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Samia Yaba Nkrumah must go

Wed, 22 Jan 2014 Source: Essien, Daniel

By Daniel Essien

CPP, Ghana’s premier political party is near collapse. With some regret, but not much, I join the growing chorus calling upon the national leadership to resign. Leadership has been a failure. We went to congress in September, 2011, with promise and hope to elect National Officers to lead the party for a term of four years. Our agenda was clear, it was to intensify our campaign as the alternative to the NDC and NPP through the propagation of alternative policy visions, to enable us to win the 2012 elections and with that mandate transform Ghana for the benefit of all her citizens. To our utter surprise and indignation however, the newly elected National Officers triggered a tragic implosion that has killed the CPP. It turned out that such officers had been sponsored to contest for their positions by other political parties interests to ensure that our agenda of ever winning elections are frustrated.

A few years down the line any serious comrade in the party is bound to ask the question. Does the CPP exist? There is incontrovertible evidence that the current National Officers led by our Sister Samia Yaba Nkrumah exist not to win election to govern this country? Their reason for existence is to support other parties in return for petty cash and handouts. So, while some of us have focused on working hard as an independent party to present the alternative Ghanaians have been looking for, the National Leadership have decided to sell the party to the NDC and NPP.

The Genesis of CPP’s inability to make any impact in today’s politics has to be attributed to the lack of visionary leaders in the party. In other words, how can CPP be able to take up the leadership of this country with current leadership style? The CPP needs vibrant and visionary leaders to revive the party and make it more attractive to electorates.

Fellow comrade, many of you have seen that Samia’s leadership has not added any serious changes that were supposed to bring back the hopes and the vision of Kwame Nkrumah since she was elected to lead the CPP. The outcome of her chairmanship style as the days and months went by has proved a cry very difficult for those who even voted for her to resist. Most of us are therefore yearning for a dynamic chairman that has a vision and courage to take that seat from her and move the party forward. It would be disastrous for the CPP to allow Samia Yaba Nkrumah to attempt vying for the chairmanship position again. Her administration can be described as worst group in the history of the party. Currently, what we are witnessing is poor organization, but remember what Kwame Nkrumah once said: that organization decides everything; so if we are not well organized, how can we position the party for political power?

I therefore, challenged all members of the party claiming to be loyalists of the ideals of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to rise up and defend the legacy of the party.

The party needs all of you than ever before, else the legacy of the party would collapse in our time. We must stand firm and work towards redeeming the image of the party.

I therefore, ending by calling on all the ten (10) Regional Chairmen to summoned an emergency meeting to pass a resolution on the matter as quick as possible. The task is difficult, but vital. The struggle is hard, but necessary. The risks are high, but cannot be avoided.

The effect will demand all our courage, resourcefulness and endurance.

Long live CPP

Long live Ghana

Forward ever, Backward never.

Daniel Essien

Ashanti Regional Secretary for CPP

Columnist: Essien, Daniel