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Political activism: The Ghanaian problem

Rawlings Nkrumah Former and first presidents of Ghana, Jerry John Rawlings and Kwame Nkrumah respectively

Mon, 24 Jan 2022 Source: Kennedy Osei-Tutu

Nkrumah cum Rawlings system of cognitive orientation or mental programming. This is a system of cognitive distortion and negative frame of mind/thinking inculcated in the population with the prime objective of making everyone become like them or share in their world's view. Elements of the system include the following:

a) Promoting the “Pull-Him-Down Phenomenon”

b) Projecting oneself over others

c) Disregard for superiors

d) Projecting socially lower ranks over higher ones

e) Assigning negative meaning to human occurrence or activity or framing human actions in a negative way

f) Envying and scheming against those who are successful, talented, and highly blessed

g) Belief in placing a stumbling block in the way of people

h) Envying the rich

i) Love for money

j) Having no value for human dignity and the Ghanaian human resource

k) Timidity and total lack of assertiveness

l) Having no belief in ourselves as there is an absence of self-confidence in our abilities

m) Not appreciative of the fellow Ghanaian and not loving each other but hating ourselves or seeing ourselves as enemies

n) Promoting ethnic/tribal division with no value for ethnic/tribal diversity

o) A belief that there is nothing wrong in destroying or taking away human lives

p) Absence of can-do mentality


The powerful Nkrumah cum Rawlings constituency in the National Security Agency were the implementers of the infamous “culture of silence phenomenon” during President Rawlings’ military regime.


1) Framing of any issue against their interest as a "national security concern"

2) Information (controlling information the citizenry consume, socialisation process especially the curricula of first and second cycle educational system, media, public speakers, public officials, discrediting the source of information i.e. people by using grapevine to broadcast falsehood that person A or B is mad or have gone insane and further recruit other people to bear false witnesses to confirm their false rumour, etc)

3) Usurpation of powers of elected governments

4) Clandestine operations

5) Militancy


Re-orient or re-programme the Ghanaian psychology by deconstructing the dysfunctional installed system of those in National Security with allegiance to Nkrumah and Rawlings.

Columnist: Kennedy Osei-Tutu