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Pot Calls The Kettle Black

Sat, 11 Nov 2006 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

It is rather amusing that the leaders of the so-called (Provisional) National Democratic Congress (P/NDC) should be accusing the top-brass of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) of plotting to systematically eliminate Mr. Rawlings and his “Dzelukope” School of Anti-Akan Butchers (Statesman 11/9/06).

Of course, we also take signal cognizance of the fact that there are, as it is to be naturally expected, quite a slew of arrant fools among the ranks of our clan, including Mr. Rawlings’ own chief spokesman, who had during the twenty protracted years that the half-Scottish lorded it supremely over Ghanaians, unconscionably collaborated with “Togbui Agbotui” to assassinate and brutally murder our uncles, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.

And here, the NDC terror-mongers must rest, solidly, assured that if it ever becomes necessary to put into place a comprehensive strategy entailing the systematic elimination of the murderous likes of Mr. Rawlings, the Tsikatas and the Adjeis and Asamoahs, we know exactly where to locate them and bring them to condign justice!

And let no one make the egregious judgmental error of thinking that certified criminals who cowardly take shelter under the so-called Indemnity Clause of the Fourth Republican Ghanaian Constitution have the same rights as any other innocent and law-abiding Ghanaian to gad about remorselessly spewing vitriol at the rank-and-file membership of the NPP for unsubstantiated claims of corruption and other flagrant acts of misprision.

Indeed, if Mr. Rawlings and his henchmen were manly enough, they would have readily waived their “protection” under the so-called Indemnity Clause and stood trial, just like ex-Liberian President Charles Taylor, for their untold and unpardonable crimes against humanity.

You see, contrary to what the General-Secretary of the National Demo-Crack-heads’ Congress would have his captive audience and morally stunted sympathizers believe, one can only hold another responsible for acts of whose flagrant commission the accuser stands culpably innocent.

Consequently, we dare Mr. “Johnson” Asiedu Nketia, the P/NDC General-Secretary to come out with any scientific or objective evidence indicating that the top-membership of the New Patriotic Party is guilty of the summary executions of innocent Ghanaians via kangaroo-minted military tribunals.

And while, indeed, it may ring quite comforting, astute and even outright diplomatic for the leadership of the New Patriotic Party to assure our unsuspecting and diligent countrymen and women of our tranquil demeanor, perhaps, it is time for the NPP executive to issue a strong and certain warning to the cocaine-snorting and marijuana-toking executive membership of the NDC that we are darn ready to do manly battle with the dastardly thugs of the P/NDC.

Needless to say, there comes a time when it becomes unavoidably necessary to cease taking insults and undeserved abuse from the likes of Mr. Rawlings and his idiotic, tropical African poodles.

The blood of Cousin Afrifa and Uncle Yaw Boakye…and all the others…will be avenged!

And for starters, let Ghanaians put the Indemnity Clause to a referendum come 2008. And even as the Almighty God is alive in the blue-flames of justice, and S/He is no fleering fool, we are prepared to do unto those who did it unto our relatives, friends and neighbors, the classical music of the Teshie Military Range.

Meka Wukuada Ne Kwanyaako! Meka Me Nana Osei-Tutu Ntam Kesee Miensa! Onyame Ne M’adanse Difoo!

Long Live Ghana! Long Live the New Patriotic Party. Condign Justice Must Be Exacted From The P/NDC Thuggocrats!

*Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., teaches English and Journalism at Nassau Community College of the State University of New York, Garden City.

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Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame