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Open letter to Alan Kyerematen and Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong And Alan Kyerematen Kennedy Agyapong (left), Alan Kyerematen (right)

Sun, 1 Oct 2023 Source: Major Mohammed Bogobiri

Beloved Brothers, I bring to you greetings fellow Citizens, and good news or the Truth from Almighty God Please, l am going to tell you the truth on what is happening in Ghana, especially in your Political Party in favor of ‘Saint Timothy’ namely Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the chosen one of Almighty God, to be sworn in as the President of Ghana on 07 January 2025 to lead Ghana to the ‘Promise land’.

As indicated by President Nana Addo when he was at the NPPHQ to cast his vote in the Super Delegate Conference. Please this assertion is going to be authenticated or validated with strong stories and great lessons

Dr. Bawumia, the NPP conflict especially the Resignation of Alan based on lessons from the Bible.

Outburst of Hon Kennedy Agyapong and the Political History of Ghana.

The story or gospel by the Speaker of Parliament of Northerners going to elect one of them either from the NDC or NPP as President

The message to northerners of Nigeria in the selection and election of a President for Nigeria by Her Excellency Mariam King Babangida (she is a Christian and who is a former First Lady of Nigeria, as the wife of one of the ex-Presidents of Nigeria namely General Ibrahim Babangida, a Moslem from Northern Nigeria precisely Niger Central Province or Region of Nigeria,

The Disciplined State of some of the personnel of the defunct Delta Force who reportedly as supporters of Hon Kennedy Agyapong.

So please just take your time to read with an open mind and you will get the Truth and nothing but the Truth, no insults or derogatory remarks or a showdown (argument). So Ken like Alan decide now to halt your campaign and board the BMW car or bus or Just go by your Campaign and be part of the NPP’s history in the Fourth Republic by encouraging the synergies of energies of all the other 8 x NPP Presidential hopefuls with that of Dr. Bawumia. Please do so at the rightful time effective January 2024.

Dr. Bawumia, the resignation of Alan and the biblical lessons:

The current Vice President of Ghana namely His Excellency Dr. Bawumia was born with the name Timothy to his mother who was the Disciple of Jesus Christ (note Jesus is regarded by Christians as Almighty God otherwise the Son of God but regarded by Muslims as the Greatest Prophet of God) and his father who was a disciple of the Prophet Mohammed, a Prophet of God and supporter of Jesus Christ

as Prophet (Anabi) Issah who came before him (Prophet Muhammed coincidentally Dr. Bawumia’s first name is Muhammadu).

Dr. Bawumia’s given name at birth was Timothy meaning honoring God or precious to God. Truly speaking Dr. Bawumia is a Timothy of our Time or Timothy of Ghana, note he is unparalleled with other or previous Vice Presidents of Ghana. More facts in my chest to be disclosed at the right time but a little of it herein, so, I can confidently say that Dr. Bawumia will be the substantive Presidential Candidate of the NPP from the North for the 2024 Presidential Election as allegedly prophesized by the Speaker of Parliament when he visited that Ya Naa at Yendi and to some extent as prophesized by His Excellency President Nana Addo he said after casting his vote in the last Delegate Conference of the NPP at the NPPHQ at Asylum Down that an economy Messiah is one of the first five NPP Presidential Candidate hopefuls to be elected in the NPP Delegate Conference held on 26 August 2023.

Dr. Bawumia will be unparalleled to all the Presidential Candidates for the 2024 Presidential Election due to his credentials including the Author of Book on Monetary Digitization and Digitalization Agenda he wrote in 2010 and is being physically pursued by him. So, he has walked the talk as in his book. He is

also a Vice Presidential Candidate, who and his wife contributed greatly to the election of Presidential Candidate Nana Addo in both 2016 and 2020.

Dr. Bawumia as a Vice President of Ghana contributed immensely to the Economy or development of Ghana, even though he had no constitutional locus in the running of the economy, aside from his nonbinding advice to the President which in his book written in 2010 followed by public statement against the e-levy as earlier on stated in Peace FM Radio Station in 2021 that is before the introduction of the E-levy in Ghana in 2022.

It must be noted that the so-called solid Economy Management Team (EMT) allegedly chaired by the Vice President is alien to the 1992 Constitution and hence unconstitutional. It is against the letter and spirit of the Constitutional intention of the 1992 Constitution, so it is just a Tea Party or a conventional team, so the Minister of Finance can ignore the advice of Dr. Bawumia or not seek his advice.

The EMT is against the relevant provisions of the 1992 Constitution because unlike Article 73 of the 1979 Constitution, the framers of the 1992 Constitution ceded the Economy Planning Wing from the hitherto part of the combined Ministry of Finance and Economy Planning and established the National Development Planning Commission (the NDPC) as the Economy Management Team. The NDPC is a Constitutional Body in Article 86 of the 1992 Constitution.

So a study of the Constitutional situation will reveal that the framers of the Constitution created room for an illiterate person or person without paper qualification to be elected as either the President or the VP or both, so they ousted the VP as the Chairman of the NDPC as was at Article 73 of 1979

Constitution of the Third Republic. This is to facilitate for a person like Hon Madam Akua Donkor as qualified to be elected as Vice President as well because the VP is constitutionally to take over as the President in case the President is not capable of performing his or her duties.

Note paper qualification is not required to be the President of Ghana and the Vice President of Ghana, so disregard the ugly noise against or challenging the competency of Dr. Bawumia as an astute economist.

Please, an Economic Management Team with the VP as Chairman never existed or functioned effectively in the Fourth Republic, for instance, Ex-Vice President Aliu Mahama was somehow sidelined, and Ex-Vice President JDM Mahama was sidelined so he attempted to resign. Google for Vice President Mahama tried to resign as published in the book ‘The Fourth John, Reign, Rejection and Rebound’ validated by him, Ex-Vice President Amissah Arthur was also sidelined, and the wife, recently in Joy News talked of an attempt to resign as VP by her husband.

Please also note that Dr. Bawumia is a prophet or a very smart person when in 2017, he jokily said what a Solid Team after he mentioned the names of Hon Alan Kyerematen, Hon Dr. Akoto Afriyie, Hon Dr. Boakye Agyarko, and others as members of the unconstitutional or non-existing economy management team because he either wanted to force the President to use him effectively by assigning him duties as the Chairman of a team on economy planning or wanted to tell the public in advance that any blame on the economy is to be shared with Hon Alan Kyerematen, Dr. Akoto Afriyie, and Dr. Boakye Agyarko who were ministers for the production sectors of the economy effective 2017.

Allan Cash therefore cannot blame Dr Bawumia for any economic mess in the regime of President Nana Addo during his (or their) campaign as Presidential Hopeful(s) in 2024. Allan Cash during a Presidential Campaign may be blamed for any economic mess on the head of the Minister of Finance. So, Allan Cash’s Presidential Campaign is going to be a very positive support for Dr. Bawumia because if he means business or wants the people in his areas to know that he is serious about the Presidential election, then he must join Dr. Bawumia in attacking President Mahama who will also attack both of them as members of President Nana Addo’s regime for any mess of the Economy.

President Nana Addo is going to preach during the campaign in 2024 to support the candidate of NPP that the person who is going to ensure a good economy for Ghana is Dr. Bawumia and will keep arsenals for the possible attack of Hon Allan Cash in his chest, so that if Hon Allan Cash makes a very big mistake and speaks of corruption against his regime he may then open Allan’s file and refer him about the Cash for Seat saga which he protected the Ministry of Trade etc under the leadership of Hon Allan Cash from being accused by the NDC for alleged acts of corruptions and other cobwebs in the wings of the butterfly.

Allan’s recent blame over the Finance Minister in the TV3 program with Mr. Ocansey speaks volumes that he and other Ministers grossly failed President Nana Addo, his statement revealed that he did not know his job and were thus incompetent, because he and other Ministers like the Minister for Agric, etc. or the NDPC were to provide production plans and costs to the Minister of Finance and not the Finance Minister.

The Finance Minister's duty among others is to collect and collate the plans and budgets of the various agencies and look for funding for the budget including taxes as the National Budget to be presented to Parliament for approval.

Dr Bawumia cannot be blamed for the economy as stated above. This is so because the Buck stopped with the President, so to protect the Finance Minister who helped in the financing of his election as the President of Ghana and for other reasons may be the reason that the President appointed a Senior

Minister in the person of Hon Mr Osafo Marfo.

A Senior Minister is the same as Prime Minister (PM) and in Political Science, a PM is more powerful than a Vice President, because VP is just a spare driver or driver mate or a spare tire in the boot of the vehicle of Office of Government Machinery, hence a VP has zero executive powers over a Minister or even a DCE. But a Prime Minister or Senior Minister wields executive powers over Ministers even over the Chief of Staff. Furthermore, the President appointed the late Dr. Akoto (ex-Tafo MP) as the Principal Economy Adviser to the President thus isolating the Finance Minister from Dr. Bawumia and others, so Dr. Bawumia only chaired a Tea Party which inputs were/are not taken by Finance Minister, this was recently confirmed by Hon Allan Kyerematen with Mr Ocansey of TV3 that advises given were taken.

Please note that some people alleged that the air medevac of Dr Bawumia by the Chief of Staff to the UK or London for alleged medical treatment in 2017 was a result of a sidelining of Dr. Bawumia. So, he was sent to go and cool down because Joy News and others exposed the regime when they gave TV coverage of Dr. Bawumia and their wife roaming on the streets of London in 2017 instead of being hospitalized in a hospital. So, on his return to Ghana, he found a hobby in Digitization and the use of Drones for medical resupplies or delivery of blood, etc.

The VP is not a member of the Constitutional Economy Management Team as the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) which is the pseudo-economy planning wing of the hitherto part of the combined Ministry of Finance and Economy Planning but the Economy Planning Wing was ceded to establish the NDPC at Article 86 of the 1992 Constitution, thus ousted the VP as the Chairman of the NDPC as was at Article 73 of the 1979 Constitution of the Third Republic to facilitate for a person like Hon Madam Akua Donkor as qualified to be elected as Vice President because the VP is constitutionally to take over as the President in case the President is not capable of performing his or her duties.

Dr. Bawumia has been honoring God with his good works in the medical sector with the Zipline drone services, gold for an oil deal, the idea of one Constituency one Ambulance, and his acting jointly with the Disciple of Jesus Christ notably with Rev Father Campbell of the Catholic Faith with the material and spiritual support to and the physical motivation of the Lepers. He honored Allah and the people of the Ashanti Region especially the Muslims, with the State of the Art Mosque built or renovated in Kumasi with funds from his pocket.

So Dr. Bawumia is the best Presidential candidate Hopeful of the NPP and

for the Nation who may complete or continue the National Cathedral to a better level as compared to other Candidates.

Timothy in the bible had an exceptional reputation among the local Christians Acts 16.12 and came from a mixed racial background mother Jewish and a father Greek, Timothy's familiarity with the Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures made him an ideal protégé of Paul. Dr. Bawumia's birth name is Timothy and their late conversion to Islam as Muhammadu and involvement in Christian activities also indicate a clear picture of mixed religious background. So both have elements of a mixture background.

In later years Timothy served as Paul’s emissary at various locales where the apostle had established churches on the missionary journeys. Mother was a disciple of Jesus and the father was a disciple of Prophet Muhammed with the initial first name of Timothy then Muhammadu, so Dr. Bawumia has of late

become the emissary of both Jesus and Prophet Muhammed.

The conflict in the NPP which led to the exit of Alan from the NPP and other simmering issues are the making of God is using a family conflict to bring the family and Nation to a place God intends, a place of trust and reliance upon Him. The story of Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25), is one such story of Power

the struggle which started from the time in the womb, then the stealing of birthright to deceiving his father into giving the blessing, speaks of Jacob continually outwitted his older brother, in this submission or case Dr. Bawumia and older brother Alan.

The whole episode ends up progressing to the point that Esau wants to murder Jacob. So their mother wisely sends Jacob away until Esau cools down. Their father Isaac and Mother Rebecca felt their family was being pulled apart by anger and bitterness. This conflict was God’s work, to put Jacob where he should be, at a place where he could build his family and learn to prosper. So the conflict is to make it easy for a landslide victory of Dr Bawumia on 04 November 2023.

The story of Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 37 saw Joseph often share dreams of grandeur jealousy and hatred among them (brothers). Their Father Jacob then made matters worse when openly favored Joseph over his brothers who then decided to sell Joseph as a slave and break Jacob’s heart by deceiving him into thinking that his favorite son had been killed by a wild animal. This conflict landed

Joseph into Egypt where he saved the nation of Israel from starvation, So, no matter what is going on in your family (the NPP) believe that God is in the midst of it all and He will bring His best in your family (the NPP and the Nation).

The story or gospel at Yendi by the Speaker of Parliament/resignation of Alan:

The statement allegedly made by the Speaker of Parliament at Yendi that the 2024 Presidential election is going to have two Northern Brothers namely Ex-President Mahama and VP Dr. Bawumia competing on the ticket of the NDC and NPP respectively for the post of President of Ghana can be vision as coming true. This has now become very clear with the resignation of Alan. This should be seen as occasioned by God by a conflict to enable Dr. Bawumia to cling over 80% victory in the NPP primary election on 04 November 2023.

Truly speaking, the signs that the economy is showing a rebooting act for then the navigation from the downturn to the upturn level for Macroeconomic and Financial Stability and inclusive growth may be good for the NPP and this coupled with the resignation of Hon Alan Kyerematen has increased the chances of Dr. Bawumia to give his brother his Excellency Ex-President a showdown in the 2024 presidential election.

Please note, Alan about seven years ago was named as one of the team members of what is a ‘Solid Team’ as alleged by Dr. Bawumia, so Alan's campaign is going to give a clear picture of the management of the economy by the current regime, to absolve himself from blame thus coincidentally his campaign will also absorb the heat or will help to disabuse lies against Dr. Bawumia

that he is economically incompetent.

Alan who between January 2017 and February 2023 wielded delegated executive powers and was really in charge of the production sector of the economy namely the Ministry of Trade and Industries will speak of the problems he faced as Minister for the very important production sector of the economy thus in support of Dr Bawumia.

The Sidelining of Vice Presidents has manifested its ugly head in the Fourth Republic, so the regime of Nana Addo also enjoyed a fair share of this canker. So, the implication of Alan’s confession of an inability to sell his ideas for the improvement of the fundamentals of the economy, if true will be a booster or

support for Dr. Bawumia, the head of the so-called what a solid team.

Alan’s campaign will thus dilute or water down the Campaign of ex-President Mahama thus creating a greater chance for Dr. Bawumia to say that he as VP maintained a solid loyalty to the President as required of the Constitution since the Buck Stops with the President but unlike others including ex-VP

Mahama did not show a sign of disloyalty to his boss who freely nominated him as his vice by attempting to resign.

Let me reiterate that Dr. Bawumia is likely to tell during his campaign that, unlike VP Mahama in the Fourth Republic, he did not show a sign of disloyalty to his boss, the one who freely nominated him as VP out of millions of citizens by attempting to resign for a flimsy excuse that he felt sidelined and as the

the electorate was/are aware, he diverted his energy to the area of monetary Digitalization/ Digitization as reflected in his Book which he wrote in 2010 on the digitization of the Monetary sector as well as his intervention in the medical sector with the Zip-line drone delivery system and others for the public good.

Hence Dr Bawumia may crown himself as the best VP in the Fourth Republic thus an attempt to triumph over his senior brother just as Jacob triumphed over his older brother when God created the conflict in the family of Isaac and Rebecca.

Against a Northerner as the presidential candidate:

The outburst of you, Hon Kennedy Agyapong against a Northerner becoming a President is not acceptable and is even against the letter and spirit of the provision of the 1992 Constitution which talks of Regional Balance. Note, since Independence in 1957, Northeners occupied the seat at the Presidency for only 6 years (two years by late ex-President Liman and four years by ex-President Mahama).

Northerners like CK Team, SD Dombo, Alhaji Mumuni Bawumia, and others who formed the Northern Peoples Party (NPP) and won their constituency seats in Parliament in 1956 and later on Dr. Nkrumah caused Political Parties on tribal or regional lines like the then NPP, NLM, and others to adopt National character which led to the formation of the United Party (UP) with Dr. Busia as their (Opposition) Party leader. Later on, in 1969 the UP became the Progress Party (PP) which metamorphosed into the current NPP.

So please Hon Kennedy Agyapong, it is the time for the Northerners in the NPP to be elected as the Presidential Hopeful of the UP tradition. The conflict in the party which led to the resignation of Alan is God’s making to facilitate the landslide victory of Dr Bawumia. The NPP ideology is capitalism this concept and not NPP is going to mobilize the people of the Ashanti Region and the other members of the UP tradition behind Dr. Bawumia because they are Free Market supporters with the group name NPP and not neutral or Independent unit or person, so Hon Alan Kyerematen has spoilt his political future by not accepting my submission to him which was published in Modern Ghana to Turn Defeat into Victory by remaining in the NPP and rally behind Dr. Bawumia. It is not too late.

Her Excellency Mariam King Babangida's message to Northerners:

The message of Her Excellency Mariam King Babangida was that Northerners must support and elect a candidate from any of her two Northern Brothers then competing to be elected as the President of her Country, so the Northerners should consider the one who may do a good job so that he may win a second mandate for another four years to make a years tenure of Office.

To this assertion, Candidate Mahama is not suitable for her recommendation. This will play in 2024.

The disciplined state of the defunct Delta Force personnel:

Hon Kennedy Agyapong please be informed that Delta Force is defunct because I recommended and ensured their recruitment of some of the Delta Force personnel for duties with private security companies in Kumasi for military discipline to be instilled in them to break their unity as one

the force called Delta Force with unitary Command.

So, as usual, the Ghanaian attitude of trying to exploit avenues of gold mines for galamsey operations is occasioned by election seasons. So, the affected personnel just want to make some noise for at least some small chop in line with the lyrics of Amakye Dede’s music. So please sir I hope your statement about them may not cause the tempers, temperature, etc. in the society to rise, thus disturbing national cohesion.

That personnel in the video going around are now my boys, through my good brother that is their former leader as well as the effort of the Hon Member of Parliament of Oforikrom, I caused them to be given military training by a team led by one ex-WO Albert Asumaka and Safety training by an expert and they are currently assigned on duty at a Client’s Site, with a dedicated and hardworking ex-Staff Sergeant as the Project Manager with equally a seasoned and diligent ex-WO1 as the overall Security Coordinator or Head of Security for the Client.

Please, coincidentally both ex-military personnel were boys in Peace-keeping Operations in Liberia who were part of the combat team that captured Robertsfield International Airport from the rebels of their Warlord and later ex-President Charles Taylor of Liberia. So they know much about my stance for a well-disciplined society hence my Fixing the Ghana Agenda.

So at this juncture, let's assure the public that no problem with their attitude, so the public in Kumasi is hereby assured that they are under my strict control. Of course, by the 1992 Constitution, they are to enjoy freedom of association so them with NPP is permissible in their private time but not in the uniform of their private security companies with logo as per the Police Regulations.

Columnist: Major Mohammed Bogobiri