









Serious Akufo-Addo will appoint Martin Amidu as AG

Akufo Addo1MANIFESTO1 Nana Akufo-Addo

Sun, 11 Dec 2016 Source: Lungu, Prof.

"... We will say that when the record of history is written, it will show that Mr. John Dramani Mahama was more interested in grand-opening half-completed edifices than building institutions Ghanaians could count on to properly order their lives, the Ghanaian economy, and their role in the world of the 21st Century...Mr. Akufo-Addo Dankwa, appoint Mr. Martin A. B. K. Amidu as Attorney-General of Ghana to begin cementing your legacy even before you complete estimating precisely what the election is worth to you and the NPP in the form of capital and a mandate, post-2016 NPP electoral victory...", (Prof Lungu, 10 Dec 16).

The 2016 election is over and the duly appointed Electoral Commissioner of Ghana in whom we always had the highest regard, Mrs. Charlotte Osei, has declared the NPP presidential candidate, Mr. Akufo-Addo Dankwa, as the winner.

Congratulations to Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa

In resource-rich Ghana, we believe that most Ghanaians will agree that corruption in official circles, in government, to be precise, is one of the biggest development challenges Ghana faces.

When billions of dollars of public funds are stolen, wasted, or not collected in the first place, it is the average Ghanaian child and their parents who suffer.

It is outrageous that the most important stretch of highway in Ghana, the Accra-Kumasi-Tamale highway, has not been completed in over a decade.

The case of the Ghana oil contract and loss of over $6 billion the last 6 years alone is a very good example.

The Woyome-gate story where businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome was paid millions of dollars for doing exactly nothing is another example.

The over-charge for the Kumasi Airport renovation project is another prime example of a project that was used to rip-off Ghana when Ghana could actually have used the same amount of funds to construct even a better/more modern airport with a 10,000ft runway, with complementary taxiways, aprons, hangars, and lighting and marking systems.

Then, there is the Waterville-gate, and payment of millions of euros under fraudulent circumstances.

Dear reader, you can add to the list beginning right here:

We are not going to list all the other sordid matters that Mr. Mahama's government failed to properly investigate, prosecute, and settle, that you the reader know about.

Except we will say that when the record of history is written, it will show that Mr. John Dramani Mahama was more interested in grand-opening half-completed edifices than building institutions Ghanaians could count on to properly order their lives, the Ghanaian economy, and their role in the world of the 21st Century.

Needless to say, Mr. Mahama and the NDC had a chance to do a lot better by Ghana, but they chose to look the other way many, many, times, and blew it!

In a post in ModernGhana today, Mr. Martin Amidu makes the following observations:

"...The new Government will have the duty of getting your money back in the shortest possible time because of the confidence you have reposed in it. It is my prayer that the in-coming President, his Government, and Parliament will reciprocate the trust and confidence reposed in them at these elections by getting our Woyome and Waterville looted monies back in the shortest possible time. I will return to the Court on 13th December 2016 to face the outgoing looter Government and lootee Woyome but I am confident as your former Attorney General, now a public interest Plaintiff, that I can hold the fort against the looter Government and lootee, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, until the new President takes office on 7th January 2017. The President Elect, an eminent and distinguished lawyer, knows I can!...".

By this public message, we want to encourage the President-Elect of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa, to appoint Mr. Martin Amidu as the Attorney-General of Ghana to help Ghana get a better grip on official corruption.

We hope that Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa selects Mr. Amidu, that Mr. Martin Amidu will find it worthwhile to accept and assist Ghana resolve so many of the issues he's fought for all these weeks, months and years, on behalf of Ghanaians who as a collective, just voted for precisely the type of change Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa speaks about when he tells Ghanaians, "...Together, we will fulfill the destiny of Ghana, the destiny of freedom, justice and prosperity that the ancestors and founders of our nation defined for us...".

MESSAGE: Mr. Akufo-Addo Dankwa, appoint Mr. Martin A. B. K. Amidu as Attorney General of Ghana to begin cementing your legacy even before you complete estimating precisely what the election is worth to you and the NPP in the form of capital and a mandate, post-2016 NPP electoral victory.

Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa, do not squander your social and political capital before you really hit in time the venerable "Public Square" at the corner of Justice and Accountability.

Our little training in political science tells us voters either vote for a candidate of their own preference, or against a candidate they strongly detest for whatever reason. In the "Public Square", it is the rare and astute politician who understands that capital is not the same as a mandate, not even when a politician is supported by a majority of the population.

Deeds must matter more than talk!

So it goes, Ghana!


Martin A. B. K. Amidu. Thanks And Congratulations To The People Of Ghana For Voting A New Government, (https://www.modernghana.com/news/742151/thanks-and-congratulations-to-the-people-of-ghana-for-voting.html#comments).

SUBJ: Serious Akufo-Addo will appoint Martin Amidu as Attorney-General of Ghana!, by Prof. Lungu.

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Columnist: Lungu, Prof.
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