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Sustained Peace In Bawku And Its Impact On Education

Fri, 31 Aug 2012 Source: Azindow, Alhassan Hadi

From: Alhassan Hadi Azindow

In recent times, the Bawku municipality has witnessed relative peace and this has gone a long way to enhance the educational standards of the municipality. I want to use this medium to make a passionate appeal to the people of Bawku to continue to smoke the peace pipe and also use dialogue as the means of resolving their differences.

Indeed the importance of peace to education cannot be overemphasised. Through sustained peace pupils are able to go to school peacefully without any intermittent closure of schools. The free flow of teaching and learning has helped the teachers to complete their syllabus on time and when this happens the students are able to pass their exams well.

Secondly, parents are able to go to work and thereby helping in the payment of their wards school fees. This has helped to provide an enabling environment for teachers and students. Students feel relieved and happy when their parents are able to pay their fees. It also shows how the parents love their children. Peace brings happiness among people.

Last but not least is the fact that through sustained peace students and parents are able to go about their daily activities without any interference. Organisation of extra classes has been made possible. A serene atmosphere is also created which is very important in teaching and learning.

I want to reiterate that sustained peace has really helped in the progress of education in Bawku. This been the case, I will ones again urge the people of Bawku to continue pursuing peace.

Columnist: Azindow, Alhassan Hadi