









Politics, not enemy to patriotism

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Mon, 15 Aug 2016 Source: Felix Kwaku-Dua

In ways that are still a mystery, politics continue to heckle patriotism worldwide and particularly in our country. Politics in its natural sense do not project trouble towards patriotism in any sort of way. The two have remained intimate with same targets since the beginning of time; talk about when our motherland, Ghana was then Gold Coast.

Infact, they both envisage for nation building, equality, development and peace whereas anything contrary to positivity is found outside their jurisdictions.

Folks, the little understanding I have which I am sharing is that politics and patriotism are NOT IN A STATE OF ANTAGONISM but real agape lovers.

Until the pest-partisan politics, creeped into the intelligence of mankind, surely, I would have never described politics as the "Cain" of patriotism. Since then, the twist has it that patriotism is being suppressed, devoured by active players of politics who are now partisan.

Our country Ghana is now suffering and taking the whips of repercussions from this latest unbefitting trend making our nation very volatile.

Per this stance, no counter from any corner should defeat this fact that every well-meaning Ghanaian should be able to rebel against partisan politics in full force without a second thought.

I have simple reasons to back my motion;

Partisan politics wrecks nation: Once we entertain and fail to prune partisan politics, then we should expect nothing than ripping apart our nation. In this regard, rule of law will die, no course for national development, we will not experience unity. Then also one of the most important assets to country building, peace and stability will dwindle; meaning Ghana will ultimately collapse.

Self-interest than all-interest: This is where political parties turn to have strong urge over impunity showing excessive aggression and penchant for power and their interest only.

In such times, intolerance and injustice are experienced at the risk of human life and any other activities geared towards development. Within and outside their means, parties involved in such scenario always protect their followers on wrong doings and illegalities against the State. Life then will become unbearable for any opposing side.

Herein, I do inquire: Can we conclude anything substantive that should attract us to merge our lives with partisan politics? If not, then we all must accept without any hard feelings that partisan politics is rather the biggest enemy to patriotism and vice-versa.

Currently, whiles there is no doubt that Ama Ghana is experiencing limited hash side of this canker, it behoves on me and you to cease its players by projecting at all cost the interest of our nation devoid of political, tribal, religious and any other affiliations.

Ghana must and should remain prime on our activities whiles any party interest is positioned below. Let us remember patriotism pays better as partisan politics pays bitter.

Columnist: Felix Kwaku-Dua