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Over-Confidence and Complacency will kill the NPP

Sun, 25 Mar 2012 Source: Adofo, Rockson

President Mills' National Democratic Congress (NDC) government are beset with, and involved in, unprecedented gargantuan corruption, incompetence and abuse of power. Under the watch of President Mills, the Bureau of National Investigation (BNI) seems to have manipulatively become an oppressive political weapon to use by the NDC for selective arrest of citizens. The supposed Man of Peace, thus, "asomdhwehene", is actually a hypocrite, a wolf in a lamb's skin to be more precise, when one takes a critical look at his style of governance. He presents himself as a true Christian but by his actions, he is worse than any devil incarnate. Is he not the President who admonishes against politics of insults yet rewards those able to insult his political opponents with Ministerial posts in his government? Is he not the one who denied any prior knowledge of the judgment debt payment to Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome before it became public any yet had twice in vain tried to stop the payment? Has President Mills not presided over fraudulent gargantuan judgment debt payments knowingly or unknowingly intended to enrich his party members or his party, more than any other President in the history of Ghana has ever done?

President Mills and the NDC are still disregarding the wishes of the governed by all the above disgraceful actions typical of an African or a Ghanaian dictator. 21st Century world order abhors the said actions by the NDC government. They have devised dubious plans, put in place dubious actions, to retain the Presidency and the Parliament come 2012 elections. The Electoral Commission in connivance with the NDC government are intentionally disenfranchising eligible Ghanaians. There were rumours a few months ago of how the NDC were spreading false information about the Biometric Voters Registration in the strongholds of the NPP. They told people how they could be infected with cancer, become impotent, or be easily apprehended once they commit any crime and do the runner since all their details, that is, finger print, picture and all else are stored electronically.

The Electoral Commission have failed in their duty towards Ghanaians. They have deliberately failed to allocate enough time to educate Ghanaians about the Biometric registration. If they had, we would not be sitting here today with the regrettable situation whereby people are refusing to register based on the consequential effects of the rumours. Furthermore, the made in China machines the Electoral Commission imported for the exercise are not time-tested. From information reaching Ghanaians both resident in Ghana and abroad, the machines are breaking down, freezing or crashing at a speed only understood by the Electoral Commission and the NDC government.

In the face of all these irresponsible and criminal actions in perpetration by both the Electoral Commission and the President Mills' NDC government, the opposition parties are mute over it. Their failures to complain bitterly about the despicable way President Mills and his NDC party are seeking to impose themselves on Ghanaians make them equally culpable. They are either over-confident that regardless the evil machinations by the Electoral Commission to assist the NDC rig the election, they will win or they cannot be bothered.

The corruptions within the NDC, the silent molestation of a section of Ghanaians with the secret intention or agenda to disenfranchise some Ghanaian voters make me sick of the NDC. I will be lodging official complaint about the Electoral Commission if indeed it has engaged in deplorable actions directed at enhancing the re-election or election of a particular individual or political party.

The opposition parties should agitate for the temporary stoppage of the registration until the masses have sufficiently been educated, the machines' proficiency improved or looked at, and the Electoral Commission and government addressed all other concerns likely to mar the exercise. There should not be any more complacency on the part of the opposition parties especially, the NPP. Be over-confident and complacent and you will surely lose the election. Go to every corner, every home and every citizen to preach that good tiding of registering and voting to be able to elect a more competent person or party to govern Ghana.

I will strongly advise the opposition parties to unite and with one voice condemn the deliberate conniving action by the Electoral Commission to rig the election for the NDC. President Mills has created new constituencies in areas where there should have been none, as most of them never meet the criteria for their creation. They have created them just because they will enhance the NDC's chances of winning majority seats in Parliament come December 2012 elections.

A nation gives its people academic education to help them serve their nation and humanity in many better ways. However, Ghanaians and Africans use their acquired educational knowledge to lord it over their compatriots, and in most cases, steal gargantuan sums of money by the power of their pen, as may be the case in the judgment debt payments by President Mills' government to their cronies and ghost names for no job done.

It is painful that the Blackman cannot in all honesty ever exercise free and fair elections. They usually place certain structures in place in attempt to rig the elections. "Absolute power corrupts, and corrupts absolutely" Corrupted powers will surely face the wrath of the people through what may be the "Arab Spring" A word to the NDC may never be enough but I can never say to them more than a word.


Columnist: Adofo, Rockson