though I had never met you until that time, I had read almost all your articles and so I could say I knew you from afar. Despite not supporting your NUGS PIS agenda because of your alliance with Tinkaro, there was one thing I couldn't deny; you were good for the job. However, I feel you're too gentle to be in or do politics. You need to be tough at times. However also, knowing you from 2018, I think you're more humble, honest and friendly than one could ever imagine about you. Politically, you're one level headed person I admire. Lastly, you're hardworking and very truthful" - Nana Yaw Gabson 'Atiefuo' (GUPS President, 2019/2020)

"Hardworking and always focus. You are a loyal person in everything you do. As for the bad ones, I have none. Keep it up bro" - Ahmed (Alumni, UCC)

"Your communication skills both written and oral is on point. I think you should capitalise on the written aspect very well. Put government achievements into writing, basic English that will achieve the aim of communication. I haven't heard anything bad about your actions except the comments you made on YFA which you later retracted and apologised. Just be careful and you will really go far" - Kwame Adu Collins (Fmr. USAG Coordinating Secretary)

"You are a good writer, that's quite known. You have a zeal to learn. I remember when you first came to me in Wa after I addressed a gathering. I recall our convo vividly. I've seen your efforts to learn from people and I commend that. Politics is about service, and if you submit yourself to learn you'd appreciate what service is. I think what you should work on is your emotions". - Michael Obiri-Agyei (Fmr. SRC President, UDS-Navrongo)

"Don't try to please anyone with what you do especially your writings. Be firm with your stance, stay focused and build your capacity" - Frenchman (Fmr. USAG International Relations Aspirant).

"Stop NUGS. You're degrading yourself. I've advised you not today. I told you things" - Paa Asante (Founder, Patriotic Gents and Fmr. PUSAG Presidential Aspirant)

"You're undoubtedly a good writer and for me good at everything I've seen you do if you want that much. You're smart. However, you sometimes behave as if you know more than all the people and when you type, one can feel it in the message. You also get over emotional about the things you care about then it turns negative or bad energy" - Elizabeth Ali Fordjour 'BettyLiz' (Alumni, GIMPA).

"Exceptional competency, firmness (holding on to things you believe in), perfect communication skills (writing). Your approach in gaining support and changing these supporters into brothers, that long family relationship creation you do is highly commendable. However, your way of addressing issues is sometimes harsh. Activism is not only about being too harsh on issues. You can always give out ideas without trying to pinch people." - Kwesi Sarpong (Alumni of UEW and USAG Financial Controller Elect).

"From day one, I strongly believe that your greatest asset is your communication skills. It's a solid one and I believe that's what can take you far" - Ernest Aboagye 'Ghost' (Alumni UPSA and Fmr. GUPS Presidential Aspirant)

"Your dedication and eagerness to push things through, passion to see others succeed is phenomenal. You're always trying to succeed and go forward with others. You're a good writer as well. Concerning your shortfalls, I'm yet to experience any of that" - Douglas (Fmr. PUSAG IRS and Head of Patriotic Health Team)

"I like your sense of brotherhood and humility. If anyone told me after NUGS Congress and the way things turned out, you'd still keep the friends you made during your campaign, I'd not believe it but you've proven to be a brother beyond political gains" - Joshua (Fmr. Kessben University College Local NUGS President).

"Reindolf, you know your strength and weakness as well. Your strength is your writing skills. Your weakness is; you always allow your emotions to lead in your decision making. This is all I can about you" - Emmanual Yiadom Boakye (NUGS President-Elect)

"You're a good writer as I know. But one other attribute I noticed is that you write so much on the personalities of people with little on the issue at hand. But in all, it shapes who we are and our social construction of reality". (Imoro of Imoro Research Institute, UDS).

"Try to avoid stepping on toes especially through your writeups. Try not to offend the people because you may need those people to recommend or push you up tomorrow. Make your points clear but don't leave because your opinion was rejected. Continue to be firm but not overly entrenched. Your biggest strength is your writing skills. No one can take that from you. God gave you that for the benefit of man so let your ability continue to help others. What I'd like to advise you on is to either be submissive or pretend to be submissive" - Commey Joseph (Fmr. NUGS Coordinating Secretary Aspirant)

"All I can say is that you rock in any angle relating to politics and its competencies. Except for your snobbish behaviour when you're having issues, I can't actually explain that side of you. It's still a puzzle yet to be solved" - Mohammed Sherrif (Entertainment Committee Chairman, NASPA-Asante Akyem Central Municipal)

"Your writing and communication prowess is excellent. You can't keep relationship. Your principles of being fair to affect your relations which isn't good for the future. You're sometimes harsh in your writeups. You're mostly right though it leaves some mark which later may come to fight you. Writing against your party members as a young politico will be your own goal in the future. You have a strong charisma. Work more on it especially public speaking. You're multi-talented. Combining church stuff, politics and writing is just amazing. I will advise that some wrongs within your party don't demand your pen for now. When you achieve certain heights, you'll be a voice to torment those wrongs. Everyone is principled but sometimes we ease it to achieve interest. Let your interest drive you. The general interest and the love for nation will follow after you achieve your personal interest. Value relationship even if they're corrupt. If possible, refrain from making friends with politicians. They will hate and bring you down for being candid to them" - Caleb (Fmr. EC Chairperson, UDS-Wa)

"Your fighting spirit is exceptional. You are very good at amassing supporters or crowds. You have a convincing gene but you do it too extreme which can sometimes irritate people. You're intellectually good and intellectually mature. Politically, you are good and you know how to fight for a position but you are better when you are fighting on behalf of someone or a course. Your writing ability puts you in a position to canvass support for a candidate better than yourself. Your never-giving up spirit makes you stand out. You are humble when it comes to people you admire, respect, and those who are ahead of you. But among your peers, you don't look as such. You rush to be the vocal one which to some extent isn't good of you. You sometimes talk too much which seems you're bragging. It takes a few people to understand you well, but when they do, they fall in love with whatever you do" - Prince Amoateng (Office Aide to MP for Asante Akim Central Municipal, Hon. Anyimadu Antwi)

"The questions you've asked me to show how zealous you are to be the best of a politician. This is even the first time seeing such questions from a young politician. I've been learning from some of you. Your resilience in politics is remarkable. How you started from the community level after tertiary education is something that is very difficult for the youth nowadays. Your writing skills, it's just amazing how you put situations on paper. Personally, I think that being a politician is not about how you write but how you communicate to the public. Not to say don't write. Not at all but create a certain perception. Let the masses hear what they want to hear and know how to communicate with them" - Oman (Alumni of KNUST and Fmr. USAG Coordinating Secretary)

"Your vocal dexterity is super. Let your standard continue to depend on the truth and you will be a good brand at your level." - Mabruk Jankola (Alumni, UDS and Youth Activist, WA)

"You are a very good and talented guy. Principled as I know you from afar. But I want you to open up your social network. It really matters in politics. There's a perception that you're too known. It's very good but is because those who say that don't understand you. This may be caused by the restricted social network you have which doesn't give them the chance to know and understand you. So, just communicate properly with gestures, verbally and let your positions be much clearer to all sides and sizes to understand and believe in your course." - Reindolph Afrifah Oware (NPP Communication Team Member, GAR)

"Knowing you over the years, I personally think you are one of the few personalities who think about the masses and not yourself. A personality who doesn't want to live by malice and hidden truths. What I don't like about is that, you sometimes make hasty decisions." - Fafanyo (Alumni, All Nations University; Fmr. PUSAG Presidential Aspirant)

"You know I'm always proud to read your writeups. Your level of confidence when expressing yourself is jack perfect." - Essien (Fmr. SRC President, Regent University)

"I can see you are a very quick-tempered person and sometimes you need to shorten your writeups. It needs to be summarised. But in all, you are the best." - Vida Pokua 'Skills Mama' (Alumni of KNUST and Fmr. NUGS Women's Commissioner)

For the past year and still into the future, I've been guided and shall be guided by this feedbacks. As Aristotle puts it, “It is just that we should be grateful, not only to those with whose views we may agree but also to those who have expressed more superficial views; for these also contributed something, by developing before us the powers of thought.” I stand grateful to all those who availed themselves to respond to my very simple but life discovery and transforming questions. Martin Luther King identifies that “If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.” After this discovery, I had a reason to live and something to die for. It is my expectation that the youth of today engage in similar conversations to discover themselves in more revealing ways.

Reindolf Amankwa

Outstanding Student Activist in 2018

(Meritorious Service Award, NSA)

Columnist: Reindolf Amankwa
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