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President to withdraw A.K.B. Obeng’s appointment as MD for BOST

Akufo Addo Prez 9 President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Mon, 30 Jan 2017 Source: Dr. Kwame Oppong

By Dr. Kwame Oppong

Last week, we started our campaign which aims to draw the President’s attention to potentially dangerous persons in his team. Our argument remains unchanged and the focus is still same.

Per one of the comments made on our last week’s publication, we established that A.K.B. Obeng is the author and/or publisher called Approacher’s Series.

This name is utterly scary to every committed Ghanaian teacher and student at both JHS and SHS (will return to this point later).

Why should the President revoke A.K.B. Obeng’s appointment as the MD for BOST? Mr Obeng has the track record of wrongdoing. In Part 1, we proved that Mr Obeng, then a law student at KNUST, engaged in a series of high-scale exam malpractices and was caught and sacked. We argued that Mr Obeng was the first student to engage in exams malpractice neither will he be the last. However, the scale of his malpractice and his response to the university authorities are the source of our concern.

Mustering courage to the University to court and successfully manipulating the Judiciary to quash a decision taken by the Law Faculty was and is still a Herculean task. How did Mr. Obeng orchestrate and execute his mission? Persons interested in knowing more on the tortuous court procedure of quashing and nullifying orders may contact us for the whole court ruling which culminated in Mr. Obeng remaining a sacked student of KNUST till today.

That gentleman is well connected. Mr. President, it is a simply a risk keeping him in a top managerial post such as that of BOST. That greedy flirter deserves no appointment whether top or low position in NPP, a party whose grassroots members themselves are intellectuals.

Now, we provide two more reasons for which Your Excellency should listen to us and revoke Mr. Obeng’s appointment. This part is taken from the comments made by one John to our last week’s publication. One statement from John’s comment reads: ‘This man [Approacher’s] can supply only 2000 textbooks to schools but generate invoices for a whopping 2,000,000 textbooks’.

John’s comment and the follow-up information given to us show that Mr. Obeng was a key figure in NDC Government’s mismanagement of Ghana’s Education which saw several thousands of students had their education terminated at SHS level. For example, under-supplying textbooks means that several students are in school without books to consult. And this explains why students were failing massively while the then Government sat unconcerned because Ministers had free money from over-invoiced book supply.

Mr. President, wives and husbands joined queues as early as 11 pm to cast votes that brought you and your Government to power. Therefore, any remnant of the NDC government reminds Ghanaians of the painful and self-inflected ordeals of JM Administration. Mr. Obeng is one of them.

Mr. Obeng’s involvement in those alleged scandals (eg, Atlas scandals) and his re-surfacing in your Govt mark the highest level of political flirting. That is, Mr Obeng was dining with Ministers and other executives of the previous government while maintaining contacts with NPP. In this case, he might have assisted them in their loot-and-share syndicates. It is likely that the Office of your Independent Prosecutor may at one point subpoena him to appear before it.

Mr President, Mr. Obeng’s appointment in your regime falsely tells the public that he was channelling his ill-gotten money to finance your already well-resourced party. In the most unlikely event that he holds on to this position (MD of BOST), he will again siphon State money and divert some to finance NDC. Using these series of flirted events, Mr. Obeng will be in active business during each political regime.

Your Excellency, you took over the affairs of this country at the time Ghanaians need you more than ever. There is no time in your regime for making amends; you must just start with the right persons. Political flirts such as Mr. Obeng are misfits. That is, NPP needs honest and committed or true-to-type members to handle vital offices such as that of the MD of BOST. We shall return.

Columnist: Dr. Kwame Oppong
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