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Open prayer to question God about his concerns for Ghana

Sun, 14 Aug 2016 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Oh, Father Almighty God, thank you for everything that you have done for us.

Who am I, a poor creature of your handiwork, to dare to question you? However today, I shall, for you have asked us to come to you in our times of great need; and to query you about all our concerns and worries, and you will answer us.

I know for sure from my search into the Scriptures that you neither sleep nor slumber. And your ears are not strongly waxed that you cannot hear our supplication, however sinful our circumstances are.

You have said, “Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; and ask, and it shall be given to you”. Following your promise to those who believe in you, although a sinner as I am, I shall ask you to know about the following things that have been troubling my mind for quite some time now.

Father, I want to know why some damned criminals are in charge of the affairs of my country Ghana today. Did you appoint them to come and rule us for a purpose, following our sins against you, to prove a point? Or, did we appoint them ourselves by our own acts of stupidity; or they were imposed on us by Satan, the prince of the world, to come to torment us?

From President Mahama, his NDC government, some gurus of his NDC party, family members through to his cronies, they are all corrupt and have no respect for the majority of Ghanaians. They are constantly using the country’s money and properties as though they are their bona fide properties given to them by you, the Creator of Heaven and earth and everything therein, both seen and unseen.

There are the members of our Electoral Commission, with their leader Charlotte Osei, who are perceived to be in collusion with the National Democratic Congress political party to rig the upcoming 2016 general election scheduled for December 7, 2016, for President Mahama and the NDC.

Is it your wish that they attain this obvious criminal objective of theirs to allow people to question me and others who believe in you, by saying, “Where is your God in whom you trust and make noise about his greatness to save you from calamities?”

Is it your wish that the Ghanaian masses continue to suffer, living in absolute fear of losing their lives under these criminal leaders of whom President Mahama makes a bold claim to be your anointed one to rule Ghana?

Why have our current traditional leaders, with Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, become conspicuous criminals, to lord themselves over their subjects, reaping from where they have not sown and making the lives of many so miserable?

I believe it is not your wish for such things to happen in Ghana, although we might have offended you with our lip service claim of being a godly people and nation but with our hearts far removed from you.

Father, in order not for the criminal leadership to continue to make mockery of your name by continually supressing the majority of Ghanaians in the belief that you have ordained them to rule the nation, I pray that you thwart their efforts and all their attempts to rig the upcoming 2016 elections.

Please Father, let the elections be conducted under fair circumstances with whoever seeking to rig the election for NDC and President Mahama because of what they stand to gain as individuals or as a group, be punished severely with infirmity or death.

Majority of Ghanaians are crying for a change in government from President Mahama and the NDC to Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP. It is only my pray that you grant the wish of the suffering majority without remembering their sins.

For how long will you tarry while your people die from hardships brought to bear on them by the current corrupt, lawless and criminal public and traditional leadership?

Even though I have absolutely no right to propose to you what to do as you always know best, will you please mind exposing the nefarious nocturnal and diurnal activities by Charlotte Osei and the NDC to rig election 2016, thwart such efforts by them, and subsequently punish them?

Again, will you please embolden Ghanaian court judges to tell the truth; stand up to defend the law and the rights of the people as enshrined in the laws of the land and to punish perpetrators of crime without fear or favour.

For how long shall you oh God, sit down watching while Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II continues to play his criminal tricks on the people of Kumawuman in the hope of exploiting their lands, other natural resources and bank deposits for his personal advantage while the subjects of Kumawuman linger in abject poverty? Is it your desire for such things to happen?

If the actions of our leaders happen not to have been sanctioned by you as they make contrary claim to, then I shall entreat you, Oh God, to no longer tarry in punishing them to liberate your people from their current physical, psychological, moral and financial hardships.

As prophet Habakkuk prayed to you to effect a positive change in the then prevailing bad circumstances, asking you tough questions, so do I today.

Could you please Oh God, reveal to many Ghanaians, and especially I, Rockson Adofo, whether or not you have elected the current President and his government to treat Ghanaians in the ongoing criminal manner that they are treating people? Do you love them more than you do to the majority of the suffering Ghanaians?

Do you care, when many people die and linger in various forms of agony because of the leadership of President Mahama, Asantehene and their company? And if you do, please reveal to me what you intend doing about it to bring their unhealthy actions under control.

In absolute faith do I wait on you for answers to my queries, Oh Dear God Father. However, on 7 December 2016, let the change of government from the current NDC to NPP take place despite whatever attempts by Charlotte Osei to do differently.

Shall you curse the current leadership that are so entrenched in their evil ways of cheating your people, amassing wealth illegally, and selling or leasing lands to companies and individuals in areas where they have absolutely no right to.

Shall you Oh God, strengthen Ghanaians to stand up to the rogues ruling the country, who are taking your people for a rough ride and thereby making a joke of your name and authority even though you are Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent?

This is my prayer to you in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, and by the guidance and spirit of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Rockson Adofo

Message 3 of 9

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson