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Striking the balance: The delicate dance between political news and social issues

Writer  Political News12098.jpeg The writer of the article

Thu, 8 Jun 2023 Source: Ebenezer Quaye

In the ever-evolving landscape of journalism, news editors face the challenge of selecting the most pressing stories to captivate and inform their audiences. However, a long-standing criticism has emerged that political news stories often overshadow important social issues.

In this feature article, I will delve into the reasons behind this editorial decision, exploring the impact it has on our society. By examining in-depth articles and straight news, I will shed light on the delicate dance between political news and social issues.

The dominance of political news

Political news has long been a cornerstone of media coverage due to its potential for controversy, power struggles, and far-reaching consequences. This prioritisation can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, political news is often centered around prominent figures and institutions that shape the course of a nation.

Their decisions can have a direct impact on citizens' lives, making their actions inherently newsworthy. Secondly, the battle for power and the drama that unfolds in political arenas create compelling narratives for readers and

viewers. As a result, the allure of political news often takes center stage, relegating social issues to a secondary position.

The ripple effects on society

While political news captures the attention of the masses, the neglect of social issues within news coverage can have significant repercussions. Social issues encompass a broad spectrum, including inequality, poverty, healthcare, climate change, and human rights. By failing to give these matters due prominence, we risk losing sight of the challenges faced by vulnerable communities and the urgent need for social progress. The consequences of this negligence can perpetuate systemic injustices and hinder efforts to foster a more equitable society.

The need for balance

Recognising the need for balance, news organisations have an important role to play in addressing this disparity. In-depth articles that shed light on social issues can bring about a greater understanding and empathy among the general public. By amplifying the voices of marginalised communities and highlighting their struggles, journalists can create an environment where social issues receive the attention they deserve. Furthermore, incorporating straight news coverage that delves into the intricacies of social challenges can help bridge the gap between political news and social issues, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of our world.

Navigating the editorial dilemma

The editorial decision-making process is a complex one, with newsrooms grappling with limited resources and the need to capture readers' attention. However, editors must recognise their role as gatekeepers of information and catalysts for change. By engaging in constructive dialogue with their audience and actively seeking out a diverse range of stories, news organisations can break free from the dominance of political news and provide comprehensive coverage of social issues.

In a media landscape that thrives on sensationalism and political drama, the overshadowing of social issues within news coverage is a concern that warrants our attention. While political news plays a crucial role in informing citizens about the decisions that shape our societies, it is equally important to shed light on the pressing social challenges we face. By striking a balance between political news and social issues, news organisations can better serve their

audience and contribute to the collective pursuit of a more just and equitable world.

It is through such efforts that journalism can fulfill its responsibility to inform, engage, and inspire positive change.

The role of journalists in shaping public discourse

Journalists bear a significant responsibility in shaping public discourse and influencing the direction of societal conversations. By recognizing the power they hold, journalists can proactively address the imbalance between political news and social issues. In-depth articles, investigative reporting, and thoughtful analysis can bring social issues to the forefront, shedding light on the root causes and potential solutions.

Journalists must prioritise diversity and inclusivity in their reporting, ensuring that the voices and experiences of marginalized communities are represented. By giving a platform to those directly affected by social issues, journalists can foster empathy, understanding, and mobilisation among the public.

Collaboration and multidimensional reporting

Overcoming the dominance of political news requires collaboration and multidimensional reporting. News organisations can foster partnerships with nonprofits, NGOs, and grassroots organisations that work tirelessly to address social issues. By forging these alliances, journalists can gain deeper insights, access valuable resources, and amplify the impact of their reporting.

In addition, journalists can adopt a multidimensional approach to storytelling. By intertwining political news with social issues, they can highlight the connections between policies, decisions, and the everyday lives of people. This multidimensional approach can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between political landscapes and societal challenges.

Empowering readers to engage

Ultimately, readers and viewers play a crucial role in determining the direction of news coverage. By actively seeking out and engaging with stories that highlight social issues, individuals can demonstrate the demand for balanced reporting. Social media platforms provide a powerful tool for raising awareness and mobilizing support for social causes.

Sharing stories, engaging in constructive discussions, and amplifying the voices of marginalised communities can create a ripple effect, inspiring journalists and news organisations to prioritise social issues.


While the dominance of political news may persist, it is imperative that news organisations and journalists take proactive steps to rectify the disparity and give due attention to social issues. By embracing a balanced approach, prioritising inclusivity, and engaging in multidimensional reporting, journalists can ensure that social issues are not overshadowed by political news.

By empowering readers to engage and demand a more comprehensive coverage of societal challenges, we can collectively work towards a media landscape that

fosters understanding, empathy, and meaningful change. The time has come to strike the delicate balance between political news and social issues, ensuring that neither is neglected in the pursuit of an informed and equitable society.

Columnist: Ebenezer Quaye