









Rawlings Warned,”No More Tribal Politics And War In Ghana”

Wed, 11 May 2011 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.


From: Stephen A.Quaye, Toronto-Canada.

A powerful note of caution has been issued to the former president Jeremiah John Rawlings, to immediately quit beating the drums of tribal differences as well as making political capital out of tribal issues to divide the nation.

Mr. McDonald Agbenyo, the former chairman of the NPP Toronto Chapter, issued the warning here over the weekend when members of the party met at North Kipling Community Centre to raise funds to push the campaign agenda of their beloved political party in Ghana.

Attaching so much importance or seriousness to the warning to the former president, the NPP guru, turned his attention from the members he was addressing to the consul general Mr. Kodjo Mawutor, pleading with him to forward the warning to the former president in Ghana.

Making his point clear, Mr. Agbenyo, observed that for quite a long time politicians especially former president Rawlings has been using tribal differences to achieve his selfish political gains to the detriment of the entire citizenry of the country.

“Mr. Rawlings has been left alone for all these while to use tribalism to divide the people instead of uniting them as one people for the common good of developing the country and it is time we must tell him enough is enough” McDonald emphatically pointed out.

Accordingly, long before the demarcation of the national boarders of Ghana, Asante’s, Gas, Fantes, Housas and Ewes were more than one people who lived together as sisters and brothers. They were one people even before politics started and needs not to allow ourselves to be divided by someone for his selfish political ambitions, he cautioned.

The NPP stalwart, further sounded a word of caution to the incumbent president Professor John Evans Atta Mills and all other politicians to as a matter of urgency stop the politics of tribalism which has dealt and continue to deal a big blow to the country’s forward march in unity and development.

After a loud applause which greeted the address of the NPP member, the consul general Mr. Kodjo Mawutor took to the floor where he gave credence to the call to remain united and not be allowed to get divided by tribalism saying,” we are one people, one country and we need peace”.

He hinted members of the healthy discussions which earlier took place between the High Commissioner Dr. Frank Turkson and the minority leader Mr. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, before the starting of the programme which demonstrated that despite ones political affiliation Ghanaians are one people.

Mr. Kodjo Mawutor, made it clear that for past 27 years, he has been staying above politics as a neutral civil servant and assured members that he will forward their concerns to the appropriate quarters as he continue to serve the good people of Ghana in a foreign destination.

Members used the occasion to fraternize among themselves as some were seen dancing and having chats which mainly centered on how to support their constituencies to win the upcoming general elections.

Pix: McDonald Agbenyo, Former NPP Toronto Chairman. End.

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.