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RE: Select Nana Addo for 2016

Edward Kwasi Akuoko

suit filed by the three leading members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), challenging the legitimacy of the president elect; I have shared in the opinion of many of our followers that the issue of who becomes the next flag bearer should be down played until such a time as may be deemed fit.

However, a recent statement purported to have been made by Maxwell Kofi Jumah, a former Member of Parliament and a minister of state in the Kufuor administration at the launch of the “LET MY VOTE COUNT ALLIANCE” during which he was reported to have said that, it would be unthinkable to replace the 2012 flag bearer in 2016 if he proves to be physically and mentally fit, has elicited a response from me as a party member who is concerned about our future fortunes.

Even more important is the fact that the debate as to who should lead the party in 2016 has intensified in some leading newspapers such as THE DISPATCH and therefore I find it most opportune to state my opinion as a grass root party member.

Let me state without mincing words that I BET TO DIFFER with Maxwell Kofi Jumah’s views, although I very much respect it.

In my candid view whether Nana Addo remains physically and mentally fit or not by 2016, that factor should not be the only informed criteria but serious consideration should be given to other factors in which Nana Addo’s candidature falls short in order to enhance our chances in the next elections.

In my thinking, even if Nana Addo should win the court case and become president for the rest of the next four year term, he should take a bow in active partisan politics from 2016.

As a party, we should understand that it is by the special grace of God that Nana Addo was able to exhibit such strength and fitness during the 2012 campaigning, since it is natural for the health of every normal being to start deterioration after age 50.

We must therefore not be complacent and attempt to gamble with the health of the innocent and blessed Man (Nana Addo). As the holy book puts it in Psalm 90:10, “the days of our years are three scores (60 years) and ten”; and if by reason of strength, they are four score years…..

The point am trying to put across is that at age 72 in 2016, Nana Addo should be seen as having been favoured by the Lord to have lived up to such age and should therefore be treasured, preserved and protected from excessive and rigorous campaign activities that can wear him down and have a negative toll on his health. The party would therefore be pushing Nana Addo to his early grave no matter how physically and mentally strong he might look and sound respectively.

We need to remember that the nation has recently suffered from a similar situation in relation to the untimely death of President John Evans Atta Mills whom many believed should not have contested the 2008 elections at all when it became evident that his health had began to fail way back in 2005.

Are we going to wake up one day after 2016, to see on the front pages of the various newspapers, accusations and counter accusations as to who is to blame for another untimely event as was witnessed in 2011 when the late president died. I would humbly and respectfully also appeal to Nana Addo himself to refuse such a call and offer even if he’s asked to do in his own interest and that of the larger party.

The above notwithstanding, I sincerely believe that the NPP under Nana Addo, despite its phenomenal performance which in my view (as shared by many) won him and the party the 2012 elections, has faced very genuine and serious challenges which calls for a deep reflection

A few of which I have enumerated below.


The issue ageing on the part of our candidate is one that could not be ignored in 2012 and I believe would not go away in 2016 if Nana Addo is re-elected. Such an action will not only be a de-motivation to the youth of this country who are in the majority, but they will also find it difficult to relate to such a personality viz a viz the other potential flag bearers as John Dramani Mahama who will remain comparatively younger.


Selecting Nana Addo will again bring to the fore one of the major challenges the NPP (and not Nana Addo as a person) has faced since its formation in 1992, and does not seem to have a solution to -the perception that it is an Akan party.

Our major competitor in elections, the NDC, has had candidates from three major tribes leading it since then. Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings, an Ewe from 1993-2000, John Evans Atta Mills, a Fante (Akan) from 2009-2012 and currently John Dramani Mahama from the north. Per this record I am in no doubt convinced that the NDC has become more diversified and attractive to a varied number of tribes in Ghana than the NPP which has always fielded either a Brong, an Asante or an Akyem as was seen in Adu Boahen, Kuffuor and Nana Addo respectively all of whom are Akans.

I believe it’s high time the party makes a strategic deviation from what has become the status quo, and put a northern Muslim if possible so that northerners can identify with the party’s candidate and not always place them in running mate positions as we do. Our electoral fortunes will become even stronger in my view if such a northern Muslim candidate can also select an Ewe or a Ga as his/ her running mate.

With such a move, the tribal propaganda campaign waged by other parties against the NPP notably the NDC shall fall flat on the face.


Although I have strong difficulty expositing on this issue, I need to do so with courage and conviction.

Nana Addo’s natural posturing and demeanor which portrays courage and confidence (I mean his speech) has been largely misinterpreted and misunderstood by some Ghanaians especially non NPP followers as smack of arrogance although he has with the passage of time proven beyond doubt that he is practically selfless, humble, God fearing and above all peaceful as he displayed during the aftermath of the declaration of the infamous results by Dr Kwadwo Afari-Djan.

I am more than convinced that it’s based on this false attributes that the NDC has consistently portrayed their candidates in the last three elections as Humble, God fearing etc although I have some doubt as to whether they are, by deed and not mere hypocrites of wolf caliber dressed in sheep skin. It will therefore be politically correct to choose a candidate who’ll be seen by many as having the natural instinct of selflessness, humility and God’s fear in him.


Per this analysis, I am more than convinced that Nana Addo should not listen to calls for him to seek re-election but rather make a graceful exit, paving the way for a more youthful, non Akan, to lead our party to victory in 2016. We simply have to be politically strategic in selecting our next flag bearer and running mate!

By this assertion, let me be bold and state that Nana Addo will do us a lot of Good if he can support his own 2 time running mate, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to win the party’s candidature, because I see him as possessing all the qualities we need to counter the positive sides of the possible NDC candidate for 2016, John Dramani Mahama.

Let those who have ears hear me

God bless the NPP God bless Ghana!!

Edward Kwasi Akuoko

(Former constituency secretary)

NPP, Obuasi

Contact: 0233-660102, Email: [email protected]

suit filed by the three leading members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), challenging the legitimacy of the president elect; I have shared in the opinion of many of our followers that the issue of who becomes the next flag bearer should be down played until such a time as may be deemed fit.

However, a recent statement purported to have been made by Maxwell Kofi Jumah, a former Member of Parliament and a minister of state in the Kufuor administration at the launch of the “LET MY VOTE COUNT ALLIANCE” during which he was reported to have said that, it would be unthinkable to replace the 2012 flag bearer in 2016 if he proves to be physically and mentally fit, has elicited a response from me as a party member who is concerned about our future fortunes.

Even more important is the fact that the debate as to who should lead the party in 2016 has intensified in some leading newspapers such as THE DISPATCH and therefore I find it most opportune to state my opinion as a grass root party member.

Let me state without mincing words that I BET TO DIFFER with Maxwell Kofi Jumah’s views, although I very much respect it.

In my candid view whether Nana Addo remains physically and mentally fit or not by 2016, that factor should not be the only informed criteria but serious consideration should be given to other factors in which Nana Addo’s candidature falls short in order to enhance our chances in the next elections.

In my thinking, even if Nana Addo should win the court case and become president for the rest of the next four year term, he should take a bow in active partisan politics from 2016.

As a party, we should understand that it is by the special grace of God that Nana Addo was able to exhibit such strength and fitness during the 2012 campaigning, since it is natural for the health of every normal being to start deterioration after age 50.

We must therefore not be complacent and attempt to gamble with the health of the innocent and blessed Man (Nana Addo). As the holy book puts it in Psalm 90:10, “the days of our years are three scores (60 years) and ten”; and if by reason of strength, they are four score years…..

The point am trying to put across is that at age 72 in 2016, Nana Addo should be seen as having been favoured by the Lord to have lived up to such age and should therefore be treasured, preserved and protected from excessive and rigorous campaign activities that can wear him down and have a negative toll on his health. The party would therefore be pushing Nana Addo to his early grave no matter how physically and mentally strong he might look and sound respectively.

We need to remember that the nation has recently suffered from a similar situation in relation to the untimely death of President John Evans Atta Mills whom many believed should not have contested the 2008 elections at all when it became evident that his health had began to fail way back in 2005.

Are we going to wake up one day after 2016, to see on the front pages of the various newspapers, accusations and counter accusations as to who is to blame for another untimely event as was witnessed in 2011 when the late president died. I would humbly and respectfully also appeal to Nana Addo himself to refuse such a call and offer even if he’s asked to do in his own interest and that of the larger party.

The above notwithstanding, I sincerely believe that the NPP under Nana Addo, despite its phenomenal performance which in my view (as shared by many) won him and the party the 2012 elections, has faced very genuine and serious challenges which calls for a deep reflection

A few of which I have enumerated below.


The issue ageing on the part of our candidate is one that could not be ignored in 2012 and I believe would not go away in 2016 if Nana Addo is re-elected. Such an action will not only be a de-motivation to the youth of this country who are in the majority, but they will also find it difficult to relate to such a personality viz a viz the other potential flag bearers as John Dramani Mahama who will remain comparatively younger.


Selecting Nana Addo will again bring to the fore one of the major challenges the NPP (and not Nana Addo as a person) has faced since its formation in 1992, and does not seem to have a solution to -the perception that it is an Akan party.

Our major competitor in elections, the NDC, has had candidates from three major tribes leading it since then. Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings, an Ewe from 1993-2000, John Evans Atta Mills, a Fante (Akan) from 2009-2012 and currently John Dramani Mahama from the north. Per this record I am in no doubt convinced that the NDC has become more diversified and attractive to a varied number of tribes in Ghana than the NPP which has always fielded either a Brong, an Asante or an Akyem as was seen in Adu Boahen, Kuffuor and Nana Addo respectively all of whom are Akans.

I believe it’s high time the party makes a strategic deviation from what has become the status quo, and put a northern Muslim if possible so that northerners can identify with the party’s candidate and not always place them in running mate positions as we do. Our electoral fortunes will become even stronger in my view if such a northern Muslim candidate can also select an Ewe or a Ga as his/ her running mate.

With such a move, the tribal propaganda campaign waged by other parties against the NPP notably the NDC shall fall flat on the face.


Although I have strong difficulty expositing on this issue, I need to do so with courage and conviction.

Nana Addo’s natural posturing and demeanor which portrays courage and confidence (I mean his speech) has been largely misinterpreted and misunderstood by some Ghanaians especially non NPP followers as smack of arrogance although he has with the passage of time proven beyond doubt that he is practically selfless, humble, God fearing and above all peaceful as he displayed during the aftermath of the declaration of the infamous results by Dr Kwadwo Afari-Djan.

I am more than convinced that it’s based on this false attributes that the NDC has consistently portrayed their candidates in the last three elections as Humble, God fearing etc although I have some doubt as to whether they are, by deed and not mere hypocrites of wolf caliber dressed in sheep skin. It will therefore be politically correct to choose a candidate who’ll be seen by many as having the natural instinct of selflessness, humility and God’s fear in him.


Per this analysis, I am more than convinced that Nana Addo should not listen to calls for him to seek re-election but rather make a graceful exit, paving the way for a more youthful, non Akan, to lead our party to victory in 2016. We simply have to be politically strategic in selecting our next flag bearer and running mate!

By this assertion, let me be bold and state that Nana Addo will do us a lot of Good if he can support his own 2 time running mate, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to win the party’s candidature, because I see him as possessing all the qualities we need to counter the positive sides of the possible NDC candidate for 2016, John Dramani Mahama.

Let those who have ears hear me

God bless the NPP God bless Ghana!!

Edward Kwasi Akuoko

(Former constituency secretary)

NPP, Obuasi

Contact: 0233-660102, Email: [email protected]

Columnist: Edward Kwasi Akuoko/Former NPP constituency secretary