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President Akufo-Addo scores 'six-me-ludo' on the state of the nation’s address; what next?

Akufo Addo 62 President Akufo-Addo

Mon, 11 Mar 2019 Source: Beverly Ever Nhyira

Moving forwards or backwards?

How can we determine this?

Well, for now, let’s just stick to literal content; limiting ourselves to the new regions that have been created.

Let’s face it; all the government wants to do is parade its achievements in front of the nation.

It’s a syndrome that is found in all political and social events and this state of the nation’s address is not in short supply of such preening and self-congratulation.

On top of this list was the newly created regions.

So as of now, president NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFO-ADDO can wear the badge of honour as the president to have actually seen to the execution of this request.

Perhaps he's scored a six on the ludo dice! But those of us who play ludo know that scoring a six is not necessarily good news.

‘Mr Speaker, this past week, the grounds of Jubilee House, the seat of our nation’s presidency, have resounded to a lot of celebrations, as we marked the handing over ceremonies of the Constitutional Instruments to the six new regions in our country. It has taken 18 months of very hard work and some complicated manoeuvring to get to where we are today.’’

Let's wait and observe how well these newly created regions serve the development of our country and the aspirations of all of us.

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Columnist: Beverly Ever Nhyira