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Pointing finger @ Ghana is not the answer

Wed, 4 Mar 2015 Source: Acquaye, Fred

We would have been enjoying a little more peace if we STAND by the "TRUTH" no matter what the circumstances are ; stop the HYPOCRISY and contribute your quota to society. There are ppl who are inherently kleptomaniacs and they should not be allowed to oversee our national or community coffers! It is quite hypocritical when elders and leaders abuse their positions of trust for peanuts but in some cases vital funds for national and community development!!! Unfortunately some of us become emasculated and cannot stand up for the truth whilst at the same time we abhor the fleecing of our national or community coffers !

How could we address the problem of corruption if we all keep quite?

Meanwhile corruption is killing our country and communities! How can leaders close an account belonging to a whole community and we all keep quite as if it is the normal way of dealing with issues? What about presenting the necessary documentation to demand their money? CAN YOU LOCK THE DOOR OF YOUR TENANT BECAUSE THE RENT IS PAST DUE?? Why should we call people honorable when we can obviously see that what they are doing to our nation and communities is the opposite..........dishonorable?

Someone wrote somewhere and I quote "How do you put hyenas in charge of the goat and wonder why the goat disappeared?

The solution to our nation and community's problems lays in they way we act or not act on issues affecting us. Next time we accuse our leaders in Ghana, we should be asking ourselves what have we done or not done about the rot near us! Ghanaian communities' abroad mimics what is going on in Ghana! None of these communities can boast of tangible leadership achievements but they are first to jump and accuse Governments back home of corruption etc.! Have we been able to hold our leaders in the diaspora accountable?

As we prepare to celebrate our nations independence we indulge each Ghanaian to search his within soul deeply and think about what we can all do to move our country and community forward! Pointing fingers towards Ghana is not the solution, addressing the challenges we have here is of more importance! After that we can hold our chest out and point fingers at the leadership in Ghana!

Columnist: Acquaye, Fred