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President-elect Nana Akufo Addo beware of the Ides of March

Akufo Addo Ran Off Prayer President-elect, Nana Akufo-Addo

Fri, 23 Dec 2016 Source: Adofo, Rockson

By Adofo Rockson

As the soothsayer warned Emperor Julius Caesar to beware of the ides of March, the failure of which led to his assassination by Brutus and his co-conspirators, so shall I once again warn President-elect Nana Akufo Addo to beware of 7 January 2017?

When God reveals an impending doom, it normally indicates that He is ready and good enough to avert the catastrophe. However, the aversion of the bad omen can only occur when the one about whom the revelation has been made as the target follows and abides by any attendant instructions so given.

If Julius Caesar had listened to the soothsayer and heeded his instruction without treating him like a mad person talking crap, Caesar could have saved himself from the murderous plot by Brutus and his fellow assassins.

Similarly, a prophetic revelation has come asking president-elect Nana Akufo Addo not to allow himself to be hugged by whomever on 7 January 2017, the day of his formal swearing in as the President of the Republic of Ghana. Check the web link below.


I am not sure Nana Akufo Addo will behave like Julius Caesar who on his way to the Capitol Hill was warned by the soothsayer crying on top of his voice to him to beware of the ides of March but which warning or advice he did completely ignore hence his untimely death.

I strongly entreat Captain Koda, the Head of his security detail to ensure that NOBODY, be they Mrs Rebecca Akufo Addo, the Chief Justice, Asantehene, Okyehene, former President Kufour/Rawlings, outing President Mahama, a foreign President or diplomat, DJ Sarkodie of Source FM radio UK, a child, an adult or an old person, etc., embraces him before, during and after his swearing in as the President of Ghana on that very particular day.

Failing to obey this simple instruction may come at a great health cost to him that has the potential to scupper his yearned desire to be of selfless and enviable service to his people and nation in the capacity of a President of Ghana.

Once, at Kumawu, one Opanin Yaw Opoku, now deceased, was a feared person to both the Kumawu-Bodomasehene Nana Atta Tweneboa and the Kumawu Ankaase royals. He sued the Bodomashene alleging that the stool he occupies belongs to the Aduanas but him. The chief being from the Bretuo clan simply made him a caretaker but not a rightful occupant to the stool. He could also challenge the Ankasse royals, telling them to the face that they are not legitimate royals.

I would not go into the details of the calibre of person that Opanin Yaw Opoku was. Nonetheless, he was from the Kumawu Odumase Aduana royal family, a true royal and a knowledgeable historian. He was also a member of the Kumawu-Bodomase branch of the Saviour Church of Ghana.

A revelation was pronounced to him on a Saturday at church service by the church’s prophet that on the coming Thursday, he should not step out of his house but to remain indoors the entire day to avert a problem that was about to happen to him.

Come the said Thursday at around midday, someone came running to him saying he had received a phone call from abroad which he had to proceed to a communication centre or a public phone booth to receive it. In those days, there were nothing like cell (mobile) phones. All such international calls came through the few public phone booths installed by former President Rawlings or the few privately-owned or operated communication centres. These preceded the now abundantly seen internet cafes.

Opanin Yaw Opoku forgetting about the revelation made to him with the need to remain indoors despite the circumstances, dashed out to listen to the phone call.

That was the very beginning and cause of the dementia he suffered there and then until his death. He lost his memory and could at times get lost even in the nearby bushes that he knew more than the back of his palm. People had to go and search for him each time he got lost. Could he afterwards remember the history that he knew expertly well before his illness? No!!!

When God reveals anything to you with instructions given, please, try as much as you can to obey or follow the instructions. For that is the only effective way to avert the problem for the saying, “God reveals to redeem” to become any meaningful.

Behind every successful man, there is a woman, so Mrs Rebecca Akufo Addo, God has entrusted the care, safety and protection of President-elect Nana Akufo Addo into your able hands on that day (7 January 2017). Therefore, ensure that NOBODY hugs him, not even you, on that fateful day. Ensure Captain Koda does not allow anyone to hug him, not even Koda himself.

I have done my part of the duty. The prophet has done his part. It is now up to you as the wife and Captain Koda to do your last part to bring the revelation to a successful closure. It is just a day’s work. Is it hard to do that?

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson