









Saaayooo, Ndc Has No Elders?

Mon, 14 May 2012 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.

By: Stephen A.Quaye.

A guy was once advised by his parents to show respect to the elderly and even those he is older than in his endeavors no matter where he finds himself.

Looking at his muscles and his might to throw down heavy persons and people who might look stronger than him, he did not take the advice but went around misbehaving.

One day, he misconducted himself by beating his girlfriend restlessly accusing her of cheating on him whiles he has not performed the customary rights to claim full ownership of her as his wife.

This time he did not go scot free as the blue uniformed officers and men got hold of him, and charged him before court.

When his parents got wind of the matter and tried to find out from how he was handling the case, hear what he said to his parents,” daddy, mama, sane 3 efee case e” to wit, my issue is a serious one.

What is “sane 3” and what is case one may ask is that not the same? That is to express the magnitude of the matter heading towards the law court for the legal brains to determine what kind of punishment to slap on him.

Tellingly, the same thing goes with the internal wrangling within the umbrella party where there have been several calls on the party hierarchy to address but have turned blind eye on them and now being bitten by those problems.

When issues about the former first couple started, many were those who raised concern about the need for the elders within the party to settle those misunderstandings between the former first couple and their followers and that of president Atta Mills and his followers.

All were made to believe that there was nothing wrong going on between the president and the former first couple. Even at Sunyani congress whiles the former first couple were complaining of discrepancies here and there the general public were made to disregard their complains.

The worse came when after the congress ex-president Jerry John Rawlings warned that the party he founded but was wrestled from him was going to suffer for what took place in Sunyani.

Apparently he was referring to what he alleged as rigging the primary in favour of the incumbent president.

Several months after the Sunyani congress the elders in the party have failed to settle the differences between the president and the former first couple and now we are hearing the former first lady Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, is planning to ban the party from using its main logo as she claim ownership of it.

At this point will the big mouths with in the part still tell us that there is no problem in NDC and that it is the opposition NPP activists who are fomenting trouble within the party?

The big questions many people are asking is are there no elders in the house of the National Democratic Congress, NDC to solve the squabbles and let us have peaceful elections?

In Ga, when people are exchanging harsh words or throwing blows or even pulling ones shirt that gives indication of fighting, one will shout, ”saaayoooo, onupka b3dzem3 lo, to wit no elders in the house?

So we are asking are there no elders under the umbrella as the hawks are wrestling over the ownership of the party? The magnitude of the case is getting bigger and bigger and there is the possibility of marring the elections if settlements are not made.



Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.